Here's the third chapter, sorry I took so long. i just couldn't think what to write next. I'm a noob, and this chapters kind of fluffy, if you guys have any ideas or things you want to see have at it and review! and thanks to all the people who have been reviewing(:

Disclaimer: everything but the plot belongs to becca fitzpatrick.

Ow. I woke up laying on a cold hard surface. My hands were tied behind my back and my feet were bound. I could tell my ribs were bruised, maybe cracked. I started to panic and tried to sit up. A jolt of pain shot through my torso. It was obvious we were moving and I still felt tired and weak so I laid my head down and drifted off, half asleep. The back doors to the van shot open and two men appeared. They dragged me out, not being gentle I might add and hauled me into the school.

What are we doing at the school? Its summer break…

They took me into the building and led me to the basement. Who was there you might ask? Well Dabria of course! Who else?

"Look what the cat dragged in!" she sneered.

I spit near her feet and she clocked me on the head. As if I wasn't dizzy enough. I needed iron pills, fast.

"Well there's no sense in lying Nora, I'm going to kill you." She snarled.

"Mmm. Thanks for the warning." I seethed with sarcasm.

"But trust me, you won't go easy."

She called over that sweaty man that was in my house and he touched my face mock gingerly. He swung back closed-fistedly slapped me in the jaw. I whimpered in pain but didn't open my mouth. Don't let them get the better of you, Nora. I thought. He swung back and did it twice more until I cried out in pain. My nose was bleeding, my mouth full of coppery tasting blood. They tipped the chair I was in over and I crashed to the floor painfully not able to break my fall. They finally shut the lights off, walked out, and shut the door. I was plunged into pure black, almost relieved. Almost.

Patch flew home in a rush and grabbed his jeep. He had no idea what to do next. There were no hints to go off of. His phone beeped and vibrated, he opened it and stared at a picture of Nora in her captives van. She was either unconscious or asleep, he hoped to the big guy up stairs she was sleeping. He did have one piece of information that might be helpful. He managed to get a look at the van's license plate as it was speeding of with his angel; the numbers and letters were burned into his head. So it was decided, he backed out into the road and sped off looking for any black vans and searching their license plates.

I woke up to the sound of glass breaking by my feet. I didn't move but I cracked my left eye slightly and opened my ears very intently. Sweaty man was there, and the glass that shattered was one of the many empty beer bottles on the small table he was sitting at. From the looks of it he had accidently knocked it over when reaching for another. Drunk crazy man, not good. I thought. I thought the glass breaking was funny so he threw another one. It landed near my chest and glass shards swiped by man face making me wince and shut my eyes tightly. He noticed this change and pulled me up by my hair.

"Well, well, well, the slut's awake is she? Good, lets have some fun!"

"Don't touch me." I pleaded.

"Aww, don't worry sweat heart, I'll take good care of you."

He tried to lift my shirt over my head but it wouldn't come off because my hands were tied behind my back, that's the first and last time I will feel relief on account of that. He took out a small knife and my relief vanished and was replaced by indescribable fear. He my shirt off of me and nicked my stomach while at it. He sat back down and admired me from afar. I just sat there in my bra with my head down not willing to look up at him. No need to provoke him more! Dabria slipped in a snapped a photo of me and laughed.

Patch received a photo of Nora, bloodied and beaten, her nose was bleeding and her stomach was a mess, she has bruises all over her face and ribs and they had taken her shirt off. The photo had a caption…

"Remember this bra? I do…She bought it the day that I was stalking her…the day I accidentally attacked her friend."

Patch at least knew it was Dabria who captured her, although this did not settle him. He started sweating and sped up the car. Where the hell could they be? He thought with anguish.

review review. i need ideas, comments, concerns, whatever. my biggest worry is where she is being held and what kind of riddles can dabria send to patch so he can figure it out. if you guys have any ideas that would be swelll(: