Living with You

Summary: Quinn just wants to eat; she always gets the strangest cravings at 4am. Puck just wants to sleep. Too bad he's busy driving Quinn to the 24 hour 7/11 all the time. Snippets of Quinn's adventures living in the Puckerman household. P/Q.


I. Cravings


The birds were singing. The sun was shining. Everything was good for Quinn Fabray as she walked into the enchanted food forest. The grass was made of cotton candy and it was so fluffy that when she stepped forward she would sink significantly in it. She reached down and lifted it to her mouth, almost inhaling the delicious pink treat. Her eyes scanned everywhere, landing finally on the pool of root beer—her favorite drink. She almost catapulted herself into the pool before being stopped by a plant of pickles; she considered her options before falling down next to the pickle plant. She devoured a couple of pickles before throwing herself into the root beer pool and drinking to her heart's content. She observed the candy coated trees and pulled herself out of the pool, walking carefully through the cotton candy grass. She stood on her tip toes and pulled down a cupcake before biting into it.

She moaned as the taste dissolved in her mouth. Nothing would ever taste this good, she decided as she journeyed even farther into this magical place. She found a row of peanut bar jars lined up and suddenly she had the weirdest urge to dip her cupcake in the peanut butter. She did so and hesitantly bit into it. It was delicious, so she decided to pick up a jar of peanut to take on her walk. She was grinning, something that hadn't happened in months since she had found out she was pregnant, but all these treats were delicious and she couldn't help but be excited at the prospect of food.

God, she was going to be so fat by the end of this.

She reached down and grabbed a handful of cotton candy before looking around and discovering that slowly her world was fading.

"No!" She screamed as she saw the cotton candy disappear as well as the root beer pool and even her beloved peanut butter coated cupcake had vanished from her hand. She felt as if her heart was tearing into two. How could this happen? It was impossible! She had been so happy a few minutes ago and now everything was crumbling down around her.

"No!" Quinn screamed as she shot up in bed.

She took a death breath and sighed. She had been dreaming once again. When were her dreams ever going to become real life? Why couldn't there be a goddamn candy forest somewhere in this world? She cursed nature a couple of times before feeling her stomach grumble and turning over to see that Puck was still resting peacefully despite her screams of bloody murder. She nudged him gently on his bicep and he responded by swatting her arm away and snuggling deeper into the pillows.

This would not do for Quinn Fabray, she was hungry. She was damn hungry and it was all because of Puck's baby. If she hadn't been pregnant she wouldn't have been so hungry and she knew that it was all Puck's fault in that instance. She tried again, but that only caused him to flip onto his stomach and turn his head farther away from her.

She groaned, he had always been a heavy sleeper and now was just not the time for that.

"Puck," she hissed as she nudged him again. She started to rock his body back and forth, trying to shake him from his dreams, but he wouldn't budge. God she was going to play dirty for this one, wasn't she?

She sighed before she tentatively reached over with her shorts clad leg and gently rubbed it against his. She waited for him to respond and was surprised when he rolled over and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Babe, it's way too early for that," Puck groaned as she once again rubbed her smooth perfect creamy skin against his. His eyes were still closed, damn.

"Puck…" She tried a seductive tone, but she was starving so it came out kind of flat. His eyes were closed. "PUCK!" She shouted as she almost kicked him where it hurt. She was hormonal and hungry and she just wanted some peanut butter and pickles and cotton candy and cupcakes… mm, her mouth was watering at the thought of it.

His eyes shot open and he stared at her. He sighed. "Shit I thought this was a dream," he rolled away from her to lay on his back. "What is it now, Q?"

She looked down at her hands sheepishly before meeting his eyes. "I'm hungry."

He turned to look at the clock. "Damn it, Q! It's four in the fucking morning, why are you always so goddamn hungry?" He cursed as he slowly rolled out of bed pulling on jeans over his boxers and grabbing his car keys. It was the same thing every night and although they had gone through this a thousand times, it didn't stop Puck from being angry at her every single time. "Are you coming or what? This is a one-time offer."

Quinn scrambled out of bed and threw on one of his sweatshirts before following his tired body out of the house and into his truck. The ride was silent, which basically consisted of Puck fuming silently on the other end of the truck as he drove the very familiar streets to the 24 hour 7/11 that was nearby. She didn't say anything as she stared wide eye out the window, her mouth seemingly dry because she didn't have any root beer on her. She fished around in the cup holder of Puck's truck for the money that they kept for these blessed rides as he pulled up in front of it.

Puck pinched the bridge of his nose. "Five minutes, okay?" He told her and she nodded as she opened the door and sped out of the car.

She wasn't surprised that she was the only one in the store at such an hour, but her cravings had become worst and worst every single day that crawled closer to her due date. She couldn't help that she was hungry at weird times and Puck shouldn't have been mad at her about it, but they did have school tomorrow and so he kind of had basketball practice every day after school… She cringed at the thought of how much stress she was putting on him, but really they wouldn't even be here today if he had just put on some protection… She pushed the thought out of her head as she caught sight of the peanut butter jars.

She grabbed a basket and made her way towards them, waving to the cashier who she was on a first names basis with nowadays. She loaded her basket with peanut butter, pickles, mini cupcakes, root beer, sour patch watermelons, potato chips, and a cherry slushie that she knew Puck would need when she got back to the car.

"Cravings again?" Melissa, the cashier, questioned as she rang up Quinn's items.

Quinn sighed. "Yeah they're getting worse, especially when I'm getting close to the due date. Puck wants to kill me though; I'm surprised he hasn't driven off without me one of these times." She shrugged, fishing through her pockets for the money that she had grabbed from the car.

Melissa nodded to the slushie as she accepted Quinn's money. "At least you're considerate of him though," she offered a weak smile to Quinn and Quinn shrugged.

"I'm surprised he doesn't throw it in my face," Quinn giggled as she took her bags and waved to Melissa. "I'll be back tomorrow!"

Quinn hummed to herself happily as she made her way back to the car and found Puck in the same position that she had left him, pinching the bridge of his nose while his eyes were closed against the window. "Slushie?" She questioned as she handed it to him. He opened his eyes and accepted it without a word. "Sorry I took so long, I couldn't decide between strawberry cupcakes or vanilla cupcakes and then I realized that I was just going to put peanut butter on them anyways so the flavor didn't really matter."

"Peanut butter on cupcakes? Really Quinn? Is our baby going to come out a mutant from all of these crazy ass things that you eat?" He placed the drink in the cup hold as he watched her try to apply peanut butter on one of the cupcakes. "That is absolutely disgusting."

"Shut up!" Quinn said defensively as she took a big bite. "It's your daughter who is doing this to me."

"And suddenly she's just my daughter?"

"She is when she makes me eat "crazy-ass" things like cupcakes and peanut butter and when she makes me wake up at 4am in the morning having dreams of enchanted food forests with pizza and spaghetti and meatballs with the tomato sauce hot and fresh and…"

Puck's eyes widened. "Oh shit."


"No! Quinn, the answer is no."

"Puck, please…?"

Puck turned into his driveway and turned off the car before marching into the house and clambering up the stairs. She was tempted to warn him not to wake up his mother and sister, but her desire for other foods was making the common sense part of her brain turn off. She followed him up to his room and found him splayed across the bed, his eyes closed and snuggled against her pillow of all things. She dropped the bags of food by her feet and slowly sauntered towards the bed. She was going to have to pull out the big guns if she wanted to make Puck do what she was planning.

She slowly crawled on top of him before resting her head close to his so that she could whisper in his ear. "Puck," she muttered softly, breathing gently into his ear. She knew what it did to him and he probably wanted to kill her because of it. "Puck please, I'm not asking for much…"

"You only say that because it's not you who's going to be doing the work," Puck said gruffly as he felt her slide her hands around his waist. He groaned. She was such a smart-ass and he loved her for it.

"Puck," she purred as she started to place open mouthed kisses on his cheek to the corner of his mouth. She slowly worked her way back to his ear and then started on his neck. She was starving and suddenly the food that she had obtained from the 7/11 was not good enough for her. She placed a soft kiss on his collar bone and was delighted when she felt herself being flipped over so that her back was on the mattress as Puck climbed easily over her, being careful not to harm or put weight on her baby bump. She grinned cheekily as he started to attack her mouth.

She felt his tongue begging her for entrance, but she gently pushed his shoulders back so that they were a couple inches apart. "Nuh-uh," she teased. "You only get that if you do what I want." She winked at him and smirked. Puck stared at her blankly before sighing and pulling himself off the bed. He pressed a light kiss to her temple before he walked out of the room and down into the kitchen.

And that's how you do it, Quinn thought to herself as she left her discarded shopping bags without a second thought. That's how you get Noah Puckerman, resident hard-ass and bad boy, to make you spaghetti and meatballs at four in the morning.


authors' note.

So this is my first attempt at writing Glee. I really didn't even get into this show until maybe two months ago, and I absolutely fell in love with it. I especially fell in love with Puck and Quinn. They're relationship is kind of kicked to the side all the time, but when they do have scenes, it's amazing. I love the one where they have a food fight, adorable! I really can't get enough of them, so I thought I would try my hand at their relationship. Sorry if they both seem a little OOC, I kind of like them when they're nicer... I also kind of thought that maybe motherhood/fatherhood would change them and make them more mature and stuff like that, at least in the episodes I think Quinn does do some growing up. She was such a... you know, before. So I'm really sorry if they seem completely OOC, I'm trying my hardest to capture their personality!

Also, this really doesn't follow any storyline or the actual episodes of the show, it's just some one-shots complied together of Quinn's life at the Puckerman household/spending time with Puck. There is not going to be any angst to this story, it's just going to be light and fun and some other characters from the Glee club are going to appear. Mainly Rachel and Finn... I don't know why but I love the idea of a Quinn/Rachel friendship since I found out the two actresses are living together. That would be awesome! But it probably wouldn't happen until they're much older. So sorry about this really long authors' note, I promise I'll be done in like two seconds.

Next chapter is entitled Cucumber Melon. Yep, enough said.

Tell me what you think! Thanks for reading!