Yay another chapter! XP Don't you just love updates even more now? Will you please review! I really love reviews! I want them! Sooo love my story, hate my story, review! OOOOOOhhhhh this is the ending. Sorry if it sucks, but I think it wasn't all that bad... okay so maybe it sucked, but enjoy it!


1 week later

Gil's pov

Nothing much happened since I got back from Glen's hideout. Vincent hasn't contacted me and I haven't tried to contact him. Something told me that he was in the middle of something important. Things were cool with me and Jenny. She didn't blame me for anything that happened and neither did Jack. We decided not to tell him what happened... Oz forgave me for cheating on him. I didn't deserve his forgiveness, but, now that I have it, I'm not giving it up. Break just acted like nothing happened...

Right now I was with Oz in the back of our chauffeur's car. School just let out. I leaned against Oz and yawned.

"Sleepy Gil?" Oz teased.

I nodded. "Yeah... You kept me up too late last night."

Oz poked my side. "You're the one who wanted to study, so I just made sure you studied well."

I yawned again. I couldn't argue with that. I did tell Oz that I needed to study and to not let me sleep, but I wasn't serious!

"Mnn," I muttered.

Oz laughed. "You're so cute Gil."

Blushing, I buried my head into Oz's side. I don't think I would ever get used to Oz calling me cute... or adorable... or anything.

"We're here," the chauffeur told us.

I stretched and climbed out of the car sleepily. Oz followed right behind me, carrying his backpack along with my own. I didn't protest as Oz grabbed my hand and led me inside quickly.

I yawned again. I was so tired... Bringing my hand, I rubbed my eyes to clear them of sleepies. Oz dropped our backpacks off in our room then dragged me into the kitchen.

"Mnn... What are we doing Oz? I wanna sleep," I told him quietly.

Oz chuckled. "You can sleep in a little bit Gil. There's someone who wants to talk to you," he told me excitedly.

I blinked. "What?"

Oz turned me around to face the kitchen counter bar. I was surprised at who I was seeing. Vincent. He had a huge smile on his face. It looked weird there, as if he wasn't used to smiling at all, let alone a giant smile.

"Hey Gilbert," Vincent greeted.


"I have big news for you." Vincent hopped off his bar stool and walked over to me, enveloping me in a big hug.

I hugged back tightly. "What?"

"They're dead," Vincent said.

I blinked. "What? Who's dead?"

Vincent laughed. He held me out at arms length so that he could look at me more clearly. His smile had gotten even bigger if that was even possible.

"The Baskervilles are dead."

I shook my head quickly. They couldn't just be dead. They kidnapped me and raped me... It couldn't be that easy.

"You're lying," I shouted at Vincent.

Vincent's smile disappeared. Out of all the reactions I could have given him, this wasn't one he was expecting. I shook with anger. If he was joking around with me, which he had to be, I would hurt him... Or Oz would hurt him.

"Gil why aren't you happy?" Vincent asked.

"You have to be lying! They can't just be dead. Nothing is ever that easy!" I shouted at him.

Oz wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Calm down Gil," he whispered in my ear.

I didn't. If anything, that just made me madder. How could they expect me to calm down! This was my life!

Vincent sighed. "It was a freak accident. It could have happened anywhere, but it happened at the Baskerville headquarters. Have you seen the news lately? There was a bombing, supposedly by terrorist."

I gasped. It was that easy? A bombing? A couple of lousy bombs killed off my greatest enemies. This was...

"Awesome," I whispered.

Vincent smiled. "We are blessed."

Oz hugged me tightly. "Tell me you're happy Gil. I wanna know that you're happy. That'll make me happy too."

I nodded and buried my head into Oz's neck. "I'm happy! I'm so so happy!"

Break laughed. I looked up and smiled at him. Somehow I knew he had something to do with this... I wouldn't be surprised if he paid the terrorist to bomb that building...

"Thank you Break," I said.

Break shrugged. "I did not do anything Gilbert."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course."

Oz kissed me. I blushed, but kissed back anyway. We were in front of everyone, but I didn't care. Oz picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he carried me away.

"We'll be gone for a while," Oz called as he carried me up the stairs to our room.

Vincent gasped. "Don't tell me they're..."

Break laughed. "Yes they are."

"Gilbert," a voice whispered to me; a voice I haven't heard in a while.

"Y-yes?" I answered.

My guardian's face appeared before me. I gasped. She looked so much prettier now, like a million worries had been lifted from her.

"Are you happy now?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yes."

My guardian placed a kissed on my forehead. "I killed them. I know that I said that was your job, but I had to. They came too close to discovering my secret. Be happy and at peace. This should be the last of your worries," she assured me.

I blushed. "I'm sorry I failed you."

My guardian laughed. "No, no. You didn't fail me. You just needed help."

I reached out my hands. My guardian smiled and hugged me. I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Is this goodbye?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes Gilbert."

"Goodbye my guardian angel."

"Goodbye Gilbert," My guardian told me, then kissed my forehead once more and left.

The End