Sorry it's taken me so long to update, I have major writers bloke with this story but hopefully I can get my flow back.

FreedomWriter10: this is my favourite story at the moment, I've had so many review!

FreedomWriter10 jumps in joy!

Chris: you wont get any more if you don't start writing again.

Wyatt: true you have been lazy lately, stop playing around with your new blackberry, BBM'ing people is not going to help get your story done.

FreedomWriter10: don't blame me its my friends they keep distracting me with movies and such! Although they have given me ideas for new story's I've got a Percy Jackson, Pirates of the Caribbean Crossover coming soon but I'm putting it off till I finish this story.

Chris: you better! Ignoring our story, Wyatt freeze her ass to the chair.

Wyatt waves his hands and freedom writer cant get off of the chair.

Chris takes her blackberry and throws it out the window.

FreedomWriter10: NOOOOO! I need that to upload the story!

Chris waves his hand and the blackberry flies in to it.

Chris: you'll get this back after you've Written another chapter.

FreedomWriter10 gets to work!

Chris: FreedomWriter10 doesn't own charmed.

Wyatt: review this story because it emails her blackberry when you do, and she gets really happy and writes another chapter.


"maybe if we try a tracker demon." Paige Asks her sisters whiles she flicks though the book.

"wouldn't help us, Chris' killed to many of them, their not gonna help us find the person whose trying to wipe them out." Phoebe mumbles, her head on the table.

"what about a return to owner spell?" Paige suggests.

Piper gives Paige a confused look.

"well he's your son, and he is lost, if we tweek the spell a bit it might work."

Piper and Phoebe both give Paige a impressed look.

"that's a good idea honey, but Wyatt would have thought of that, don't forget he's family, he knows every move will make." Phoebe smiles at her sister.

Paige huffs then smacks herself in the head.

"of course, maybe casting another spell isn't the answer, why not work with the one we've got."

Piper and Phoebe give her another confuse look.

"what?" they ask at the same time.

"think about it, Piper cast a spell so Chris was a kid for as long as she wanted to be, all Pipers got to is want Chris big again then he should be able to get away himself."

"Paige you're a genius!" Phoebe shout standing up and going over to hug her.

They both looked at Piper who was Frowning.

"whats wrong sweety?" Phoebe asks her.

"if it was that simple, then he would be big and here by now." she told them.

"maybe its because your still worried about him the spell wont were off till your not."

Piper looked at her with upset watery eyes.

"how could I not be, he's my son, the baby growing inside me I cant just turn the worry off."


Chris was walking around the cave, it was dark and Wyatt was talking to more demons.

Chris was getting tired and hungry, he walked over to Wyatt and pulled on his sleeve.

"Wyatt, I'm hungry can we get lunch?"

Wyatt look down at his little brother with annoyance then sighed.

Waving his face at the far end of the room, a table of food appeared.

Chris gasps then turned to his brother with a stern look.

"Wyatt! Personal Gain, do you want your hair to turn pink again."

Chris couldn't hold his glare for long and ended up laughing.

Wyatt lips twitched, he remembered that, he was 9 and he had tried to cast a spell on his brothers cloths so they would turn pink, it ended up back firing on him, as punishment his mother wouldn't turn it back for a week, Chris always found this funny.

Chris young and happy laugh was poking at his heart making him want to laugh to.

But the ruler of the world does not laugh at such things.

"Christopher, what have I told you there is not good or evil, so personal gain does not exist, it was a way for the elders to control us."

Chris stopped laughing then frowned at his brother.

"but mommy says demons are evil and mommy doesn't lie."

His child innocent was making Wyatt's heart hurt.

This was not the time to explain the way the world worked to his brother he had work to do, his family would find a way to get Chris back this much he new, he just had to be one step ahead of them, Damon interference should keep them busy for awhile till he could straiten some things out.


Please review!

FreedomWriter10 strokes blackberry.

FreedomWriter10: I missed you baby, I'll never leave you again.

Chris and Wyatt step away from the weirdo!