Her fingers stroked the satin lovingly, like a child petting his or her first kitten. The dress was a deep ocean blue with intricately embroidered white flowers and trim. Her eyes were alight with adoration, giving her face a sunshine glow. She held it up to herself again in front of the tall mirror, admiring how perfect it was. She sighed longingly, then pouted.
"If only this dress didn't cost so much." she lightly complained, again sighing, holding it up above her head to stare at the embroidery.
"It will look absolutely beautiful on you." her male companion remarked, honesty ringing in his voice. The girl's gorgeous brown hair swung in her face as she looked over at him, flashing a pearly white smile.
"Will? What do you mean will?" she asked, surprised and confused. She tilted her head, giving her an air of innocence.
"Cost is no matter."
"Oh, no! I couldn't let you do that! It costs so much...but it's so pretty..." she trailed off, eyes finding their way to the dress again.
Her companion chuckled, "If it makes you happy then I'd be much inclined to buy it for you."
"Oh!" she exclaimed, touched. She smiled over at him, eyes as big as a tarsier's. "That'd be so sweet of you!"
He grinned and merely nodded. "My pleasure." He chuckled again, his snow-white teeth showing as he smiled shyly. His face was bright with unselfish pride at the thought of making this charming girl so ecstatic, but he was trying to be humble about it. Still, the smile wouldn't disappear off his face. She fluttered her eyelashes, not quickly, but lovingly at him.
"You should try it on, you know, to make sure it fits." he suggested, fumbling with his hat, eager to see her in the dress.
"Wonderful idea," she cooed. She disappeared to where she could change. He sat down with the patience of a gardener. He lifted a hand to his cheek; his cheek was overly warm.
Soon after, she peeked her head out, a smile building on her face. He immediately stood up. She giggled at his suddenness.
"How-how does it look?" he asked breathily. His face was flooded with excitement.
"Gorgeous." she trilled, blinking as if to emphasize its beauty. Her hair hung delicately past her shoulder and bounced whenever she spoke.
"Won't you come out?" he inquired, taking a step forward. He was eager to rush over to her, take her by the hand, and accompany her out, to show her to the rest of the world. She giggled again and her head disappeared.
"I want it to be a surprise!" she called out. He sat back down, a little disheartened, but took it well. He would be thoroughly surprised with all this suspense she was creating. She looked beautiful in whatever outfit she wore, and she took his breath away each day.
She came out again, for good this time, with the blue dress draped over her arms.
"You were right. It is beautiful." she complimented it. She gracefully walked over to him, stroked his cheek once, then smiled one of her special secret smiles, the kind they shared with each other. He returned the smile and tried to grab her hand. To kiss it. She was on to him and was too quick. She buried her hand in the dress. She gave him an "I dare you to try to grab it" look, but he declined, giving in with good graces. What she didn't know was that he was planning on stealing her hand when she would be most unsuspecting.
The store owner approached. He was a short man with a white-gray mustache. The grandfatherly type. "Well, do we have a sale?"
The girl nodded enthusiastically, then shifted her body so it faced companion.
"Yes, sir." her companion replied, grinning. The owner motioned for them to follow him to the counter to pay. The girl placed the dress on the counter for it to be wrapped up. The boy was dividing out the bills.
"Do you do deliveries? I'd rather not have to carry it around all day." the girl asked.
The owner nodded, concentrated on handing back the correct amount of change. "You bet we do. Where shall it be delivered?" he responded. She told him the address. "Ah. Wonderful."
"Where to next?" she addressed her companion. Both he and the store owner laughed at her quick change of subject. The boy pocketed the money, and they turned to the door.
"Where would you like to go?" he asked politely. He really didn't mind the where; all he wanted was to spend time with her.
"Bye-bye now." the store owner called out to them. He had a sad sort of smile on his face. Glad to have made a sale, but sad to see them go. "What a fine young pair they'll make someday." he spoke to himself.
As soon as they were out of the store, the girl linked arms with the boy as they kept walking. She looked at his face to see his reaction. He was shocked, but then warmed up to it. She always surprised him. And her touch always made his heart jump higher than the sun. "What a lonely old man. I almost felt sorry for him." she giddily remarked.
"Mm. He was a bit eccentric." he added, distracted.
The boy wrinkled his eyebrows as he stared straight ahead. The girl looked up at him.
"What is wrong?" she uttered after seeing his face. Her lips formed a pout, concerned.
"They keep staring." he sighed, looking back down at her curious face. He was referring to the few gaping peeping toms people on the street.
"Oh, let them stare. Didn't their mothers teach them it's rude to gawk?" She scoffed and cuddled closer to his arm. "Mmm."
He stopped walking. She let go.
"What is it?" she asked. She smoothed her hair.
He inclined his head. He stared out into the distance, then brought his gaze back to the girl. His eyes danced, and his lips twisted unnaturally as he tried to hold back a smile.
"You...are so-" he paused and breathed in, looking off to the side sneakily, "adorable..." he looked back down at her, "when you want to be."
She made no comment, but stared at the ground, hurt
"Not that it's a bad thing, of course," he said, afraid to have offended her. "You're just..." with a whoosh, he suddenly lifted her up. She giggled very loudly as he twirled her around. "...absolutely prettier than an ocean sunset. It's no fair."
He set her back down. She took his hand and led him into the nearest alley, away from the public eye. He was obviously forgiven.
She edged closer to him while he moved them to the shadows, near one of the moldy walls.
"No one will see?" he whispered, eyes excited. He moved his right hand to hold her face in his palm. She put her hands in his pockets to pull him closer.
"Not unless they have hawk eyes." she whispered back. She was enjoying the feeling of him feeling her face with his thumb.
Their lips moved closer, making the wait all the sweeter. Her hands slid up his toned sides while he nestled his free hand into her hair. She delicately, yet passionately placed a hand behind his neck and the other stroking his well-defined chest. Their lips touched-
"What is going on?" a voice cried out.
They broke apart quicker than a person jumping out of bed after being doused with ice-cold water.
"What are you doing?" the voice demanded.
AN: Who are the boy and the girl? And what year is it?
Also, I'm sorry I do not have Beta Reader (as you may have noticed).
And the next chapter won't be as confusing or unknown...I hope ;) Oh, and people will also have names. And the plot will begin.
Constructive criticism is greatly welcomed, but comments are simply adored.