What up, world? Yeah, it's me, your favorite (hopefully) Invader Zim slash writer! …That was pretty specific. But, you gotta keep it specific to have a place in the world! Ha!

So…anyway…OOH! PRETZELS!

xD Sorry. There was pretzels and hummus and now I'm eating them. Together. I think there's some Doritos in the cabinet…

No. I need to cut down on calories. Anyway, hope you like this chapter. I'm kinda improvising it…

Don't hate me!

Disclaimer: I don't own Invader Zim, because if I did, then I wouldn't have to write this. There would be much more of this in the show!

Warning: Slash. Guy on guy. ZimxDib. ZaDr. Please acknowledge!

Amber eyes snapped open, a pale chest heaving.

Said eyes rolled around in their sockets, trying to figure out where the owner of them was. Those eyes were the only sensible part of that body at the moment, knowing that they had to absorb everything, lest they wanted the body to be lost or to die. Slowly, very slowly, the body's brain woke up itself and sent signals to all the different parts of the body. Pain suddenly radiated from the dorsal side and abdominals, making the lungs contract and the body gasp.

"Ah. You're finally awake."

Dib's gaze flicked over to his left, where he saw his beloved alien. Zim, who looked completely and utterly at peace, smirked at the human.

"Calm yourself. The more you panic, the more you hurt yourself."

His voice seemed warped somehow. It wasn't until Zim spoke again that Dib realized that it was that alien accent slipping in again. A part of Dib's mind couldn't help but feel just a bit turned on by the accent, even at the worst time possible.

Dib gulped. "I'll need information, you realize." He said, his voice breaking and trembling almost as violently as his body was. Zim nodded. Dib took another shuddering breath before continuing. "How badly am I hurt?"

"Almost not at all." Zim replied without skipping a beat. "The scratches I caused will heal without scarring, and other than that, you're fine."

Dib nodded to himself. "Why'd you hurt me?" He asked, noting that his voice was almost childlike.

Zim chuckled. "If I answered that question, it would mean revealing my plan, which I won't do until all of your little questions have been asked and answered."

Dib knew he wasn't getting any information out on that subject, so moved on. "Where am I?"

"My base." Zim countered. "My house. You've been here before, just not in this room."

"Oh. That makes sense." Dib panted. He looked around and noticed that, along with the fact that his glasses were on his face (thankfully), he was chained to a metal table, and heard a song he recognized as Schizophrenia by Brokencyde. Good song. "Why am I tied to a table?"

"All in good time, Dib." Zim almost hissed, stalking over.

"Z-Zim…" Dib whimpered, scared of getting hurt again. Zim smirked, his sadistic mind reeling in excitement.

"I infiltrated your brain and body systems." Dib panicked at the thought of Zim's hands roaming everywhere on his poor, wounded body. "I've learned a bit about you. Physically and mentally."

"L-l-like what?" Dib stuttered.

"Like the music you prefer. The…uh…fuck, what's it called?..." Zim thought for a second, then lit up. "Screamo music! That's what it's called! Yes, that is very enjoyable." The alien nodded. "Anyway, what I really needed to know was the way the way human babies' bodies and minds work."

"What do you mean?" Dib asked.

"I mean, I can figure out how humans' skin stay such a sickly color, and modify my hologram or my actual skin tone to match that of a human's. That way, I can fit in with the world, become a member of society, learn the ins and outs of what the people want. Later on in life, I can run for president. Run the world from its leading summit. Can you imagine it, Dib? Take over the world, one country at a time. Weave my way into the minds of every man, woman, and child and watch as the world implodes in on itself. It'll be glorious." Zim's eyes were glimmering with the mental images flooding his mind.

Dib gasped. "You wouldn't!"

"I would." Zim said simply. "And I will. But, in the meantime, I think I'll entertain myself with you."

The human raised an eyebrow. "What?" He asked. He barely had time to think before an uncontrollable wave of sheer fury surged through him. "GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" He shouted, unable to keep his pure, unadulterated rage inside.

Zim chuckled. "See, that's what I've learned about the human mind." He hissed, leaning in closer to Dib. "Your emotions are so easy to change. One twitch of the emotional finger…" Dib saw his hand rise up in the air, revealing that he was holding a remote of some sort. Zim pressed a button, and a new emotion welled up in him. Fear.

Unconditioned, utter fear. It made Dib tremble and whimper in sheer terror that Zim would hurt him or worse.

"…And you humans just change. Almost like a roller coaster. But multidirectional." Zim finished, his eyes trailing down the length of his captive's body. Dib pulled at his chains feebly, trying to pull himself from Zim's gaze. It was as if even his gaze would send him to his grave. Zim smirked so wide that his sharp teeth gleamed in the bright light of the lab's florescent lights. "Wanna see another way your head can spin?"

Dib shook his head, panic rising in his throat.

Zim stared in his eyes for a bit, then smirked wider. "Too bad." His finger twitched and Dib immediately felt a new sensation running through him, the terror draining from his veins. The new emotion was sadness.

He sudden felt a sudden depression, a certain knowledge that he'd never get out of this without harm. He'd be lucky just to get out of it alive at all. But he'd never had luck. Especially not with Zim.

What made this time so special?

Tears welled up in his eyes. He didn't even try to stop them. His misery was unstoppable. Why even try anything anymore?

He heard Zim chuckle. "See? You're so weak. My little toy." The alien hissed.

Dib choked out a sob in reply.

"Oh, Dib…" Zim sighed, turning towards his desk. "Computer! Play with Gir." He ordered, walking off to do something. Dib kept floating down into his sadness, submitting to his ties to the table. He only vaguely noticed the lights turning dimmer, and a song he hazily remembered… I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby by 3OH!3…

Suddenly, he wasn't sad anymore.

"Feeling the new change?"

He squirmed, squeezing his eyes shut. Stupid…fucking… He started panting, knowing that no amount of wiggling would do anything at that point.

Zim smirked. "You seem to be. Good. This was actually the easiest change to make. You see, your little crush on me can certainly be used to my advantage."

At this point, Dib couldn't think straight. The feelings pouring up inside of him were too much for him.

"Yes…definitely advantageous…"

Zim's eyes traveled down Dib's pale, almost naked body. The human only had a pair of boxers on. Zim smirked wider. Dib was weak… Practically putty in his hands…

Just where he wanted him.

He bent down and, just to tease the poor human, blew on the shell of his ear before whispering, "Horny yet?"

Dib whimpered, arching his back. Zim sniggered again, his smirk so wide it almost didn't fit his face at this point.

"Ah, ah, ah… Eagerness will only get you farther from your goal." Zim warned, straightening. He turned up the hormones in the human via the remote in his hand. Dib's eyes glazed over even more and his raging boner seemed impossibly harder. Zim hummed, then checked Dib's mental image monitor. The alien smirked.

Currently, playing in Dib's brain, were images of the human getting fucked up the ass by Zim.

Zim's smirk faded. Most of the images and short 'clips' of the fucking were kinky and lust-relieving only. But occasionally some clips would be slow and romantic, where they would be whispering each other's names, deeply in love, against any all odds…

The alien glanced back at Dib. Even in one of the worst moments of heat he'd ever been in, he was still madly in love with Zim, hoping that one day they could be…


"I have to go run some tests." Zim coughed, pulling up his uniform's hood to hide the purple flush of being so…flattered from the human. He turned off the hormone transducer and walked away quickly.

Dib laid there on the table, blushing redder than a tomato. He… Zim… But…

He shook his head. I swear to God, this better be a fucked up dream…


When Dib found himself in the lab again the next morning, he was ticked.

When Zim didn't come in for about two hours, and only came in to check in on him, he was pissed.

When he didn't get to eat anything until Gir came running in and dropped a muffin in his mouth, he was a little less than fuming.

When his nose started itching, he was enraged.

So he snapped.

"ZIM!" He roared. "GET IN HERE!"

The alien was suddenly hovering above the human's face. "What's up?"

"Do I really have to be chained to a table?" Dib huffed.

Zim seemed to be thinking. He made a humming noise, then nodded to himself, his eyes distant. "I suppose not. But I will give you a collar. If you try to leave, you won't make it past the front door."

"I can live with that." Dib said. "Just get me off this table."

"Fine." Zim walked off and came back quickly with a metal collar in his hand. He locked it around Dib's neck, then undid the chains.

Dib hopped up and immediately did some moderate stretches. By the cracks and cricks his bones made, he'd be hurting the next day. "What time is it?" He asked casually.

"About noon." Zim replied. Suddenly, Dib's vision was blocked. He took the item off his face and found that he was holding a black shirt. At his feet were a pair of skinny jeans and Converse shoes. It was some clothes from his house. "I took some stuff from your room. To make this place seem like home."

Dib laughed bitterly, putting on the jeans. "I never had a home. I would have run away as soon as eat fried chicken on the couch."

Zim sighed, shaking his head. "Anyway. I'll try to set up a room or something. Until then, you can crash on the couch."

"What's for lunch?" Dib asked, running up the stairs to the kitchen. Zim sighed again and followed at a slower pace.

"I don't usually eat unless Gir forces me… But I suppose I could go out and get some food." He said, arriving in the kitchen. Dib was poking in everywhere, looking as if he actually lived here. "You realize you're my pet now, right?" Zim asked. "Just to clarify."

Dib looked up at him, then grinned. "Yeah. I know. Now get me food. Pwease."

Zim put on his disguise and walked to the door. He paused and turned back to Dib, who was now poking Gir. "I hate you, just wanna get that out there."

Dib smiled at him. "Hate you, too…" Zim turned, but could vaguely hear a single word whispered that made a shiver of power go down his spine. "…Master…"

Now he understood why people liked animals.

Mwahahahaha. Not what you expected from this story, huh? Well, it's not what I expected either. I just kinda wrote it. But I like this idea. Don't you?

Dib: …There was a week where we actually did that.

What? You be his house pet?

Dib: Yeah.

Zim: I had fun.

I bet you did. Anyway! I'm out! Rate, review, love!