Alan and John Walk into a Bank

by Criminally Charmed

Disclaimer - Well, I asked Santa, so wish me luck.


May of the following year…

Kate Eppes took the bag of groceries from Emily's hands, glaring at the tiny blonde.

"I'm pregnant, not handicapped," Emily grumbled.

Sarah snickered as she unlocked the front door of the house they had rented for the weekend.

"Yeah," Sarah laughed as she set down her own bag in the kitchen. "Now try and get that past any of the Tracys."

"Oh My God," Emily groaned. "They are going to become fanatical watchdogs, aren't they?"

"To put it mildly," Kate agreed. When Emily melted into a chair and buried her head in her arms, the older woman laughed and tried to change the subject.

"Nice ring," she said, catching Sarah's eyes as the redhead started to pull out pots and pans.

Sarah looked up with a grin before continuing with her work.

"So when's the big date?" Kate asked as she snagged an apple from the fruit basket and hopped up to sit on the counter.

"September 17th," Sarah smiled as she began to dice up some potatoes. Glancing over at Emily, her smile grew as she asked, "And your big date?"

"October 10th," Emily's face grew dreamy as she lifted her head.

"You managed to hide your pregnancy to the half way point?" Kate asked in surprise. "I knew about my cousin Maggie and my Cousin Ben's wife two minutes after the rabbit died." Shaking her head, Kate took a bite of her apple before she swallowed and spoke again.

"Nice to have your lives so perfect," Kate sighed.

"Trust me," Sarah sighed as she began to peel onions to join the potatoes. "It took a lot of work. We only filled you in until Alan and John got out of the bank. The time between then and now has been interesting to say the least."

"How so?" Kate asked. "I mean, beyond the obvious. Emily and John got married, had sex at least once -"

"Trust me," Sarah repeated as she interrupted their new friend, "I live with them on the Island when I stay there. They have had sex a LOT more than once."

The three women giggled before Kate continued. "And you and Virgil hooked up. How did that happen if you went back to Boston right after the incident at Metro Union?"

"Long story," Sarah sighed. "And since we only have about ten minutes before the guys get here, I don't have the time. Oh, and it's not being announced until June - the engagement, that is. So can you keep it under your hat until then?"

"Alright," Kate shrugged, "then maybe you can answer something for me without the Tracys thinking I'm nuts."

Emily and Sarah looked at each other and shrugged.

"We can't make any guarantees," Emily said cautiously as Sarah nodded.

Kate looked at the two women, unsure if she should continue. Watching as Sarah poured three glasses of lemonade, the agent waited until the others were already drinking before reaching for her glass and casually asking, "So are the Tracys International Rescue?"

All of the Tracys poured out of the two rental cars, laughing and talking all the way.

"Alan, that was an awesome showing," Gordon grinned as he punched his now-taller little brother in the arm.

John grinned as well. "I think your coach is right, Sprout – you'll be breaking records soon. And some of those college scouts were disappointed to hear you were only heading into your Junior year."

"Didn't stop someone," Scott huffed, "from giving the Harvard coach his card, did it?"

"Can I help it if the current head coach of Harvard's Track Team was the assistant coach when I was there," John said in innocence.

"Well, you didn't see me doing that with Yale or Virgil with Princeton," Scott argued.

"Since I played football and you played baseball, that would be kind of lame," Virgil joked as he grabbed Alan's overnight bag from the trunk.

Jeff stood back, silent but laughing inside. Oh, Lucy – our boys are amazing. I wish you were here with me to enjoy it.

As the scent of Lucy's perfume filled the air, Jeff could have sworn he felt a breath of air near his cheek. I promise you, Rocket Man – I am never far from your side.

Opening the door, Jeff froze in shock when he heard Agent Eppes ask, "So are the Tracys International Rescue?"

Hearing a noise at the door, the three women – two of whom were still deeply in shock – turned to see the Tracys all frozen in the doorway, staring at them in disbelief.

Lifting her apple back to her mouth, Kate took another bite and swallowed before she continued, "Or I could just ask the source."

Pulling his sons into the house, Jeff stepped forward and confronted the young agent. "May I ask what you mean?"

"OK," Kate said lightly. "I'm pretty sure – you do meet the equation."

"Equation?" John said in disbelief, walking over to Emily and pulling her close.

"My Uncle Charlie once proposed a theory to finding out who International Rescue was," Kate said calmly. "Find the leader, find the secret society. The whole idea of people operating off the radar bothered my dad."

"Still - isn't that a big leap?" Scott said in a bit of hostility.

Kate grinned. "First thing we often look for in law enforcement is motive. What is the stressor to cause the abnormal behavior? I believe that would be Mrs. Tracy's death."

Sarah reached out and grasped Virgil's hand while placing her other hand on Alan's shoulder.

"So we have motive, means, opportunity," Kate said calmly. "You fit the trifecta perfectly. My dad occasionally considered launching an investigation into International Rescue."

"What changed his mind?" Gordon asked from where he lounged on the couch.

"The Hood," Kate said bluntly.

When the entire family went still as bitter memories washed over them, Kate continued.

"I won't say anything. It's just I thought I had figured it out a year ago and I figured I could tell for certain if I looked you in the eye when talking to you."

"What happened a year ago to make you sure of your theory?" Scott asked, trying to balance his protectiveness to his family and his attraction to Kate.

"Alan," Kate said gently, glancing over at the youngest Tracy. "I was on desk-duty and watching the news I was drawn to two stories. The first was how Alan Tracy had been found after being run down by a drunk driver."

The entire family flinched, but still formed a protective wall around Alan while Kate continued.

"The second was about how International Rescue was temporarily shut down due to "a non-rescue related injury of one of its members" which," she said firmly, "just so happened at the same time. It was too much of a coincidence."

"What are you planning on doing with this information?" Sarah said with fierce determination.

Kate grinned, making her look much younger than her age. "I plan on being smug and secretly knowing that in this one thing, I figured out a mystery that Don and Charlie Eppes - one who is considered to be one of the greatest FBI agents ever, while his brother is purported to be one of the smartest men in the world – couldn't figure out."

"That's it?" Scott asked in disbelief.

"Yup," Kate said as she started back in on her apple.

"No ulterior motives or schemes?" Virgil questioned.

"Nope," she continued calmly as she hopped back off the counter before taking Scott's hand and sitting on the couch.

"She's something else, isn't she?" Jeff grinned as he watched Kate deftly change subject that drew Alan and Gordon in while Scott just smiled in a bemused manner.

When Jeff went over to join his sons, Emily and Sarah just stared at each other in disbelief.

"I had to walk in on them returning from a rescue!" Emily groaned.

"Well, you know how I found out," Sarah grumbled, tossing a glare at Virgil before returning to preparing the meal.

"I'm going to be paying for that for the rest of our lives," Virgil sighed as he followed her into the kitchen.

"Yup," John grinned in a fairly good imitation of Kate which earned him a glare of his own from his wife.

Emily stopped glaring at her husband when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her behind her ear. Gently placing a hand on her stomach, John whispered, "Looks like our family is going to be getting even bigger than we thought, doesn't it?"

Glancing over at the remaining Tracys and Kate, Emily smiled at how easily the young woman was fitting in. Catching the scent of lilacs, Emily's smile grew even more as she met John's eyes. They knew Lucy Tracy was watching over her family – and she approved.

Life wasn't perfect – it never was. But sometimes, people are allowed a bit of flawed perfection.

And that was good enough for now.

A/N - OK, so I am finished for now...

Alan - Oh, what - you don't want to blow up our Christmas tree?

CC - Alan, no, I don't. I try to give you guys nice holidays, don't I?

Alan (sighs) - I guess.

CC - Besides, I have had most of this done for a bit. I just wanted a chance to answer the reviews. I still have a few left but decided I wanted to post this before church. I will try and answer ALL reviews this weekend. But seriously, I am taking a break for a few weeks. See - my one job was up in the air as the medical practice was being bought out, so I was stressed there and the other is retail - enough said on that one. But one job is safe and the other should wind down soon. I am trying to give my daughter what she wants most for Christmas. When the Santa at one party asked her what she wanted, Janie just smiled and said she was getting it. Her mom and dad both had the day off from both jobs and were spending the whole day with her. It was all she asked for.

Alan - OK, way to make me feel way guilty.

CC - Yeah, it's a mom thing.

Sam1 - Yo! Are you done being mopey yet?

Sammygirl1963 - Pft! Pot meet kettle.

Sam1 - Why are you defending her?

CC - Cause she is the big sister. We defend you against others and harass each other in private. It's a family thing.

Alan - Yeah, I guess it is. Um, well - (hugs CC) Thanks for getting us out of trouble. (runs off as he yells) Merry Christmas!

Sam1 - Should we remind him you are the one who gets him INTO trouble.

CC - Let me enjoy the moment.

Sammygirl1963 - I brought the cocoa...

CC- Any of that gingerbread cake left? (Sighs) OK, don't worry. I have some red velvet cake as well. Merry Christmas, you two. Thanks for all you've done this year.

Sam1 - Ugh, put a diabetic warning here.

CC - So not the sensative one.

Sammygirl1963 - Merry Christmas (go Steelers!)

CC - I saw that (Go Pats!) Merry Christmas and peace in your house, Earth would be pushing it.