Okay I have decided since I loved the story 7 Minutes in Heaven by Fckn I decided,"Hey! I'm gonna make one too!" But you know different pairings and the places will be different. But thank you so much Fckn for the great idea! Note: This takes place right before Total Drama World Tour

Can't Stand It - Never Shout Never

Justin X Beth

All of the Total Drama Island cast was hanging out at the C.I.T.'s house. Only because Courtney was the only one with the free space. Meaning everyone's parents were in town but Courtney's. The cast sat on white leather couches and glass polished tables. Eva huffed glaring at each and everyone of the contestants "Why the hell are we here anyways?" she asked her eye twitching slightly making DJ scoot farther away from Eva in fear.

"Well we have all been kinda bored since TDI and TDA ended, I mean we need some drama in our lives" Owen said patting his stomach.

"Can we please do something already" the Goth sighed.

"How about spin the bottle?" Cody suggested winking at Gwen. Courtney rolled her eyes

"Please my dad tolled me to keep the house in order and you hooligans and your crazy hormones are going to go crazy if we play spin the bottle" The C.I.T. said crossing her arms her onyx eyes narrowing.

"Why don't we do 7 minutes in heaven instead I mean, Its in a closed space they couldn't wreck anything too bad if they are in a closet, couldn't they princess" Duncan snorted.

"Fine but if you damage my closet in anyway I will hunt you down and rip your head off" Courtney threatened. Owen put his hands in the air

"WHOOO I call Izzy!" Owen shouted. Geoff laughed

"Dude thats not how it works, you have to pick names out of two hats one for girls, one for boys" Geoff started

'"And they have to stay in a closet fro 7 minutes, alone" Bridgette finished batting her eyelashes in Geoff's direction. Lindsay giggled

"Taylor are you going to play?" she asked Tyler.

"Yes Lindsay but it Tyler.." The horrible Jock stated but e couldn't stay mad at her with that face. Izzy pulled out a pen and paper from her red frizzy hair, and began to write everyone's name on a piece of paper. As she then tore them so they were now slips of paper with everyone's name. Geoff took off his hat and put all the boys names in it. Katie pulled out a small hat from her bag and Izzy put all the girls names in there. Duncan then put one hand in the girls, and the other the boy and pulled out two slips of paper. Duncan began to laugh historically. The bookworm looked over Duncan's shoulder as he began to chuckle. Even Noah had found the pairing funny.

"Well who is going?" Sadie asked eagerly.

"Justin and Beth" Duncan stifled through his laughter. Owen pulled out his I-Phone that had a built in timer in it as he got it set up. Beth screeched happily standing up. Justin snorted but said nothing except

"Oh well beautiful people always have to go first anyways." Lindsay wished Beth good-luck. As Owen pressed the timer as the door shut.

In The Closet

The door had closed leaving the two alone. Beth giggled

"So Justin" she said rocking back in forth on her heels. Justin let out his breath through his nose as he put on a fake smile

"Beth you know you look really pretty in this lighting" he said

"But its pitch black" Beth said but her train of thought was interrupted by a pair of two beautiful lips. Justin pulled back though quickly wiping his lips. Beth's mouth was agape

"Oh wow does this mean we are dating!" Beth said excitedly. Justin held back his taunting laughter

"No Beth" He finally managed. Beth began to go on and on about how she knew Justin liked her.

"I knew you liked me, I mean we were a match made it heaven you just couldn't really see me with my braces on but when I got them off you saw the true me and we fell in love!" The Optimistic Wannabe cheered.

baby, I love you

I never want to let you go

the more I think about

the more I want let you know

that everything you do

is super duper cute

and I cant stand it.

Justin rubbed his temples pretending to look annoyed, like as if he had only kissed her for the game. But secretly deep down, and I mean DEEP down, he knew what Beth was saying was true.

you-ou you got me where you want me

cause I'll do-o anything to please you

just to make it through another year

you-ou I saw you cross the room

and I knew-ew that this was gonna blossom

into something beautiful

you're beautiful

She always was happy, she wouldn't look for his flaws, she would celebrate him. He felt even more special when he was around that girl. Everything she did was cute, not as annoying as he says. But how could someone like him, be with a girl like that. Beth had stopped talking when she heard the faint beep of Owen's alarm as Harold threw open the door.


Justin then chuckled to himself, ya right. Why would he like Beth.

"So what happened with you two eh?" Ezekiel asked.

baby, i love you

i never want let you go

the more i think about

the more i want let you know

that everything you do

is super duper cute

and i cant stand it

and i cant stand it

no i cant stand it.

"Nothing really" Beth lied. Knowing herself they could never be together no matter how much she dreamt about it, well maybe you never know so she wasn't going to let go of Justin, just yet.

Not bad right? I kinda like it since they never really can be together. They are two different. But other news which couples should I do next?

DJ X Izzy

Heather X Noah

Harold X Leshawna (Love them lol)

