Sewing Oranges
Author: Stoplight.
Summary: Kuki is now a housewife for Mister Beetles. [ficlet]
Pairings: Abby/Kuki. Implied Wally/Kuki.
Words: 368
Track: Adored – Paramore.

An eyebrow disappeared beyond the rim of her cap as Abby found Kuki settled in the middle of her living room. The petite teenager was sitting midst piles of cloth, all different shades and textures; along with an array of patches and buttons. Numbuh Five could hear her humming in delight as she plucked at a piece of familiar fabric that drowned her lap, sewing kit at her side.

"Girl – did you fight Walls for his hoodie or somethin'?"

The Asian girl looked alarmed for a minute, her head snapping so quickly on her slim shoulders that Abby nearly feared for her swan neck, before startled violet optics met her own amber ones. "Oh, Hi Abby," Numbuh Three chirped. "You scared me, you silly!"

She received a small smile in response before Abby gestured to the piece of clothing in her fingertips. "How'd you manage to get him to take that off?" the spy questioned.

"Oh – he gave it to me to fix up!" Kuki grinned, brushing a lock of silky obsidian behind her ear. "I guess his Mom would have just thrown it out or something."

The darker-skinned girl strode the length from the doorway of the family room to the couch before settling into the comfy cushions. "So ya just decided to work for 'im?" she remarked. It wasn't uncommon for the oriental to go a little further for Wally, still she was curious.

Kuki stuck out her tongue in a huffy gesture. It was obvious – even to her sparkle drenched brain – what Abby was getting at; Wally didn't do much at all of what Kuki asked of him. "I don't mind!" she insisted, eyes crinkling in sudden joy. "Besides, it gives me a chance to use my new patches!"

Numbuh Three held up a bag of extremely feminine shapes for examination. A warm smile - one that brought a delighted blush to dance across her face and warm fuzzies to the victim - spread across her features. Returning to her work, she buried her nose into the orange hoodie, inhaling deeply. "Maybe I could put a big 'four' over the hole . . . ," the Japanese girl wondered absently, sooty lashes fluttering against fabric.

Pulling her legs next to her, Abby shook her head in amusement as Kuki continued on, occasionally brushing obstructing pieces of her hair away.

The pretty Asian had become a housewife.

A/N: Did anyone else notice that Kuki has slightly bad nerves?

Sewing needles and jumpiness – be afraid!

It's a shame I can't write as lovely as the lot of you but hopefully I am entertaining you.


KND © Mr. Warburton.