Hi, it's Larky! The first couple of chapters are already written because they're on my mibba account (my name's MoonFall). And some of the names will be a little different...well because I highly doubt Tigerstar will name every warrior the same thing Firestar named them...
LEADER- Tigerstar - dark brown tabby tom with unusually long claws, amber eyes
DEPUTY - Mousefur - slender, small dusky brown she-cat with yellow eyes
MEDICINE CAT - Yellowfang - dark gray she-cat with round orange eyes, formerly of ShadowClan
Apprentice, Cinderpaw
Whitestorm - big white tom, yellow eyes
Apprentice, Ashpaw
Darkstripe - sleek black-and-silver tabby tom, vivid blue eyes
Apprentice, Fernpaw
Runningwind - swift tabby tom
Longtail - pale tabby tom with dark, black stripes, green eyes
Fireheart - flame-colored ginger tom with emerald-green eyes
Apprentice, Cloudpaw
Brackenfur - golden brown tabby tom, amber eyes
Dustpelt - dark brown tabby tom
Sandstorm - pale ginger she-cat with pale green eyes
Brightstream - ginger-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes
Thornclaw - big golden tabby tom
Swiftfoot - black-and-white tom
Cinderpaw - fluffy dark gray she-cat, sparkling blue eyes
Cloudpaw - long-furred white tom with blue eyes
Fernpaw - pale gray she-cat (with darker flecks) and pale green eyes
Ashpaw - pale gray with darker flecks, tom, dark blue eyes
Frostfur - pure white queen and dark blue eyes
Brindleface - pretty tabby
Goldenflower - pale ginger coat
Speckletail - pale tabby, oldest nursery queen
Willowpelt - very pale gray queen, unusual blue-to-green eyes
Halftail - dark brown tabby tom, yellow eyes, forrmerly Sparrowpelt, no tail
Smallear - gray tom with small ears; oldest ThunderClan cat
Patchpelt - small black-and-white tom, amber eyes
One-eye - pale gray she-cat, virtually blind and deaf
Dappletail - tortoiseshell she-cat with a lovely dappled coat
LEADER - Nightstar - old black tom
DEPUTY - Cinderfur - thin gray tom
MEDICINE CAT - Runningnose - small gray-and-white tom
Stumpytail - brown tabby tom
Brownpelt - small brown she-cat
Wetfoot - gray tabby tom
Apprentice, Oakpaw (small white tom)
Littlecloud - very small tabby tom
Whitethroat - black tom with white chest and paws
Dawncloud - small tabby queen
Darkflower - black queen with green eyes
Tallpoppy - young light tabby queen with long legs
LEADER - Tallstar - black-and-white tom with a long tail, amber eyes
DEPUTY - black tom with twisted paw, yellow eyes
MEDICINE CAT - Barkface - short-tailed brown tom
Mudclaw - mottled dark brown tom
Apprentice, Webpaw (tabby tom)
Tornear - tabby tom
Apprentice, Tawnypaw (white tom)
Onewhisker - brown tabby tom
Apprentice, Whitepaw (white she-cat, green eyes)
Runningbrook - pale gray tabby she-cat
Ashfoot - gray queen
Morningflower - tortoiseshell queen
LEADER - Crookedstar - huge light-colored brown tabby with a twisted jaw
DEPUTY - Leopardfur - beautiful spotted golden tabby she-cat, amber eyes
MEDICINE CAT - Mudfur - long-haired brown tom
Blackclaw - young smoky black tom
Apprentice, Heavypaw (big tabby tom)
Stonefur - gray tom with battle-scarred ears
Apprentice, Shadepaw (sleek black she-cat)
Loudbelly - dark brown tom
Graystripe - long-haired gray tom, formerly of ThunderClan
Mistyfoot - dark blue-gray she-cat, blue eyes
Mosspelt - tortoiseshell queen
Graypool - thin gray she-cat with patchy fur and a scarred muzzle, yellow eyes
Okay, so there are the allegiances! I'm hoping to have at least 50 comments by the sixth chapter, so...yeah...oh, and I guess there will be no Blackstar now, since Tigerstar doesn't join ShadowClan. And that means later all of the ShadowClan names will be different. And have you every heard that when you change one thing in the past, the future is different? So there will be no need for a journey to the Sun-Drown-Place later on. Nope. Forest 4ever! Mwahaha... *Larkflight*
Look at me, changing Warriors.