Little Wonders
Chapter 1: A Chance Occurrence
Kurama Minamino was many things. He was a gardener, an avid bookworm, a musician, and somewhat of a historian. He was not, however, closeted, as he told his friend Yusuke Urameshi over lunch one day.
"All I'm saying is that I can count on one hand how many dates you've been on and have fingers to spare." Yusuke argued. "Kuwabara and I can't tell whether we should be concerned or not."
Kurama ran a hand through his bright red hair and sighed. "While I appreciate your concern, Yusuke, it is not needed. I am fine."
"But all you do is putter around in that flower shop of yours all day." the other man protested. "You're missing human interaction in your life."
"And what do you call this?" the redhead asked, motioning to the two of them.
"You know what I mean." Yusuke replied with a pout.
"Yes, you mean female interaction." Kurama said. "There really is no interest."
The waitress chose that moment to bring them their check. She was polite to Yusuke, but blushed when Kurama handed her the money for his meal. She walked away, adding a little more sway to her hips than was necessary.
"See! That right there! That was interest, my friend. It happens everywhere we go."
Kurama just shook his head and waited for his change. He wasn't closeted. Not really. He knew very well that when he said there was no interest, he meant it the other way around.
The next day found Kurama opening his flower shop with a cheery smile. He was a morning person, and there was nothing better than coming down to his little store and greeting all of his charges. He hung his jacket up in the back and donned the apron that matched his emerald eyes perfectly. With a practiced hand, the redhead went around with his watering can, giving the plants their first drink of the day.
The bell over the door chimed announcing the arrival of the shop's only other employee. Kuronue was Kurama's old college roommate, and when he had shown up in town looking for a job, Kurama had welcomed the help.
"Morning, Red." The tall raven haired young man greeted his boss.
Kurama hummed a greeting in reply and continued to make his rounds with the watering can.
Kuronue went about making sure the store was ready to be opened. When Kurama joined him behind the counter, he raised an eyebrow. "Anything exciting planned for the weekend?" he asked, knowing the answer.
Kurama sighed and began arranging the bouquet they kept on the counter. "Actually, I am going to a party." he said.
"Whoa." Kuronue responded. "I don't think you've been to a party since college."
Kurama shrugged. "A friend of mine is getting married, so I will be attending his engagement party."
"Nice. I'd complain about not being invited, but I'm going up to Yomi's this weekend."
The bell over the door chimed again, and there was no more time for conversation.
An uneventful five hours passed, and the two workers prepared to close. Kuronue was in the back, so when the final customer of the day entered, Kurama was the one to help him. "Welcome to the Wandering Rose." he said.
A grunt was the only reply he got, so Kurama glanced up from the register. The customer was a young man who was at least a head shorter than him. He was dressed in all black which matched the shock of hair on top of his head. He raised reddish brown eyes to Kurama's green ones. "I need flowers." the customer said simply.
Kurama smiled kindly. "Then you are in the right place. What is the occasion, if I may ask? Something for a date?"
"Keh. Hardly." The shorter man replied. "My sister's getting married." he mumbled.
"Ah, then a bouquet for the bride?" Kurama asked.
"No. The wedding's a while off…I want…I don't like the moron she's marrying, but I want…"
Green eyes lit up in understanding. "You want something to show her that even though you don't necessarily approve of her choice, you accept it."
A nod was his reward. "Just a moment." Kurama disappeared for a minute, then returned holding a pot of blue violets. He presented them to the customer with a smile. "These are violets. In the language of flowers, they mean watchfulness."
The short man blinked. "Like, I accept her choice but will always be watching?" he asked.
"Precisely." Kurama answered. "And these will last longer than a bouquet."
"Thanks." the man paid for the flowers and left, allowing Kuronue and Kurama to close up.
Yusuke parked his car in front of a nice sized house. He opened the door for his long time girlfriend and waited for Kurama to get out. The three of them walked up to the front door and knocked.
It was flung open by a tall man with orange hair. "Urameshi! Keiko! Kurama! It's about time you got here." he boomed.
"Sorry, Kuwabara." Keiko said. "Someone refused to use the GPS, and we got turned around."
"Whatever, we're here now, aren't we?" Yusuke grumbled. He pulled Kuwabara into a hug. "Congratulations, man! Who woulda thought your ugly ass would be getting hitched!"
"Laugh it up, Urameshi." Kuwabara replied. "You'll be next."
Kurama offered his congratulations as well, and then moved into the living room. He spotted his friend's fiancée and offered her a hug. Other than the hosts, Yusuke, and Keiko, he didn't know anyone at this party. He was just beginning to wish he had made up some excuse as to why he couldn't attend, when a familiar shock of hair caught his attention.
Kuwabara's future wife Yukina came over towing the short man from the flower shop behind her. "Kurama, I don't think you've met my brother yet. Hiei this is one of Kazuma's friends, Kurama. Kurama, my brother Hiei."
The two men eyed each other as Yukina drifted off to greet more people. "Did she like them?" Kurama asked suddenly. "The flowers?"
"Hn." Hiei answered. "She cried."
Kurama nodded. "So you don't like Kuwabara."
"He's a buffoon, and she can do better."
The redhead followed Hiei's gaze to where Kuwabara was telling a loud story to some of Yukina's friends from work. "He loves her." Kurama offered. "Much more than he loves himself." Hiei snorted. "This must be your home." Kurama continued. "Yukina and Kuwabara's apartment would not have fit so many people."
The dark haired male looked away. "She wanted the party." he mumbled.
"And even though you find her fiancé…lacking, you allowed her to have the party here. You are a good brother."
Hiei grunted and picked up a drink from the table, downing it in one gulp. He looked up at Kurama and made a decision. "I'm getting out of here." he said. "I've done my part, and I hate things like this."
Kurama looked around the crowded room with distaste. "I am not fond of them either." he replied. When he looked back, Hiei was gone.
A quick search found him halfway up the stairs with an expectant look on his face. "Well, are you coming?" he demanded.