A Singing Seduction.

By Princess Sam-i-am

Thanks for all the help! I'm so so so so so sorry its so late but high school and the holidays can be such a pain, you know? And I soooo had writer block. LOL. So lets start the show!

Chapter 4: Two is Better Than One while I'm Poppin' Champagne and Taking Chances

Sumiko woke up with one of the worst hang overs she ever had in her life. Naruto just MADE her drink last night...well drink MORE anyway. She spent a WEEK worth of pay in one night at the same bar! Her job! Curse them all! Him and Sasuke just made her life so much harder. If they just fucked and got it over with she'd just sleep well at night knowing her buddy was happy and less prissy. Emi was in the kitchen, two mugs of steaming loveliness in hand. One made of lots of sugar and lots of cream, the other made of little half and half and some of sugar.

"Coffee!" Sumiko yelled as she grabbed the pink princess mug full of obesity and caffeine.

She just smiled, ready for work and handed the orange mug to their blonde pop star.

"Coffee!" Naruto yelled and took his place at the kitchen counter next to Sumiko. They both drank their liquid heroes, thanking Emi for not being a alcoholic. She is so wonderful!

"I love you two, too."

Naruto loved Emi! She was everything he could need after a hang over... plus a ride to work. At the studio he sat thinking of Sasuke.

Sasuke was up all night thinking how he could prevent Naruto falling to the hands of another man. Also as he thought this, he began to wonder how gay did his thought became. More and more he sounded like a teen girl. Garra—who never sleeps almost—had made Sasuke think. While he sat up with the red head, they wrote a few songs that was to woo his blonde angel. They all sucked. As the two dressed then drove silently to work. Sasuke was still working on his first one.

"Good Morning Naurto-Kun," Garra greeted as the two silent men walked in.

"Hi. Mornin' to ya too Garra-Kun. Sasuke-Teme."

Sasuke stared blankly at the foxy angel, "Hn."

Naruto took his breath away. His simple tee and blue jeans made him look so handsome.

"Did ya'll work hard last night? Write any new songs?"

Garra smiled at Naruto, "Yes. We started to but Sasuke and I cant seem to finish the first two. Would you like to help him?"

Sasuke glared at the red headed demon. He could write alone. He almost always had! And working with Naruto would be...

"Sure! I think it'd be fun." He grinned as the two made their way to a private place to work. Garra just smiled and wave as the two walked away.

"Now maybe I can read now."

Sitting in an awkward silence, Naruto rocked his chair back and forth. The sound of the legs under the tile bugged Sasuke. His eyes twitched at this action.

Squeak. Squeak. Squeak.

Sasuke watched as Naruto eyes closed as he hummed a nameless tune. He absentmindedly scratched the whisker marks on his face.

Squeak. Squeak. Squeak.

It reminded Sasuke of the sound of bodies on top of each other enjoying each other parts. What would it be like to be in bed with him? Is he new at something like that? He wondered and blush slightly.

"So what do ya got so far Teme?"

Squeak. Squeak. Squeak.

He couldn't think!




"Well," Naruto said, "That's boring. Lets go out."

Sasuke taking a drink of his water only to spit it out. Normally he'd just 'Hn' and move on but Naruto had him coming undone. Naruto made a funny face,one mixed with confusion and amazement, as he stared at the 21 years old man.

"Come on Teme. Its not like its a date, you just need some...fun!"

Sasuke stared "I have fun."

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Come ON! Watching Garra-Kun read is not called fun."

"I don't do that."

"Sitting by yourself is not fun."

"So? Being alone can be fun."

"Come on Sasuke...Two is better than one. Live a little."

Two is better than one...

Sasuke sat up and stayed there for a minute. Something about that phrase made him think. And thinking lead to a song. He quickly scribbled down a few lines before answering.

"Sure. Lets hang out."

Naruto confused face turned to one of joy as he glomped the elder boy. Naruto was getting to hang with Sasuke! Wonderful!

"Lets go to the park!"


And that was the end of the story.

Sasuke and Naruto went to Naruto beat up orange jeep. What the hell was up with this kid and orange? Inside was swimming gear, ramen cups, painting and art supplies, a keyboard and hiking boots. Naruto was a man of many talents.

"Sorry. I have a lot in the back."


Naruto grinned and got on the driver side. He tried to slide over his hood to get there only to slip off.


He blushed and just started to drive. Smooth move Naru.

As they drove to the park, the two talked bout meaningless things.

"How long have you lived in Kohana with Kyuubi-San alone?"

"About eleven or twelve years."

"How old were you two?"

"Well," Naruto said "I was about 10 I guess and he was 18."

"Was it lonely?"


"I see. And—"


The rest of the ride was quite as they rode to the park. Sasuke had nothing to say. When they got there, Naruto passed him a vollyball.

"Lets go Teme!"

He was like a big kid, who didn't know what to do with himself in a toy store. A group of kids were on the swings and smiled at the pair.

"Hiya Naru-Nii!"

He bounced over to them and was cover by hugs. Kids loved him. Maybe because he was a kid himself. Later, dancing onto the soft sand, Narto jumped and laughed. Quickly, Naruto pulled of his shirt. Sasuke mouth dropped. He was sexy! His golden abs were a sight to be hold and oh so smooth. And he had a tattoo off odd swirls on his toned belly. Who takes their shirts off in October?

"Whats up Sasuke Teme?"



Sasuke and Naruto raced to the empty court. Naruto tripped Sasuke making his back land with a thud; his hair was dusted with sand. Sasuke tripped the boy back and the blonde got sand right in his face. The two laughed and acted like kids for a few minutes. Sasuke never loved the a day more than he did today.

"I bet I can beat you!"

Sasuke smirked,"Hn. Whatever!"

The two played game after game and tied them all. When Sasuke stopped for air, he laughed. This was so fun! He hadn't done this in so long.

"Naruto! That was so fun! Did you see that—"

He looked around and didn't see a mass of blonde waves. He looked around only to see him passed out, face down. rolling the blonde over on the sand he laid him down and looked him over. He wasn't breathing so he used his CPR knowledge from high school. Placing his lips over the blonde's chapped one, he tasted salt water and oranges. He did CPR for only a few minutes before the blonde was awake.


"Naruto! Are you OK?"


"Whats wrong?" Sasuke asked worry painting his face.

"...You're fucking heavy for a skinny guy."

Looking down, he saw he was completely now on top of his angel. Silently apologizing to the younger boy, he helped him up.

"I think we should go back to the studio," Naruto said. As he walked away, Sasuke small smile fell as he thought not being with the blonde like this. He needed to do something.



"No," Sasuke said slightly blushing, "Let me get something to eat first. You must be hungry after a day of running and after passing out, you need to eat. I'll get you ramen?

Naruto looked at the older boy oddly but when the word ramen was said he grabbed the raven and raced to the car.

Kyuubi loved his brother, really he did, but Naruto was so...Naruto sometimes. He was stubborn , irrational and just plain dumb sometimes. Everyone they lived with knew, just knew, Sasuke and Naruto liked each other and it drove Kyuubi nuts! Cleaning up after the boy, picking up ramen cups, he looked at the time. 1 pm in the afternoon. He should already be at work but he took the week off to drive to Suna. Suna was a place they once lived at for a long time when Kyu was little. Before...

He just shook his head.

"Its not the time for that! I need to go shopping with Sumiko in Suna."

Leaving, he left the pet fox to it's nap and he left for across the hall.

Naruto didn't know what to say. He had his first kisses with Sasuke and HE WASN'T EVEN AWAKE FOR THEM! Not like the blonde was going to give up now. He will get him to kiss him again... but how? He could try to be cute and coy. Or maybe forceful? Casual? Hm. He pondered this for a moment.

"Dobe, we're here."


"We're here."

Looking outside, he saw Ramen Ichiraku as clear as day.


The two walked inside calmly. Old Man Teuchi and his daughter Ayame greeted them warmly.

"Welcome Naruto-Kun!"

"Hi'ya Old man! Ayame-Nii!"

"Would you like the Beef or Miso ramen today?" Ayame asked.

Naruto sat there for only a second then grin like a Cheshire cat.

"I wanna a large serving of Miso Ramen with roasted pork fillet! And grumpy gills here will have—"

"The same."

Naruto gave that grin and waited on the lovely Ayame. When the ramen was ready the two ate in a sweet silence. The radio that Teuchi always kept on was playing a soft song before the DJ came back on.

"This is DJ Lil' Mac and That was Sai and his new hit off his Solo album, Black Diamond. Nice huh? Funny enough coming up next is the one of the soon to bemany new singles out right now from Sai's old band, Demonic Angels."

"Naruto!" Ayame yelled, "He talking about you guys!"

The blonde blushed knowing his voice was on the radio but...wait...?

"They must be working fast because this song came out at like ninja speed!"

"KAKASHI!" Naruto yelled as Sasuke rolled his eyes, "You ASS!"

Sasuke was used to the older man rush on useless things.

"To me it feels like less like a come back and more of a rebirth. Their new singer works so well with the band there is no way to say they are NOT hot! Naruto has a voice like no other and I can't wait to see what he can do LIVE! So enjoy!"

Glee: Lea Michele & Cory Monteith - Pretending

Hinata is 'LALALA' Naru is "LALA" and this (Both)

(Face to face, and heart to heart
We're so close, yet so far apart.
I close my eyes, I look away
That's just because I'm not okay.)

Naruto turned to look at Sasuke. He remembered recording it. That song was so hard to sing knowing he was watching him. Sasuke heart raced thinking of how the blonde closed his eyes as he softly as he sang the song Sasuke wrote. The blonde looked pained but he still sang.

'But I hold on, I stay strong'
'Wondering if we still belong.'

(Will we ever say the words we're feeling,
Reach out underneath and tear down all the walls?
Will we ever have a happy ending
Or will we forever only be pretending?)

(Will we a-ah, a-ah-lways, a-ah, a-ah-lways,
a-ah, a-ah-lways be pretending?)

"How long do I fantasize?
Make believe that it's still alive?"
(Imagine that I am good enough
And we can choose the ones we love?)

Naruto blushed when he saw the raven stare back and returned to looking at his hands. He was wondering if Naruto himself was pretending he didn't fine the teme handsome and kinda sweet was to much. He knew once Sasuke had liked him but that was when he wasn't Sasuke at all but some random guy on the street. Did he still feel the same? Or was he pretending not to?

"But I hold on, I stay strong
Wondering if we still belong."

(Will we ever say the words we're feeling,
Reach out underneath and tear down all the walls?
Will we ever have a happy ending
Or will we forever only be pretending?)

(Will we a-ah, a-ah-lways, a-ah, a-ah-lways,
a-ah, a-ah-lways be...)

Sasuke tried to pretend he wasn't watching the blonde but the way he blushed, he couldn't help it. He was very much in love with that blush. Then Sasuke saw a flash of the blush he gave when Sai had ran into him. It still made his blood boil. But he had to act like he didn't care what they did. He was to cool. He was a Uchiha.

"Keeping secrets safe
Every move we make;
Seems like no one's left to know"
'And it's such a shame
'Cause if you feel the same
How am I supposed to know?'

Sasuke remember the look on the blonde's face when the song was over. As if a weight was lifted of his shoulders, he smiled and actually cried. Sasuke wanted to cry to but he couldn't. He hadn't cried in years... not like Sasuke was a pussy or anything. You have to admit, these people are not just really good singers, they packed so much emotion in their voices it can bring someone to tears. Instead he smiled.

(Will we ever say the words we're feeling,
Reach out underneath and tear down all the walls?
Will we ever have a happy ending
Or will we forever only be pretending?)

(Will we a-ah, a-ah-lways, a-ah, a-ah-lways,
a-ah, a-ah-lways be...)

"Will we a-ah, a-ah-lways, a-ah, a-ah-lways,
a-ah, a-ah-lways be..."

(Will we a-ah, a-ah-lways, a-ah, a-ah-lways,
a-ah, a-ah-lways be pretending?)

Naruto blushed to no extent as Ramen Ichiraku cheered for the two band members.

"Ramen on the house Kid!" Old Man Teuchi yelled as the roars of new fans dance into their ears.

This day couldn't get better. He saw a mop of long orange hair. Oh no...not here...

"Kyuubi are you sure about this?" Sumiko asked, worry carved into her face. The red head was never more sure about anything in his life. If he didn't say it he will never know.

"If you say it you can't go back."

He nodded his head, "I know."

"Then do it."

Looking down he yelled,"I call Bull Shit!"

Sumiko threw her cards in the air and yelled in distaste!

"You win AGAIN! Dang Kyuu-Pyon! You always cheat at cards!"

Laughing he gathered up his cards and smile at the girl.

"I don't know about that but you bluff always kinda suck."

"DO NOT!" she yelled. He just shrugged and pretended like it didn't matter.

"So," Sumiko stated, "What do think about Sasuke and Naru?"

Shrugging his shoulder, he made his way to the trash to throw away their lunch..



The two walked in sincere silence.

"You should go see her, you know." Sumiko whispered.

"I did. She still wont understand. She's to far gone Sumi."

Sumiko stared, "Are you sure?"


"You should tell Naru about..."

Kyuubi face glowed with rage and pain. It hurt to much to look at him. It looked almost demon like and it put fear in Sumiko heart.

"I cant! And I WONT!"


He yelled, not caring who saw, "JUST DROP IT!...Lets go home."

"I'm sorry."

So was he...

Naruto hide his face. Why was HE here? A blush came upon his face. What did he do to piss Karma off?

"Oh no! His coming over here."

"Who?" Sasuke said looking around. He saw the orange haired man. Orange?

"DON'T LOOK!My ex, Momohiro, is here and he is walking this way!"

Sasuke looked anyway. He was ok looking with odd orange hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes. He looked like a fruit salad to him. He laughed orange hair...really! Was it because it was Naruto favorite color? So creepy!

"FISH CAKE!" Momohiro yelled, a glow on his. Was he for real?


Sasuke just stared. Fish cake? Peach? How lame can you fucking get?

"What are YOU doing HERE! Your a big ROCK STAR now and you still get like the SAME ramen?"

"Yup." He forced a awkward fake-happy smile.

"Dude, can I get your number? I KNOW we had like some REAL shit back in high school but I was ALWAYS your BIGGEST FAN!"


"Sorry. Naruto can't. We have to go now."

"HOLY CRAP! You are like TOATALLY like SASUKE fucking UCHIHA!"

"I know."

"WOW! Like OK. I'll see you around SEXY! LATER!"

Naruto and Sasuke slipped out without another sound.

"Naruto," he said, "What the hell was that?"

"That was Momohiro Takuhara. My ex from my First Year of High School."

"Wow..was he always like that?"


Naruto's day could NOT get any more shitty! Are you kidding?

Sasuke could tell Naruto felt bad so he had to fix it.

Pulling the skin his face he smiled at the angel.

"Yellow, My name is MOMOHIRO and I'm like a FUCKING DOUCHE BAG 'cause I like to add like after like every other word AND put like SO MUCH effect on SIMPLE FUCKING WORDS like a TEEN GURRRRRL."

That made Naruto smile. Sasuke sounded really gay and oddly like Momo.

"My tan is LIKE so FAKE and I dress like I wanna to be A REAL FRUIT! And I'm like so GAY that my 'HAYYYYY' couldn't even pull a half blind drag queen who was forced to dress themselves in like THE DARK!"

Now the both are laughing all the way to the car. He didn't know that Sasuke could joke around with his prissy butt. Sasuke felt so relaxed and free when he was with the blonde. He knew what to write about now.

"Hey, I think I should go back to the studio to work if you drop me off we can hang later. Ok?"

Naruto gave a weak smile before getting in the car. Sasuke kind of felt bad but he had to write this song!

"We're here Teme." Naruto said with a pout look on his face. Sasuke got out and looked down at the boy still the car.

"Thanks Dobe. I'll see you later."

And without a second thought he kissed his forehead and walked into the KLN building.

What was that? Sasuke kissed his forehead! It wasn't what Naruto meant when he wanted to be kissed awake but it was something! Yay!

"Hurry up, Naruto." Sakura whined pulling on the poor blonde's arm.

"It's not like the club is going anywhere, Sakura." Naruto sighed as the pink haired girl pulled him down the sidewalk.

"We have to get there before 11 or Ten-Ten will get mad." Sakura said.

"It's 10." Naruto sighed.

"Kyu-san, Sumi-san, Emi-san, and the others are waiting at YOUR CAR." Sakura said. Naruto sighed.

"This is ridiculous, I mean I understand why Neji, Kiba, Hinata-Chan and I are going, but why are you coming?" Sasuke asked.

"Shut up," Sakura said with a smile.

With a pout, Naruto let her drag him away.


"Come on, Naruto-kun, don't be such a brat." Sakura said.

"I am a brat. Believe it. Beside, you just wanna look like a slut for Sasuke-Teme."


"Oww, Sakura-chan!"

"There you guys are." Ten huffed when Naruto and his now apointed "entourage" finally arrived.

"Sorry, Naruto made the wrong turn." Sakura smiled knowing he was driving them home even before they left. Neji and Kiba also looked like being at the club was the last thing they wanted to be doing.

"This is troublesome." Shikamaru sighed.

"Oh please, as if you wouldn't love to see your boyfriend performing." Ino falsely scoffed.

"Ew, please don't." Shikamaru laughed softly. Garra stared at the group with a sigh.

"Can we just go inside? It's fucking cold." Sasuke growled as he pushed past his friends and band mates and went into the club. Inside the music was pounding and the lights were flashing and people were dancing and gettin drunk. Sasuke sighed and made a b-line for the bar. If he was going to survive this place he was going to have to be drunk. Meanwhile, Naruto had the same idea.

"Sasuke?" Naruto smiled when he saw the dark haired man at the bar. "They finally got you to come, huh?" Sasuke rose an eyebrow at the outfit the blonde was wearing. He wore a pair of tight jeans and and his pants hung low enough on his hips to show he wasn't wearing any underwear either. His t-shirt was black and hugged his feminine frame. He was hot.

The dark tanned bar tender stared at the two and almost died when he saw the blonde.

"Uzumaki-kun?" he yelled.

"Honda-kun? How are you! Do Sumiko know you work here?"

"Yeah, Nii-san told me you might be here? Do you and Uchiha-san want a drink?"

"Give me a beer." Sasuke said. Who was this guy?

"Same here!"

"Deal. Anything for my big sister's buddy." Honda nodded and handed them beers. Naruto didn't waste his time getting drunk and Honda didn't mind helping him. Once Naruto was sufficiently drunk he went to find his friends dancing on the floor.

"Where have you been?" Sakura shouted.

"At the bar." Sasuke answered.

"What the hell, you're drunk?" Ino huffed.

"Yeah, Honda hooked me up." Naruto nodded.

"He's at the bar?" Emi asked.

"He's pretty busy though." Sasuke said. Sumiko snorted.

"My brother is a lazy bum."

Kyu laughed, "Just like his Nii-san!"


"Owwy Sumiko-chan."

Among all the laughing, Naruto heard the band's song blasting from the speakers.

"FUCK! Its our song!" He yelled jumping up and down drunkenly and all other thoughts vanished as he quickly ran to the dance floor. Grabbing Kiba's hand and he drug him along.

"Let's DANCE!"

Sasuke glared across the room from the bar, knuckles white from gripping his beer.

All Time Low - Poppin'

You've got me poppin' champagne
I'm at it again
Caught up in the moment
But not in the right way

"Where Naru-chan," Sumiko asked.

He turned around to point over at where Naruto was dancing, but stopped dead when he noticed that his beautiful blonde angel had all eyes on him. Back to Kiba's front, he grinded on a blushing dog who now became timid next to the blonde.

"Oh no."

I'm falling in between
Tearing up at the seams
We're just aiming to please
And aesthetics don't hurt one bit

"Oh wow, he can really move cant he?" Garra asked lightly. He kinda wished he was Kiba right now. Garra looked over to Sasuke.

Sasuke nodded with a glared as he watch Naruto plump ass rub on Kiba. He would kill him later. He took a large gulp and ordered another beer. Garra looked back at the pair. Maybe he should be GLAD he wasn't Kiba.

So follow me down
Take this all the way
Any way you want to

Naruto slid his body down the Kiba's back and back up, Kiba didn't know what to do with his hands so he let them stay at his side.

Why don't you say so?
I think I'm caught in between
The nights and days fly by
When I'm lost on the streets
And my eyes, they despise you for who I am
Why don't you say so?
Why don't you say so?

Meanwhile, another was making his way to Naruto.

"Naruto-kun? Mind if I cut in?" a voice said

"Sai! Yeah. Here." Kiba said partly glad to pass the death card to someone else.

Sai grabbed Naruto as they practically was having dry sex on the floor.

You've got me thinking that
Lately I've been wishing
The television set would show me more
Than just a picture of the things I've grown to detest
I strip down my dignity
They can take all of me
But they won't ever take what I still believe

"Well, look at that. They look good." Garra said with a slight smirk. Sai, Sasuke second most hated person, dry humping the blond. This was going to be good! He liked a little blood shed. Ah sweet blood on the dace floor.

Sasuke ignored his comment as he moved his way to the dance floor, towards Naruto, forgetting the drinks he had ordered. Garra picked them up as took a sip.

"This looks like fun."

So follow me down
Take this all the way
Any way you want to

As Sasuke moved his way to Naruto he, again, noticed all eyes focused on his blonde, trying hard not to hear all the pickup lines being thrown towards him or the fact Sai's hands danced all over the blondes skin.

Why don't you say so?
I think I'm caught in between
The nights and days fly by
When I'm lost on the streets
And my eyes, they despise you for who I am
Why don't you say so?
Why don't you say so?
Give up and let go
I'm just a boy with a dream

"Hey, Naruto!"

And you can take one look
As I fall in between
With my eyes just as wide as my mouth can be
Why don't you say so?
Why don't you say so?

"Naruto!" Sasuke yelled over the loud music as he got a grip on the smaller boy and pushed Sai away.

"Sasuke! Your finally here, I'm having so much fun! You should dance too!" Naruto replied as he turned to face the raven, draping his arms around the taller boy's neck. Sasuke smirked and mouthed to Sai "I will kill you."

I know, I know, I know
That there's a place for me somewhere out there
I know, I know, I know
That there's a place for me somewhere out there

Sai flashed a fake-happy smile as he waved good bye. This was not over. He will have Naruto.

Sasuke place both arms aound the blonde waist. Naruto felt his face turn red, "Um..."

"No problem dobe."

"But haven't you noticed all the guys trying to pick you up?" Sasuke asked, carefully keeping his tone more casual and less pissed.

"Guys? Why would guys wanna pick me up?" Naruto snorted, obviously amused at the thought. He wasn't THAT hot.

Sasuke raised his eyebrows as Naruto laughed heartily.

"It's not like we are like in some kind... of..." Naruto's words trailed off, his mouth drying up, as he realized...
"You, Sasuke Uchiha, are jealous. "

Why don't you say so?
I think I'm caught in between
The nights and days fly by
When I'm lost on the streets

"And? I saw you dance." Sasuke said slowly, "And I couldn't stand the idea of someone else having their hands on you." Naruto turned bright red. Sasuke pulled Naruto close that he could hear his even heart beat.

"You let him molest you, but you can't stand to be around me when I..."Sasuke said huskily into Naruto's ear. Naruto shivered slightly.

"When you what, Teme" Naruto answered as Sasuke started rubbing his legs and massaging his ass. Naruto's shivered slightly. Sasuke could feel Naruto's heat rise.

"You don't already know?" Sasuke asked. Naruto gripped the back of Sasuke's head and forced him to look at him before kissing him hard.

My eyes, they despise you for who I am
Why don't you say so?
Why don't you say so?
Give up and let go
I'm just a boy with a dream
And you can take one look
As I fall in between
With my eyes just as wide as my mouth can be
Why don't you say so?
Why don't you say so?

"Bathroom. Ten minutes." Naruto said against Sasuke's lips. Sasuke smirked and let Naruto go.

Sasuke laugh as he placed another kiss on his lips, softer than before.


Naruto huffed and nodded. Sasuke walked off and made sure to keep an eye on his watch.

"Alright, I am Ichigo and due to me being a good friend with a good women, Ten-Ten, we have a live performance from Demonic Angels' SASUKE UCHIHA and a new unheard of song. SANG HERE FIRST FOLK! Ok, here is SASUKE UCHIHA!"

BOYS LIKE GIRL-Two Is better than One

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life
And I thought hey
You know this could be something

Sasuke remembered that day well.

"Welcome sir. Table for one?" Sakura said fluttering her eye lashes. It was his first day at a local pancake shop.

"Yes. One hopefully away from a lot of people?"

"Ah. Yes! Ok this way please."

Making way for Sasuke, he sat in a booth in the far back.

"Good morning." A sunshine boy said smiling down at Sasuke.

Giving back a half smile he nodded."Good morning."

The blond had a bright orange shirt that read, 'Don't worry. Be happy!'

"So what would you like today?"

Coz everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now Im left with nothing
Walking into the back room leading the band was Sasuke who bumbed into Naruto.

"Hello." he said on top of him.



"OH MY GOD!" they yelled.

"Is he OK?" Gaara asked.

"Is he died?" Kiba asked.

"Naw just fainted." Kyuubi said.

Maybe its true, that I cant live without you
Well maybe two is better than one
Theres so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And youve already got me coming undone
And Im thinking two, is better than one

Naruto thought this was the sweetest thing the Teme has ever done for him. It was a love song!

I remember every look upon your face,
The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
Coz when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everythings okay
I'm finally now believing

Sasuke tapped his shoulder.
"Oh shit! Is there an bad guy behind me-" Naruto cried frantically as he turned around swiftly to find nothing there. Sasuke thought this was defiantly the third time that week. No more scary movies for the blonde.

Sasuke smiled, he found his frantic behavior to be very cute.

"Nope." Sasuke replied slowly as he watched the blonde roll his eyes.

"One day, people like you will get killed by me."

"Get a good lawyer then."

And maybe its true, that I cant live without you
Well maybe two is better than one
Theres so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And youve already got me coming undone
And Im thinking two, is better than one

"But.. But.. Ino! I dont wanna .. I'm not a girl!" whined Naruto as he followed the Blondie to the dressing room of the store.

Ino stopped and turned around and said, "You have to do it! And besides, you look like a chick that can get laid so I'll know if it would look good on me."

Naruto blushed and stammered," T-The hell? No! I'm not gonna get it laid! And I DONT LOOK LIKE A GIRL! You try it on."

The blondie just laughed and said," Come on... You have to."

Sasuke laughed, "You DO look like a girl Dobe."

"Fuck you."

"So you do wanna get laid?"

Yeah yeah.

Naruto's eye twitched in anger. "YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING SHITTING ME!"

"People are still sleeping dobe!"

"But MARIO keeps dying!"



I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life
And I thought hey

And maybe its true, that I cant live without you
Well maybe two is better than one
Theres so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
And youve already got me coming undone
And Im thinking

Oooh I cant live without you
Coz baby two is better than one
Theres so much time, to figure out the rest of my life
But Ive figured out with all thats said and done
That two, is better than one

Two Is better than one

The crowd roared. And the song was for him, Naruto, who was blushing. He wanted to be together, together.

Sasuke walked off and made sure to keep an eye on his watch. Five minutes later he went into the bathroom and waited only a few seconds before Naruto also came in.

"Hey." Naruto smiled.

"Hey." Sasuke said. They both grabbed each other and smashed their lips together. Sasuke immediately shoved his tongue into the other's warm and eager mouth. Naruto walked them backwards into one of the stalls and locked the door. "You have no idea what watching you dance did to me." Sasuke said kissing up and down the blonde's neck. He could taste the sweat from him dancing. He was going to touch everywhere Sai had and make him pure once more.

"When did you write that song?" Naruto smiled.

"Today. After you dropped me off."

Naruto nibbled one Sasuke neck. Sasuke moaned and pulled Naruto forward to kiss him once more. He could do this forever...

"Naruto, I..."

"Man I need to take a a fucking big shit!" a deep male voice said rushing into the bathroom. The magic was killed.

Naruto gave Sasuke one more kiss. "I'll see you later. Did you drive?"

"I'm not drunk like you so I'll drive you to my house."

Naruto smiled and left the bathroom. Sasuke took a few minutes to calm down before he left the bathroom. He was either an angel or a demon.

"Where have you been?" Kyu asked.

"Not feeling too well. I think I'm gonna go home with Sasuke." Naruto said.

"What? But we were going to get shit faced." Sumiko pouted. Naruto looked at her and sighed. They always got drunk and he was drunk enough!

"I'm going to take Naruto home with me. He had drank enough today." Sasuke added with a smirk.

"Okay, okay." Kyu sighed. He had a bad feeling but he'll worry later. His sweet brother liked Sasuke for a reason right?

"I'm leaving. I'll see you guys on Monday." Sasuke waved as he left the club, Naruto under his arm

(This part right here is A LOT more Rated M than T so you have been warned! If you dont like Yaoi Sex dont read it! You can skip over it.)

Naruto stumbled as he walked into Sasuke's apartment. Sasuke moved them both so they would be both sitting on the couch. Sasuke looked down and smirked.

"I don't need your help." Naruto said pulling away. Sasuke laughed as the blonde stood in front of Sasuke.

"How about we finish what we started at the club?" Sasuke said reaching out and wrapping his arms around Naruto's hips and kissing the blonde's stomach. Naruto ran his fingers through Sasuke's hair as the raven pushed up his shirt to lick the soft, tan skin hidden beneath.

"That tickles." Naruto giggled. Sasuke place butterfly kisses around Naruto's navel snd over his tatto as he made the blonde take a step closer again so that they were pressed against each other. Naruto stroked Sasuke's hair as Sasuke slowly unzipped Naruto's pants and pushed them down. Naruto breathed out uneven as he gripped Sasuke's shoulders to steady himself. Was this really happening? Sasuke licked the underside of the long organ before taking as much as he could into his mouth. Sasuke's head bobbed as he sucked and nipped Naruto's member. Naruto tried as hard not to make a sound but it was so good.. He did fairly well for a while but finally his control snapped and he forced Sasuke to take all of his length in. Sasuke gagged but Naruto held him and came down Sasuke's throat and Sasuke started coughing violently.

"You trying to kill me Dobe?" Sasuke coughed. He would so get it for that.

"Sorry, I lost control." Naruto smiled bashfully. Sasuke wiped his mouth and glared at Naruto. Naruto pulled Sasuke to his feet and wrapping his arms around Sasuke's neck as Sasuke cupped the angels ass.

"Nn, stop." Naruto said.

"You say that but you don't mean it." Sasuke smirked as he ground their hips together.

"Ah, wait." Naruto moaned.

"Wait?" Sasuke asked leaning down to kiss Naruto's neck.

"At least go to the bed." Naruto panted. Sasuke smirked.

"OK then." Sasuke said biting Naruto's neck. Naruto gasped and gripped Naruto's arms.

"Fine, then hurry up." Naruto huffed. Sasuke smiled and quickly pulled them into his room and pulled off all of their clothes. Sasuke smiled and looked over Naruto appreciatively.

"Nice." Sasuke said. Naruto huffed and pulled Sasuke closer.

"Don't stare at me, it's embarrassing." Naruto said before kissing Sasuke. Sasuke laid Naruto on the bed before kissing his warm flesh. Sasuke slowly pressed his fingers into Naruto s entrance and started stretching him. Naruto bit his lip.

"You're so cute, Naruto." Sasuke whispered softly. "Normally you're so rude and uncaring about me, but here you are whimpering and moaning just for me. You really are adorable." Sasuke said kissing Naruto gently.

"Shut up." Naruto blushed and looked off to the side. "And i do care."

"Aw, blushing makes you even cuter." Sasuke smiled.

"Stop. Don't say things like that." Naruto said. Naruto kissed Sasuke deeply.

"Okay, okay. I won't say anymore." Sasuke smiled lovingly. Sasuke pulled out his fingers and spread Naruto's legs. He smiled as he looked over Naruto's body. He looked more than ready for him.

"Don't say anything stupid." Naruto warned him. Sasuke nodded.

"I won't. Are you ready?" Sasuke asked. Naruto nodded. Sasuke gently pressed into Naruto's body.

"Do it hurt?"

"A little."

He waited for Naruto to adjust and slowly started thrusting. Naruto moaned and arched his back. This gave Sasuke the power to do what he been wanting for a long time. Faster now, he felt sweat form on his brow.

"So good." Naruto panted. Sasuke nodded and put one of Naruto s legs over his shoulder to give himself a better angle. Naruto bit his lip to muffle his screams and moans when Sasuke slammed into his prostate. Naruto has never felt this before. Who knew Sasuke Uchiha was really a sex god!

"Feel good?" Sasuke panted out. He loved the way the blonde felt inder hin. He had him for himself. No one could have him the way he did now.

"Yes. More. Do it more." Naruto gasped. Soon they both came. After thy finished Sasuke laid on top of Naruto as they caught their breath.

"Now I'm exhausted." Naruto sighed and yawned then moved Sasuke off of him.

"Let's clean up and go to bed." Sasuke said.

"But I'm sleepy Sasu..." Sasuke smiled and tickled the blonde and watched as his angel giggled under his hand. Placing a soft kiss on his lips, Sasuke got up, helping Naruto up as well.

"Are you okay? I was kinda rough. Can you walk?" Sasuke asked worridly. Naruto smiled and nodded. Sasuke was more caring after sex. He did to remeber that.

"I'm fine." he said as they went into the bathroom. They took a quick shower and then went straight to bed after drying off. Sasuke pulled Naruto to his side and Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke's waist with his head on Sasuke's shoulder.

"Night, Naru." Sasuke said.

"Night, Sas." Naruto yawned as he fell asleep.

Sasuke looked over at his sleeping angel kissing the top of Naruto's head.

"I love you..."

Please don't kill me for the sex part! It was my best friend idea. She said it was taking to long for them to get together and it was pissing her off. I thought, well they get drunk. That happens right? Any idea for the next chapter is welcomed!Thank you for the LONG LONG wait.