Ohayo! This is ORO with another chapter of 'Eiji's Story'! I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't own PoT (Prince of Tennis)

Recently on Eiji's Story-

"He meant there is someone else who could give her more love. A different kind of love. That's why he turned her down." Fuji said. "Oh. I wonder who that could be... I better go find her." I said, before finishing my lunch and speeding off to the Ichinen trio's table.

Normal Pov~

"That Eiji is a Baka. And he STILL doesn't know." Momo whispered to Fuji before the rest of the Regulars sat down with them. Before anyone could notice, A smirk appeared on Inui's face, his glasses flashing a color of silver. "Good Data. Very good Data." He said, scribbling who knows what onto his little notebook.


I sat down at the Ichinen Trio's table. "Domo!" I said to them, glancing at Sakuno. "Ah, Kikumaru-sempai! What are you doing at our table?" Horio asked me, putting down his milk carton. "Eh... I just um... wanted to check on Sakuno-chan. But know that I'm here, let's just talk and eat!" I said, laughing awkwardly. "Sempai, you came to check up on me? Thank you. I am fine now." Sakuno said, looking surprised, then bowing. "Mondai nai. And that's good to hear." I replied, taking a bite out of my corn. During the lunch period, we talked a lot about different stuff, a lot revolving around tennis. "Don't worry, Kikumaru-sempai! My two years experience will pay off!" Horio said, doing the peace sign in my face. There was a moment of silence before the table started to break out in a hearty laugh. I glanced at my watch, and saw it was time to go. "Oh, classes are going to start soon. We best be going." I alerted the group. "Hai!" The five said (including Tomoka). I glanced at the regular's table and saw none were there anymore. I guess we were having too much fun. We threw our lunches away, and exited. Before Sakuno could go, I grabbed her hand. "Hai?" She said, turning around with a blush. "Can we be friends? You seem to have none other than them, and I thought maybe I could help you with tennis. While still being your friend, of course." I said, patting her head and smiling. "Yeah. That would be great. But do you mind if I ask why you are humbly making this offer, sempai?" She asked me, putting a finger to her chin. "Oh? You're asking me why? Well, I don't know. I want to get to know you guys. So, this would be my first friendship with a freshman. Or, fresh-girl, I should say." I replied, poking her red cheek. "See you later, Sakuno-chan!" I said, waving to her from behind as I made my way back to my class. I didn't notice before, but somewhere in a hidden hallway, a smiling Fuji and Inui were taking notes and pictures that could be used for blackmail. "Heh. How about we see where this continues to go, Inui?" Fuji said with a sadistic look on his face. "I second that." He replied, pushing up his glasses that were shining a silver color.

That day, I was off my good luck streak. I was late to class, and I got scolded. Then I had to sit next to the most feared girl in the whole school that always has a dark aura around her! I received 2 slaps and 3 punches in that classroom. My cheek continued to throb. Then later, some guys spilled their buckets of water on me as they were carrying it to art class. "Gomen, Kikumaru-sempai!" They said, bowing, then continuing on their way. "Nya! Now I'm wet." I complained to myself. I had to go to the nurse to get a change of clothes, and by the time I came back, class was over. That meant I was going to be counted as absent. "Oh great!" I cried. I was on the lookout for any trouble/danger, since I didn't want anything more to happen before tennis practice. I happily made it one piece! "Hey, Oishi!" I said, patting him on the back as I joined him in the courts. "Eh... Hello?" He said, wondering why I was in a happy mood. We practiced against some of the 3rd year students and second year students before we got dismissed. "Baka o kiku!" Ryuzaki-sensei yelled to the tennis team. (She said "Listen up, idiots!") "Hai!" we responded, standing strait as arrows. "The results are being told of the District games, so listen closely. Doubles pair 2 is Fuji and Kawamura. Doubles 1 pair Oishi and Kikumaru. Singles 3 is Kaido. Singles 2 is Ryoma. Singles 1 is Tezuka. Momoshiro, you are going to be on reserve. That is all." She announced with a strait face. "Hai!" We shouted. "Everyone, tomorrow we are going to work harder than before since it is only three days away. Yudan sezu ni ikou!" Tezuka said, his voice splitting the air. "Oi!" We yelled, and I even did a flip. ( He said "Let's go without dropping our guard." or "Let's go with caution." or just "Let's do it with caution.") I was confident in my play, and I wasn't about to let down.

"Tenshi! Tenshi!" I called out as I put down my backpack. My sister then suddenly came running through the hallway, panting. "Gomen, aniki! I was planting a flower in the back yard." She said, standing up strait once more. "It's ok. Where did mom go?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, she went shopping. She told me to tell you dinner is in the fridge. I already ate." She told me before skipping off to the backyard again. As soon as she left, I dug through the fridge and found myself a Subway sandwich. "This is dinner?" I laughed. I went to my room, and laid down on the bed, eating my sandwich. ~This tournament will lead us to the Nationals. Seigaku will definitely get there. We will.~ I thought to myself as I threw the wrapper away. I slept after that, knowing I would want to get up later. At 6:00 p.m., I got back up to find my mom home already, and she was stretched across the living room's couch, watching Tv. I snuck to the couch quietly in an attempt to scare her. "Boo!" I said, raising my arms in front of her with swift motion. "I already knew you were there. I'm not falling for that again." She said in a monotone voice, without looking at me. She sat up and kissed my cheek. "Have fun at the tennis courts." She said, turning away again. "Wow. You know me that well!" I replied, grabbing my tennis racket and walking out the door. I was on my way to the street tennis place, hopeful to have someone play me. "Kikumaru-sempai!" I heard a voice call out to me from a block behind. I turned to see Tomoka from school running, but dragging somebody behind her. She suddenly stopped, and put her hands on her knees. "Are... you... going to the... tennis court two blocks from here?" She said, taking a breath between her words. "Mm." I answered. I looked behind Tomoka to see and equally sweating Sakuno. "Hi, Kikumaru-sempai." She said, exhaling. "Hi. So uh, you guys want to go with me? Or are you busy?" I asked them, racket slung over my shoulder. "I asked just so we could go with you, Kikumaru-sempai!" Tomoka said, smiling. I shrugged and let them follow me.

"Here we are!" I said, gesturing to the field around me. "Oh, Momo, Fujiko! Hi-hi!" I said, waving to Momo-chan and Fuji who were already playing a game with each other. They waved back and continued. When the game was over, Fuji won by a landslide. "You are as strong as ever, Fuji-sempai." "So are you, Momo!" Fuji retorted. "Fuji-sempai..." Momo said, looking down with a sweat drop on the back of his head. "Mada Mada Dane, Momo and Fuji-sempai." A voice said. We turned to the stands to see a confident looking Ochibi, looking ready to play hard. "Oh, Ochibi." I said loudly, then quieting myself before doing a side glance at Sakuno. I turned to the two girls. "Well, Sakuno, Tomoka-chan! How about we play some!" I said, taking both of their hands to the next court. "Ah, Sempai!" The girls cried as they were dragged. The three left behind just laughed in my performance. Well, Ochibi smirked if you want to get specific. "Ok! First I'm going to show you the proper way to swing accurately! You better listen up." I said, my teacher side getting ahold of me. "Ok! I'm ready!" An energetic Tomoka said, a fist raised. She got in her place and showed me her form. "No, no, no. That won't do, Tomoka-chan!" I said, walking towards her. I moved her arm to a less bending position, and straitened out her back. Then after I had finished, I stepped back and gave a thumbs up. "Thank you, Kikumaru-sempai! I always do manage to get that wrong." Tomoka said, blushing. Sakuno then suddenly walked next to her and tried to strike the same pose. "You got it, Sakuno-chan! Now both of you try swinging." I said, waving at them. The girls swung a bit, then decided they wanted to try a game with each other. "Can we, Kikumaru-sempai?" They asked me. "It's not my permission you have to ask for. Go ahead!" I yelled, smiling at them. The two got in their opposite positions and started. Surprisingly, Tomoka got the first point. She smirked. "You can try harder, Sakuno!" She said, trying to encourage her friend. Sakuno suddenly sprouted up a face of determination. "I will, Tomoka-chan!" She said. I sat down and looked closer at how they played. These girls didn't get to hit everything, but I was amazed at the ones they did hit. Sakuno was better at stamina than Tomoka, so she could keep up with her hits and not get tired. Tomoka had a longer arm reach, so she could return the ball easier that Sakuno could. "Guys, I think that's enough!" I said, sweat dropping as I noticed the sky get darker. The two immediately dropped to the ground, being out of breath. The two continued to pant on the ground before I helped them up at the same time. "I think that was good practice. I like it." Sakuno said, looking up and putting a finger to her chin. "Of course! If sempai is here to help us get better, it'll be really fun." Tomoka said, looking up at me with a big smile. "Well, if you're asking for more detailed lessons, I could help you." I said, widening my eyes. Tomoka smiled at her friend and elbowed her on her side.

"But wait! YOU have to agree to my conditions." I said, pointing a finger in their surprised faces. "One, you can't be girly. Two, you have to listen to what I have to say. Three, I want you guys to come with me to church. At least once. I mean, I never thought of asking before." I told them. "Whatever, sempai. As long as we have an agreement!" Tomoka said, sticking her hand out for me to shake it. I shook it and nodded. We three walked back to Momo's court, and saw Ochibi playing Momo. "THIS is for eating my left over hamburgers without my consent, Momo-sempai!" Ochibi shouted, performing his twist serve. As always, the ball whizzed by Momo's head and was caught in the fence. "That surprises me every time, Echizen." Momo said, scratching his head. "Let's continue, Momo-sempai." Ochibi said with a face of revenge. "Oi, sempai, isn't Ryoma-sama a little too excited?" Tomoka asked me, tugging at my sleeve. I looked down at her. "Yeah, I agree. I have never seen him like this, except for when he's playing somebody strong in a match." I told her, then faced the game again. "Eiji-sempai! I heard that!" Momo yelled while performing his famous dunk smash. "Don." He said in a low voice when he reached the floor again. This was the last point until the game was done. The score was 6-4; Ochibi won."Still strong, Momo-sempai. But...Mada Madasyo." He said, taking a sit by the bench. (Another form of 'Mada Mada Dane' which means 'No, not yet.' or something like that) "You guys look tired. Care for some Inui Juice?" A voice behind us said. "Ah! Inui-sempai!" We said in a surprised tone. He pushed up his glasses. "Thanks for the good data. All this time I was keeping record of everything, especially you, Echizen." He said, bringing out some of that nasty green drink. All of us backed away very slowly. "No thank you." We said, purple anime lines forming above our heads. "Well, it's time for me to go home and attend to Yuuta. See you guys." Fujiko said, putting his racket in is bag and leaving. "Say, Inui, what time is it?" I asked him, remembering that I forgot to bring a watch. "It's 8:00." He said, not even glancing at his wrist or phone. "Ah! I'm going to be late!" I said, quickly gathering my stuff. "Oh crap... I forgot that Obaa-san isn't going to be at home... She went for a trip." I heard Sakuno say to Tomoka. "I'll try to call my mom to see if you can stay over." Tomoka said, flipping her phone open. She pressed one button, probably a speed dial. "Yeah, Mom? Can Sakuno stay over tonight? Ryuzaki-sensei isn't going to be at her house. Oh? Special guests? So she can't? Ok, bye." Tomoka conversed. She looked at Sakuno with a sullen face. "We have relatives coming over, and they are a lot. Sorry." She said, shaking her head. It seemed that the other regulars had heard the situation and were now turned to the two girls. "Sakuno-chan? If you need a space, you can come with me." Momo said, pointing to himself. "But oh wait... My brother and sister mess up everywhere... I guess I can't." Momo said, saying sorry with a bow.

"Well, Sakuno-chan, you can go with me. I have space, and I'm sure okaa-san wont mind." I said, slinging my pack over my shoulder. "Thank you, sempai." She said, bowing deeply. "Well, see you guys later!" I said, taking her hand in one of my hands and waving with the other. When I left, the regulars laughed once again at my performance. "This will start turning into something else, ne, Inui?" Fuji said, walking over to Inui's side. "Heh. I've already got my predictions." He said, smirking, and scribbling more into his book. "So, do you suppose we let Kami-sama do all the work, instead of meddling?" Fuji asked, still smiling sadistically. (Kami-sama can mean God.) "Ah. Based on my calculations, if we go through with either of our plans, it could mentally scar both for sometime, and we wouldn't want that. Well, maybe you would, Fuji..." Inui said, getting quiet at the last part. Even though Fuji heard it, he ignored his comment. "Ok. We'll just see how this unfold. Deal?" He said, putting his hand out. Inui looked up and shook it.

"Ma!" I yelled, after we stepped in the house. "Okaerinasai, Eiji!" My mom said to me before looking on my right. (She said "Welcome back, Eiji!") "Oh? Who is this? One of your friends from school?" She asked, gluing her eyes on Sakuno. "Yeah." I said, before Sakuno explained what happened. "Oh! So you need a place to stay? You are welcome here, Sakuno-chan! Let me get a bed prepared." My mom excitedly said, as if Sakuno just became another child of hers. "Hi, Aniki!" My sister said, before abruptly stopping her stroll towards me. "Who's she?" She said, looking back between Sakuno and my face. "I'm Sakuno Ryuzaki. Yoroshiku!" Sakuno said, bowing. "Nice to meet you." Tenshi replied. Sakuno told her why she was here. "Oh! That makes sense. Well, I hope your stay is enjoyed." Tenshi said before skipping back to her room. "Sempai... Arigato." Sakuno thanked, bowing again. "My name isn't 'sempai', Sakuno-chan! You can call me Eiji, nya." I said, lifting up her red face. "Eiji! You can take Sakuno to her room while I make din-" My mom yelled, coming into the hallway before seeing us. "Nevermind." She said, laughing as she stuck herself back into the kitchen. "Heh, sorry about that. Here, let me lead you. The bathroom is the door across from your room." I said, scratching the back of my head. I went strait ahead and turned left, then made another right, leading to a dead end of the house. I opened the door and let her step inside. "Thanks again." She said before walking in and sitting on the bed in the far corner. "My mom is going to make dinner soon. And also, you can use some of my sister's clothes for when you sleep and when you wake up. I'm sure she won't mind. Just make sure to return them afterwards." I said, before walking out of the room. I flipped open my phone. "Konnichiwa, sensei. Sakuno-chan is going to be staying at my house." I told Ryuzaki-sensei. "NANI? YOU BETTER NOT DO ANYTHING TO HER, YOU HEAR ME, KIKUMARU!" The phone blasted. I immediately jerked the phone away from my ear and twitched. "Hai hai, sensei." I said, and I ended the phone call. I went to my room on the other side of the house to chill out. I knelt at my bed, and started to pray. "Lord, whatever happens at the match, please let us win! No matter what else happens." I laid down on my bed and slept, before Tenshi's loud voice woke me for dinner.

"Eiji! Time for dinner!" My sister called. I got up groggily and walked to the dining room, rubbing my eyes. "Thanks mom." I said, sitting down at the table, staring at the food. "Your welcome." She told me, setting down the desert. A few moments later, Sakuno walked into the room. I looked up and noticed she changed clothes to something my sister had offered. Sakuno slightly bowed and thanked my mom for the meal. She came to the table, and sat next to me. My sister and my mother finally sat across from us. "Eiji, you can do the Grace." My mom said, nudging me with her finger. I nodded. I closed my eyes before the prayer. "Thank you God for providing us this food today, thank you for keeping us safe to be able to eat this food. We pray you bless and continue to provide this food for the house, and bless the hands that made it. In Jesus' name. A~men." I said, opening my eyes once more. Then it was time to dig in. Of course, I stuffed all I could down my throat without getting it clogged into my windpipe. "Nya! This food is good!" I said, munching the food in my swelled up cheeks. "You say that every time, Aniki. Please chew with your mouth closed." My sister said, performing a karate chop on my head. "Fine, fine." I said, swallowing. I turned my head and noticed Sakuno was laughing at my behavior. This made me feel very pleased. A few moments later, my sister got up and pushed her chair in. "I think I'm done. Aniki, you can have my leftovers." She said, walking away briskly, going to the kitchen to wash her hands. "Yeah, I feel the same. I'm going to cook some more carrot cake for tomorrow's breakfast, since I have nothing else to do." My mom said, doing the same as Tenshi. "Oh, I have to call Miss Ryuzaki to tell her you are here." My mom said out loud. "I already did." I shortly responded before picking up a piece of meat from Tenshi's plate. My mom said ok, and got out her unused kitchen utensils. That just left Sakuno and I at the table. I glanced at her, and noticed she was eating slowly. I put my hand on her shoulder. "In this house, you can eat as fast as you want. Don't be uncomfortable just because of us." I said. "Well... ok." She said, before she started eating regularly. I took my hand off her shoulder and then picked several things off my mom's and sister's plates to put on my own.

We two finished our deserts then went to the kitchen as well. By then, my mom was already putting the pan into the oven. "Eiji, you have to watch dishes." She airily said, sitting at a chair and watching the mix bake. "Nya! I hate washing the dishes! I had to do it last time! Why can't Tenshi do it?" I complained. "Because I have a project to do in my room, Eiji." Tenshi said, walking right past me to go back to her room. I sighed, feeling defeated. "Ano... I'll help. If that's too much of a burden for you, E- Eiji-sempai." Sakuno said from behind me. I knew Sakuno was one that would heartily give, but man, sometimes she could be too nice. "No, no! Of course not. You are a guest in this house. This is his job." My mother said, glaring at me for a second. "Please. I really do want to. I don't want to be stuck having nothing to do." She said, already going by the sink. "O-ok. If you really do. But next time, Eiji, you wont have help again. You hear me?" She said, switching her view from Sakuno back to me. "H-hai!" I yelled, bowing in fear. Sometimes I fear for when my mother gets angry. A chef can use any utensil to harm. "Can you watch the oven for me, Sakuno-chan? I have to take a bath. The thing will take about an hour and a half to bake." My mother said, smiling. "Sure, Ms. Kikumaru." She said. "Arigato." My mother said before taking off. Sakuno moved next to me so we can both do the dishes. "Can I do the washing? I mean, I didn't expect you to help me, so let me at least to the harder part." I said, taking a sponge in my hand. "Ok. I'm actually used to this, because Obaa-chan is at the school on after hours. I'm usually by myself at home." She said, taking the dish from me and drying it. I nodded and continued. But, there was this one dish that had what seemed to be an impossible stain to remove. I scrubbed so hard that the suds went flying everywhere. "Eiji-sempai." I heard Sakuno call to me. I turned to see her face covered in white bubbles. I reached up to my head, and felt my hair covered as well. "Ahahahahaha!" I laughed before she joined in. "Sa-sakuno-chan, can you uh... Can you help me with this stain?" I said, laughing in between words. "S-sure." She said, still laughing as well. She took the dish and scrubbed. "There. All gone." She said, handing the plate back to me. "How did you do that?" I asked, looking at her in awe. She took some paper from the counter and wiped her face clean. "Eiji-sempai, you didn't turn the sponge to the hard and scratchy green side. I~ did." She said, cocking her head to the side and smiling. "Gah." I sighed, having a humongous sweat drop at the back on my head. We finished the dishes and then I dried my hair, since it was still damp. We sat down at the little table in the kitchen, watching the oven.

I leaned my head on my closed fist. "Ne, Sakuno-chan?" "Hai?" "Are you going to be cheering for us, as always?" She raised an eyebrow at me. "Hai. Of course." She replied. "Sakuno-chan, do you have a moment to spare when you get back to your house? Because I think I may want to take you up on that Bento offer." I asked. "Oh? My... Bento? Sure! It'll be no problem." She complied. We sat there, just staring until the timer beeped. "It's done." I faintly said, feeling sleepy. Sakuno got up, put some gloves on, and took out the pan. "It smells really good. I feel like having one." She said, blushing because of her sudden urge. "Me too." I said, yawning after wards. She laid the cake on the table. "How about we sneak one piece?" I asked, already getting a plate and two forks. "Are you sure?" She asked, looking up at me. "My mom wont mind. We have plenty more." I answered. I carefully cut a piece, putting it on the plate. We both scooted in and took our forks. I looked up from the cake and smiled in her face. "Let's eat." I said. We cut the cake in two and ate our filling. "Yum!" I said, patting my mouth with a cloth. "Your mom is the best cook I have ever met before." Sakuno said, sighing at the savory goodness. "She's a professional cook. That's why." I said, wiping her mouth for her. "Thanks." She said, blushing again. I glanced at the clock on the wall and freaked. "Oh no! It's already ten o'clock!" I said. I washed the dish quickly and put it away. I grabbed her hand and rushed her to her room. "Why are we running?" She managed to ask. I didn't answer until we arrived at the door. "Because my mom usually comes out at this time to see if I'm still on the computer or something. I don't want you to see her scary side. It's best to got to sleep right now." I said, sweat dropping. "Goodnight, Sakuno-chan!" I told her, patting her on her head before I went to my own room, pretending to sleep. "Oh Eiji? Are you in your room?" I heard my mom's voice call out from behind the door. "Yeah." I said, turning on my bed. I tucked myself in and fell asleep 10 minutes later.

Author's note: This only told of one day. I know, it's kinda boring. I'll try to do better. Now, I wanna say another thing. I know the second match in the Tokyo District for them was Fudomine. I wont get specific about that match, because I forgot what match came first and so forth. I'll try my best. Now if you want to see a third chapter of this, REVIEW!