Hey guys and gals. This is my first Fan Fiction story based after hush, hush.

Hope you like it =D

A Dream of Red

I'm in a field of mist. Only the day before, Patch declared himself to me. I look around. Despite it being a dream, the mist is beautiful, a sort of lilac colour. I wave my hand, palm first. It doesn't even make any droplets. Suddenly, there's a roar in the distance. I turn, fear washing over me. I do what my instincts are telling me. Run.

Only the night before, I was in a plain of mist. Now again, I seem to be back. Why the hell is this happening to me? Am I a jinx? That's what I feel like now. I look around, like last time, expecting to find the source of the roar. I sit down, infected with the disease of tiredness. Ugh, I hated being tired all the time. Dad always called me 'Little Clumsy Clucks'. Hold on a sec. Why am I remembering things about Dad when I was 4? This place feels wrong to bring back long forgotten memories. I stand, turn around.

Only to have my face centimetres away from huge black eyes.

I'm running. Something horrible, something monstrous with huge black eyes is chasing me. I'm running through mist that seems to be the only thing in this world. Suddenly, I trip. As I fall, I spin round to see a dark, blood-red figure with the black eyes. Muscular, scarred arms clung to the ridge where I fell. Like he lost the thing most precious to him, he roared. The sound that came was nerve-breaking and bone-chilling. I started to cry with the horrifying fear that came over me and then stopped falling. I had landed.

With a wave of cold and a sudden shudder, I woke up with a start, not sure of what time it is. I'm tired and full of emotions. Love for Patch. Worrying over Vee. Fear of others. Maybe Dabria. I don't know what to do with myself. All these new events, like getting an angel in my life, have also brought back so many memories and thoughts of Dad. He could be someone to talk to now. He would understand, wouldn't he? Would he protest against Patch? Would he think it's ok I'm in love with 8my guardian angel?

Has he been gone so long, that I don't know?

This is really the last thing I need to think about at…..1:30 in the morning. Oh God, my life is really not right now.

I get out of bed, only to realise that it's damp with sweat. I put my hand on my forehead, its way too hot for normal. I feel my clothes. Soaking. My hair. Drenched. Is this normal for Nephilim? Did Chauncey get this? Either way, I'm going to do something.

Walking around the room, I realise that all my windows are open. A fresh cool breeze came through. I walk towards the windows, not sure whether to close them, or investigate the temperature. Sticking my hand out hesitantly, I discover that it's actually quite cold. So why was I so hot?

Going as quietly as I can, I creep down the stairs for some water. Since Mom's room is completely wrecked, she's sleeping on a converted bed from a couch until the builders and decorators come and sort it out. Seeing her asleep makes me feel so guilty. I know none of it was my fault, but Dabria was after me, and now my mother has to suffer neck aches and back pains for her time on couch. Any disturbance would wake her.

I was surprised at how alert I was. Whatever was going on is having an effect on me. Usually I'm all groggy and dragging myself to places. Wow.

Quietly, I open the cupboard door to grab a mug. That's how much water I was going to need. Maybe three actually. This was one of my favourite mugs (also noticing that, yet again, I'm alert to detail). 'I'm usually gorgeous but today's my day off' always made me smile. Turning the cold water tap on I fill the mug and immediately start to drink.

Only to start choking it up.

"What are you doing up this early, honey?" That's what started my choking.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to startle you Nora," Mom said as she quickly came over to pat and rub my back. After taking a couple of deep breaths I say "It's ok. No harm done."

"Still, I'm sorry. So, what are you doing up this early? It's 1:35 in the morning."

"I was hot. I came down to get a drink of water. I was trying to be quiet when you startled me while I was drinking the water."

"Honey, you look more than hot." she said, giving me a look that said 'explain'. I hated it when she gave me those looks. But this time I didn't really care. She had rights to know why I disturbed her 'blissful' sleep. I lifted my hand to tuck extra strands of hair behind my ear knowing there's no point in trying a poker-face. She lifted her hand to my forehead and took it away immediately.

"Can I just have a drink and get back to you on that?"

"Ok Nora. But don't even bother trying to worm your way out of this."

I stopped gulping the water down. Was I in trouble? "That temperature is giving me concern. If this carries on, we may have to go to the doctors." Oh, that's a relief. I carried on gulping the cold tap water. The water felt like ice going down my chest, it was such a comfort. It was like diving into an ocean after walking for hours in a country sized oven.

"Nora? You've had 4 mugs of water now. Come talk and if you feel the same, you can carry on your attempt for the world record for drinking most water." I smiled; it was nice she was trying to make me feel better even though I didn't feel ill. Despite wanting more, I resist the urge. Knowing I'm hydrated enough, I pour the rest of the water from my fifth mug and set it down. Turning around and walking over, I notice that Mom is fidgeting. Probably wanting to investigate the mysterious fever. "Now Nora, what's going on?" she asked.

"I'm as clueless as you are. I just woke up feeling hot, like I said" I gesture with my hands to add some effect so I can get to bed and let mom get some sleep. We need that more than talk.

"Do you want to go to the doctors? I can arrange an appointment for you."

"At… 1:40. I don't think so Mom. How about we just go to bed and see what I'm like in the morning? Is that ok with you?"

"I said that you weren't going to worm you way out of this because I know you hate it when I go all nurse on you. I'm simply concerned for my daughters' health. Right now though, that seems the best thing to do. Oh dear," she suddenly said.

"What?" I ask. Thinking it's probably another relation to the fever.

"I haven't got any pain killers."

"Mom, I'm not in pain. It's fine."

"Take a cup up with you just in case you get worse and if you need anything, I'm right here."

"Thanks Mom. If you need anything, I'm upstairs."

"Thanks Nora. Now go to bed and get some rest. It will do good for you," she said smiling with an apologetic look as if to say 'I'm sorry your ill and I can do beep all'.

I quickly go upstairs to give Mom some peace and space. Walking past her room, there was a big draft of the smell of smoke, reminding me of when I was trapped and Patch came to save me. No, no. I will not think of Dabria now. I quickly walk in my room, looking at the open windows and feeling the cool breeze. I walk to the side of my bed and press my palm on the mattress. Still damp. I suppose I'm just going to have to ignore that. I slide in bed, feeling that being exposed to the fresh, cold air has made the bed cold with it. This felt nice. As I lay there looking at the ceiling and out the windows, I wonder how knowing I'm a Nephil is going to affect me. But as I start to think of this, my eyelids get very heavy. What's brought this on? It's as if someone is controlling me to go to sleep. I suddenly start to drift…..

I find myself, in a barren plain. Around me is mist. It lingers like a savage hunter and circles me. I walk cautiously, reminding myself about big black eyes, blood-red figures and big, muscular, scarred arms and a bone-chilling roar. I expected that at any moment now, he would appear. There was no wishing for Patch here. He wouldn't come; I know that, I don't blame him. Looking down to know where I'm treading, I wander for what seems like hours to then finally come to a plain where the mist clings to the floor and only comes up to my knees.

My eyes widen with shock.

In the middle of this small, circular plain of mist is a pillar of light. The light is so blinding that you couldn't see past it. Circling down from the mist is dark, lilac mist. This seems to be the source of all of the mist. But that isn't what I'm interested in.

Next to the pillar is him. He's a little taller than me and very muscular. His skin was the palest I have ever seen. The scars on his arms look like they were made from the claws of a bear or teeth of a shark. They were long, straight and 'obvious to see' scars that ran all the way down both arms. His hair was part of the red I had seen. It was exactly blood-red. Like the kind you would see in magazines. I couldn't see his eyes; his head was turned towards the pillar of light and mist. I lean to look behind him. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

He had wings. They were large, black and untouched by the light from the pillar. They looked perfect on him. The arch of his wings reached the back of his shoulders and the tips were all the way at the back of his knees. The shape was so fine that his body protected all of his wings from the light. He turned around. I finally saw the black pool of those depthless eyes. I waited for the roar or the sprint that came for me.

Only he smiled.

He turned his body so he was fully facing me and spread his wings. They were no longer black. They were blood-red like his hair. Fear crept up me again and I felt the shaking that began within me. He came towards me. As he came closer, I crept back, knowing if I ran, he would follow me. As he came closer, I realised that he was young. He looked like he was 21 at least.

I realised I wasn't moving.

He reached me and said in a soft voice "Do not be afraid. I have been waiting a long time for you Nora Grey. My name is Crimson." He bent over and kissed my forehead. I was shocked that I didn't feel offended at all. Patch would've hit him hard. But this is my dream so…

"This is no dream, Nora Grey."

I looked at him with wide eyes. The light behind started to reach out with whip like strands and touched him. There and then, he was on fire. Literally on fire. He roared that painful cry. I started to scream.

I woke up with a start. I was freezing. I sat up and I grabbed the duvet and wrapped it around me. It was 9:30 in the morning. What did Crimson mean 'This is no dream'? How on Earth did he know my name and why of all dreams do I remember this one so perfectly?

I didn't want to involve Patch in this. It was only a dream right?

After some pondering, I got up carefully so not to get a rush of dizziness and got dressed in denim jeans and a lilac, long sleeved, V-neck top. With clothes on, I went to close the windows only to find something at the window I investigated last night. On the window sill was a silver charm bracelet with two, large circles at either end of the chain. On one had a black feather, the other a red. Next to them, was a clipping of blood-red hair, tied by a woven, brown band. The words of the dream rang in my head.

"This is no dream, Nora Grey."

So..what do you think?

Are the chapters too long and do you want me to shorten them? Is it ok?

Tell me if you wan't me to keep writing and UD soon. This only took me 3 hours to do.

Love Ya

Emma 'EePee' Paige