Light stared at the door long after Sayu had made her angry way out of it. He had gotten the desired effects of killing the Cullens, but now his sister was involved. This, while humorous, still wasn't the best thing that could have resulted from this whole thing. The worst case scenario was his father making him follow his little sister to make sure she didn't get hurt.

This is exactly what he ended up doing.

Light snorted. Sayu may look sweet an innocent (admittedly, she did have a certain charm about her that made people not want to hurt her), but she really was a devious girl at heart. She wasn't quite on par with a Shinigami, no one had anything on Ryuk. An underling working her way up though the corporate ladder, though... That was a different story altogether. Sayu would tear them apart. His parents would be the only ones who thought she needed a babysitter of any sort, seeing as they were the only ones still deluded into thinking Sayu wasn't crazy.

He almost felt sorry for the poor soul she was going to buy that pitchfork from. That is, if she was even going to stick with the pitchfork idea. It was entirely possible that by the time she got to the hardware store she would have changed her mind and decided a chainsaw would be the more effective weapon. The girl had mad chainsaw skillz. That's right. With a 'z.'

Whenever they visited their relatives out in the country, Sayu was the one put on wood chopping duty. For a while, she had even considered going into the wooden statue business. She could have made a good living if Twilight hadn't made her change her life's aspiration to 'move to America and marry a vampire.'

"Aren't you going to follow her?" Ryuk asked. He was growing impatient. Again.

"Yes." Light said. Truthfully? It was the last thing he wanted to do, especially if she had already gotten her hands on that chainsaw.

Ryuk chuckled as he followed Light out the door.

Sayu was hopping mad. How could anyone do this to Twilight? Why would anyone want to ruin such a good book? The Cullens were perfect, for goodness sakes! Only perfect people got the privilege of sparkling. It was a right reserved for those who were so perfect they didn't need to breathe or sleep. Perfect people should be treated like the wonderful creatures they are by thinking obsessively about them! After all, obsession is the best form of flattery.

When she walked through the door of Joe's Hardware Depot, the man manning the cashier screeched a rather unmanly screech and ducked underneath the counter. A few moments later, he gathered up the courage to peer out at the store.

Ben was a cool dude. He treated his girlfriend right. He didn't litter. He volunteered at the local animal shelter. Sure he forgot to tip the waitress sometimes, but it's not like he made a habit of it. All in all, Ben was an alright guy.

He didn't believe in the saying that nice guys finish last until recently because he had gotten quite far in his life by being nice. Until today, that is. Enraged people of the female variety kept coming in to buy bladed gardening tools. Even worse, when they came up to the register, they hissed and spit at him to hurry up.

It seemed like more were always streaming through the doors, glaring at him like he had done something wrong. He had even had a pitchfork brandished at him earlier. All he had done was wish the woman a good day!

When Sayu walked through the door, it was the end of what he could handle. Given what you now know, it is easy to imagine the look of fear on his face when he found himself face to face with an enraged Sayu. She was the scariest he'd yet to see. It didn't help that Sayu was a regular at this particular store. She was always buying new chainsaw blades. A worrying thought, for sure.

Those few moments in hiding were shorter in Ben's head than in real life. He had actually been hiding a good 10 minutes, which was all the time Sayu needed to go through the store and buy a pitchfork. It wasn't a chainsaw, but somehow this change in pattern wasn't reassuring, not if the look on her face was to be trusted.

"H-how may I help you?" He stuttered out.

Sayu slammed her weapon of choice down onto the counter, "I'd like to make a purchase." Her left eye twitched.

"Yes, o-of course," As quickly as possible (Ben was, thankfully, a fast learner) the pitchfork was rung up. Ben thought he'd never be more thankful to see a customer go.

Until the next fangirl arrived. Shiori liked her pickaxes sharp.

Light trailed sulkily after Sayu. He hadn't followed her into the hardware store, for the sole reason that that was Sayu's home turf. Get caught in there and it was game over, man, GAME OVER!

The door opened with a deceptively cheerful ding noise as Sayu walked out. That lucky doorbell… It had no idea what was going on and probably never would. But who would expect a doorbell to understand? Its job was to sound cheerful (annoyingly so) when the door opened, no matter what sort of doom walked in or out. Sayu didn't like the doorbell. It didn't know what Twilight was.

And so began Sayu's walk to the book store. Well, maybe it was more of a march. She stomped down on the cement as if she had a personal grudge against it. If she had just a little more body mass, the ground would have visibly shaken.

As it was, only the small woodland creatures could hear the noise.

It registered with the same sense as other natural disasters did. You know, things like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Needless to say, but being said anyway for comedic purposes, those furry little animals got the fuck off the sidewalk and Lord help the poor buggers who weren't able to in time. Sayu would have marched right over them and enjoyed their furry little sounds of pain.

At one point in her march, Sayu passed Shiori. Neither of them stopped to talk, but a quick, grim nod was exchanged between them. As members of the same team, they would be seeing each other again.

Light followed behind her at a safe distance. This was easier said than done. Wading through a sea of fleeing squirrels is a bit of a challenge. Squirrels have claws. He managed somehow, though. Just when Light was starting to wonder when they would get to wherever they were going, they arrived.

Light saw it: A roiling mass of fangirls in foul moods making their displeasure known to the world. Light almost wished he hadn't followed her, for this scene was truly what Hell must look like.

There was no blood. But what it lacked in blood it made up for in sheer insanity.

Not a single girl in attendance was without a madness written on her face. You couldn't look at any of them in the eyes without involuntarily shuddering.

Picket signs proclaiming allegiance to either Team Edward or Team Jacob were being waved around with frightening carelessness. They were exhibiting the same behavior of a flock of birds in their apparent ability to just know where those signs would be and when. They moved as a whole to avoid them, and this gave the mob an almost eerie look. The sight of a very pissed off teenage girl dodging a picket sign or flying brick from behind without actually looking behind them would baffle scientists for years afterward.

Lights stared out into the chaotic crowd before him and his genius mind could come up with no thought more eloquent than Oh, shit.

I have no excuses. I am lazy. I wrote the first draft of this chapter soon after I posted the second one on a piece of lined paper in school...and I lost it. My soul was crushed, to be truthful. I found myself unable to muster up the motivation to do anything more than feel guilty about not writing anything.

Throw whatever blunt objects you want, I deserve it. I really am sorry.

That being said, I kind of feel bad for the poor soul who found my rough draft. It must have been one of the most confusing things they've ever read. Especially considering I write the weirdest things in the margin that have seemingly nothing to do with the actual story.