A/N- I want to thank everyone who voted. I was happy as I read the reviews. I couldn't finish this story without all the wonderful reviewers (: Second off… the final chapter. Yes, I have been writing this for a while, so yes, it's got to end.

Now, I have your final couple. BUT, the chapter will NOT be focused on them. Since it's the last chapter, I'm going to focus on other previous couples in the closet. Anywho, you're choice is…

Bridgette/Noah! Yes, Bridgette was just in the closet, but I said it was your choice. You chose Bridgette/Noah, so I'll try to play around with it. It'll probably just be friendship though. Now, onto the FINAL chapter of Let's Play a Little Game!

Disclaimer- Bitches, you get it by now, it's the last chapter.

Duncan needed just ONE fight before the game ended. He knew he only had time to fit in one more couple, so he wanted to make it fast.

"Owen, DJ, give me ideas," Duncan said.

"Well, have we had a repeat one yet? You know, like Bridgette was in last time, and she could go in again?" DJ recommended.

"Good idea! Now, who are we putting her with?" Asked Duncan.

"Oh, Noah!" Owen replied. Duncan paused, and then smiled wickedly.

"They hugged in the Yukon-"

"Noah told me that it was just to keep warm," Owen said.

"Whatever. We're putting Noah and Bridgette in together. That'll cause a riot," Duncan said.

"But Geoff and Bridgette are only friends," Geoff said.

"He'll get jealous," Duncan said.

"Dude, says who?" Geoff asked. He had Noah and Bridgette with him.

"How did you know that they were going in?" Asked Duncan.

"I didn't. Bridgette was by the closet door when she heard Noah was going in with her, and she got both of us," Geoff explained.

"Oh. Well, how was asking out Lindsay?" DJ asked.

"Well, she said yes. The only problem is Tyler," Geoff said.

"Did she tell him? That would be epic if she did," Duncan said.

"Well, not yet. But, I'm afraid she might," Geoff said.

"Let's hope she does," Duncan said. DJ, Owen, Geoff, and Bridgette looked at him.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Duncan," Noah said. The four switched their glances from Duncan to Noah.

"Izzy got to your head, hasn't she?" Bridgette asked.

"A little," Noah admitted.

"Now, let's get you two in the closet," Geoff said. Noah and Bridgette walked into the closet together.

"Seven minutes starting… now!"

Inside the closet with two (somewhat) smart people… (Okay, I'm out of captions XD)

"So, Noah…" Bridgette said.

"Did Geoff apologize for hooking up with Lindsay?" Noah asked.

"Yeah. Is that seriously getting all over?" Bridgette asked.

"According to Lindsay, you ended up on the cover of 'Star 'Stalker magazine," Noah said.

"Already?" Bridgette asked.

"With Blaineley around, word gets out fast," Noah joked. Bridgette nodded.

"Can I ask you a question?" Bridgette said.

"Well, you just did," Noah said. Bridgette slapped his head, making Noah fall.

"What do you need to ask?" Noah said.

"Why did you hug me in the Yukon?" Bridgette asked.

"Well, simple. It was either you or Owen. And I'm pretty sure I wasn't in the mood for getting crushed by Owen," Noah said.

"But, you ended up getting crushed by him anyways," Bridgette joked, and laughed.

"Well, I also got catapulted by him. But, I'm here, aren't I?" Noah said.

"You have a point," Bridgette said.

"Do you think Tyler found out about Geoff asking out Lindsay?" Noah asked.

"I don't-" Bridgette sentence was interrupted when she heard people arguing.

"I take that as a yes," Noah said. The two walked out of the closet.

Outside the closet with two (somewhat) smart people…

The two walked out to see Tyler and Geoff arguing. Lindsay was standing by DJ and Owen, while Duncan smiled.

"What's going on?" Bridgette asked.

"Geoff decides to take my girlfriend!" Tyler snapped.

"No, she CHOSE to go out with me!" Geoff snapped back.

"You're the one who chose to ask her out!"

"She's the one who decided to hook up with me!"

"You're the one who went into the closet with her!"

"She's the one who decided to go in with me!"

"You're the one who decided to take her into the closet!"

"Actually, that was me," Duncan interrupted with a laugh. The two ignored him.

"Look, it's over now. Lets just let her date both of us," Geoff said.

"Why the hell would we do that? I was her girlfriend first!" Tyler said.

"Look, she chose to date me! Get over yourself dude! Get a dose of-" Geoff was interrupted when Tyler tackled him to the ground. Duncan started to cheer, while DJ and Bridgette looked in panic. Owen and Noah exchanged glances.

"Stop the violence," Lindsay said. Duncan covered her mouth, as he cheered. Bridgette couldn't take the fighting anymore, and went to split them up.

"Malibu, don't ruin the fun!" Duncan wined.

"Too bad," Bridgette said. She tore Geoff apart from Tyler. DJ went over, and held back Tyler.

"Let, me, GO!" Tyler yelled.

"No!" DJ said.

"Dude, let him go!" Duncan said.

"No! It's pathetic that you too are fighting! It's only a girl! Geoff, Tyler did date her first. And Tyler, she did hook up with Geoff. Now, stop being so freaking immature!" Bridgette snapped. By now, the campers who were not by the closet were either near it or by it.

"She's right," DJ said. The two sighed, and Geoff held out a hand.

"I'm sorry for giving you a future black eye, a few scratches, and other things," Geoff said.

"Same here man," Tyler said. The two shook hands.

"Dammit," Duncan said.

"So, while we're all here, let's remember our closet moments," Owen said. Lindsay thought back to Geoff's closet turn, and what happened after that, which resulted in a smile. Noah thought of his crazy time with Izzy, which made him smile too. Duncan smiled at his time with Katie, while DJ also smiled at the memory of him and Katie together in the closet. Bridgette smiled at DJ, while both Geoff and Tyler smiled at Lindsay. Owen thought about two things that had to do with his closet time: Blaineley, and food.

"Attention former competitors! Meet up by the pool immediately, so we can interview you for the latest issue of 'Celebrity Manhunt!'" Blaineley called. Everyone walked towards the pool, with a smile on their faces.

A/N- And, there you are! The LAST chapter of Let's Play a Little Game! Ahha, Duncan got what he wanted XD Even though it's the last chapter, it's not over yet! I'll be doing a spin-off/sequel of this story later (: More info will come later too (:

So, thank yous! First off, thank you to all of you wonderful reviewers! As of chapter 20, there are 265 reviews! That's a lot to me! Thank you all (:

Next, I want to give a huge thank you to Hawkfire111, for recommending my story on their page (:

Now, to everyone who read this story, and didn't just vote: I took my time to write this, and I think I did a great job. Now, I'm not a snobby bitch (Urgh… language…) for saying that: It's what I think. I want to thank the people who took five minutes out of their day to read a chapter of this story. It means a lot to me.

This is the sign-off of this story. Toodles, and thanks again! :D

Featured Music (songs I've listened to while writing this): Enchanted- Taylor Swift, Jar of Hearts- Christina Perri, Start me up/Livin' on a prayer- Glee.
