Let's start with the disclaimer: I do not own glee or any of the characters I am just borrowing them for the fun of fanfiction!

So I'm sorry to any who read or followed my other story, that kind of got neglected throughout all the stress of exams but they are all over now, YAY :)

I first intened this story to be a one-shot but I got a bit carried away and I felt it would be better put into a couple of chapters, just so you know. I hope to update regularly this time, just bear with me!


Emma fidgeted in her clearly evident office waiting for the bell to ring to declare the start of summer. She needed to get out of the building urgently before her unstable emotions got the better of her. What was Will playing at? Did he think he could just surprise her with another sneak attack? And in the hallway yet again! Plus she was seeing someone else; did he think it was acceptable to kiss her while she was dating her Dentist?

But then, she didn't exactly reject him. She didn't push him away. She didn't shout at him for doing so. No, she kissed him back, and she knew it. Did that make her as bad as him? She had eagerly and repeatedly called him a slut for kissing Shelby behind her back and 'sleeping' with April Rhodes while they were supposedly together, so was she now a slut to? Surely by kissing another man while in a relationship is classified by her very own mouth as being a slut and an overall cheater? She had no idea what she was going to tell Carl.

She was so confused. She had always been confused where Will was concerned, but now it was too much.

He had announced he loved her.

He loved her.

If only he had stated such a thing a few months ago, heck a year ago even. She was hopelessly devoted to him back then... but now? She wasn't so sure. In some ways she was every bit more devoted to him but in others she was broken, hurt and fragile.

But overall confused.

She drummed her fingertips on her desk and bit her lip impatiently. Summer couldn't come soon enough. She needed to get away, needed to clear her mind.

She was with Carl now. Will shouldn't matter- didn't matter, she corrected herself. But despite this, there was still some uncertainty in that statement.

As she waited for the clock to tick to three she could not stop thinking about what a mess her life had become. She knew she shouldn't think of it like that as she was supposed to be happy, she had Carl. She noticed how she had subconsciously slipped in the word supposed. What was going on? She was happy.

Carl Howell. He was so many things she looked for in a man. Caring, handsome, understanding... hygienic- that was a bonus. He was the kind of person she felt safe with, comfortable. But he lacked something. That something being that he was not Will.

Will Schuester. The very man who claimed his love for her. How could he be so sure? He had just finalised a divorce. How could he possibly put his heart on the line this soon? Did he mean it or was he just saying it? Emma knew Will and he didn't seem the type of person to just throw things like that out in the open without actually having a good explanation. To top that revelation off he had also gone on to say that she loved him back. Emma couldn't answer that question. She simply didn't know the answer anymore...

...Or did she just not want to admit it?

She was suddenly startled by the echoing ringing around the school. She would say, saved by the bell, but that was such a cliché.

Emma immediately stood up, smoothed out her skirt, collected her bag and gently closed her glass door behind her for the last time in the next three months. She was finally free to escape. Hurrying down the hallway she didn't feel safe. She continuously searched round to make sure Will was not following her or about to pounce on her again. She didn't trust herself around him.

Exiting the building she was faced with the image of her dentist leaning against his dirty car door. Carl was parked right outside the front doors to McKinley and Emma cringed. She scanned over the numerous kids filtering out of the school hoping and pleading that they were too content with the fact school was over for summer to even register him standing there. Someone must recognise him as the local Lima dentist; it wasn't exactly the biggest town in the world. Mostly she was looking for Will. She didn't want to cause him any pain by having to see her with him. She also didn't want to be the cause of a brawl.

"There's my girl!" Carl called out cheering. Emma looked at the floor embarrassed. I'm not your property, she thought. She smiled trying to look pleased to see him. She hated that she had to try. She should be happy to see him.

"Hi Carl, I wasn't expecting to see you here", she said truthfully.

"Well I thought I'd surprise my girlfriend on her last day of work. We've got the whole summer ahead of us, so why not start it now?" He sounded so enthusiastic and Emma felt the complete opposite. She was hoping to have a night to herself to try and comprehend the day's events but that didn't look like it was going to happen now.

"Oh well that's very thoughtful of you Carl but I um... don't really like surprises", she made eye contact with the floor again and twiddled with her fingers.

"Really? I thought everyone liked surprises. But never mind, if you want me to go-"

"Oh no, no, no, I didn't mean it like that. It's just I would have appreciated it more if you had told me you were coming to meet me. You know... I could have been a little more prepared", she tried to backtrack what she had just said, hoping he wouldn't notice her excuse.

Carl laughed, "Come on Emma I'll give you a ride home and give you some time to get prepared", he laughed again, "then I'll come back to yours around sevenish?"

Emma gave him a thankful smile, pleased that she would get some time alone and hopefully brighten her mood up a bit. After all, Carl was her boyfriend and at the minute she was acting as if she didn't want him to be. "Sounds like a plan... or a date".

"A date it is then", Carl grinned as he brought Emma into an embrace. She mentally cringed a little as her hands clasped onto his back as she remembered he had been leaning on the filthy car. However it was nothing she couldn't manage now that her therapy was going great. She was proud how much more confident she had become. A year ago there would be no way she could hug anyone this way well... maybe one person. "Emma some guy is staring at us", Carl interrupted her thoughts and she pulled away from him.

"What-", Emma asked confused.

"Ye he's still looking, do you know him?"

Emma darted her body round so she was facing the mystery man.

Will. Oh no.

He remained staring at the two of them looking blankly ahead like a deer caught in the headlights. Emma's face dropped as she met his gaze feeling a stab of guilt wash over her. She did nothing but stare back at him.

Carl waved his hand at Will trying to get a response, "Hello...", he called out. "Do you know him, Em?" Emma's eyes narrowed as he called her Em. She didn't like anyone but Will calling her that.

"Um, yes I do... and it's Emma"

"Oh sorry, Emma", he corrected, "What's his problem and who is this dude?"

She didn't respond. Will continued to look at her before he glanced at the man standing behind her. He was examining Carl, examining his competition. His expression didn't change. No hint of a smile or even anger. He just stared.

"Emma?", Carl repeated.

Before she snapped her head round to Carl, she held Will's gaze a little longer. Will suddenly shrugged his shoulders as if to say, what else can I do? He then turned to the side and walked to his car. Emma looked down at the floor once more and sighed.

"Finally. Who was that guy then?" Carl persisted.

"It was um... Will. The glee club teacher I was telling you about. They had Regionals on Saturday. They um lost though".

"Oh right, Schuester wasn't it? What did he want though? He was just like... staring".

Emma had no idea what she was about to say but she had to think of something, "I don't really know... are you sure he was staring at us?" she tried to sound casual and almost oblivious to the obvious.

Carl raised his eyebrow puzzled, "It sure looked like it", but he checked over his shoulder just to be certain. "Anyway how about I get you home? I bet you can't wait to get out of this school and I'm holding you back!"

Phew, she'd got out of that one- for now.

Emma nodded at him grateful that he had changed the subject. As she was getting into the fresh toothpaste smelling car she looked up to see Will exiting the parking lot desperately trying not to make eye contact with her. His hands clenched the steering wheel while his head leaned back onto the head rest; eyes fully on the road ahead of him.

Carl left Emma at her condo and had promised to pick her up around seven as they were going out for diner, his treat. Emma wished to just have one night to herself but she knew she was being ungrateful and should appreciate spending time with her dent... boyfriend. She was going to be distracted with thoughts of a certain Spanish teacher throughout the evening though, much to her pleasure.

She couldn't get the look of his face out of her mind. He looked so distressed, like he was battling with himself, and it was all because of her.

But why was she to blame? He had caused her just as much pain. He was getting a taste of his own medicine. As much as she tried to believe this she couldn't. After all this was Emma. The most impartial person he knew. She had empathy for him when she knew she shouldn't.

She had to try and forget about Will for now. She was going to spend a nice enjoyable evening with Carl and he deserved her happiness, he was a nice guy.

A nice guy... is that all you think of him?

Emma had a shower to freshen up and to wash away any troubled thoughts. She loved the clean feeling. It was like a fresh start to an inconvenient day. She wore a smile as she got ready for her date with Carl thinking of nothing but of what a lovely time she was about to have. No distractions... she hoped.

She changed into a pair of comfy jeans and a white tank top for the meantime; she would change into something more date-ish when it neared to seven. She wanted to be as clean as possible for when Carl arrived.

It was around half five when there was an unexpected knock on her door. If it was Carl then he had not stuck to the plan, she frowned, they agreed seven. She pulled off her washing up gloves before unlocking the latch on the door.

"I thought we said seven-"

It wasn't Carl.

It was Will.

Next chapter up shortly! Expect a lot of Wemma...