Name of One Shot: Holding Out For A Hero
Summary: Rin is in grave danger when a coyote demon kidnaps her from Keade's village. When Sesshomaru learns of it, he goes to save her. But if he doesn't reach her before the sun rises, she will die. And this time, he won't be able to bring her back to life.
Author's Note: Hi ya! I'm back for the conclusion of Holding Out For A Hero. I hope you liked the first shot of this. Thanks for all of the wonderful reviews! R&R Please
Name of Two Shot: Holding Out For A Hero 2
Sesshomaru's heart stopped for what seemed like several minutes but it was really several seconds. How could Rin be dead? His Rin. The carefree smiling happy Rin. No. She couldn't be dead.
Then again, his nose never lied to him before. Nor did his eyes. Her body was turning a light shade of blue.
He silently made his way over to the cell and ripped the door off it's hinges and threw it across the room and into the wall. He stood by her body and pulled out the Tensaiga. His eyes narrowed when he didn't see the little demons from Hell around her body.
Hisao laughed as Sesshomaru stood by Rin's body and began shaking slightly.
"You cannot bring her back, Sesshomaru," Hisao said. "Her soul didn't go to the Netherworld. My Kakari absorbs souls. The only way to save her is to defeat me. And, you're not going to defeat me this time." Hisao smirked, confident Sesshomaru was now weak.
Have you someone to protect?
Sesshomaru slightly gasped, his father's words echoing through his head. No. He didn't have someone to protect. He was a great powerful dog demon. He didn't need to waste his time protecting someone.
Have you someone to protect?
Sesshomaru clutched the hilt of Tensaiga tightly. Why did that question keep repeating itself? The answer was always no. He didn't have someone to protect. He never had someone to protect.
Have you someone to protect?
This time, the question was louder in his mind. Sesshomaru looked down at Rin's body, death blanketing her. With a missed heart beat, he realized, he did have someone to protect.
It was Rin.
He was always saving her from danger. Always protecting her when they were traveling. Even if he didn't want to admit it.
Sesshomaru growled, putting all of his power into the Tensaiga, willing it to bring Rin back to life. He needed her. He wanted her. He wanted to see her smile. He just wanted her shining brown eyes to open.
"Your efforts are futile, Sesshomaru," Hisao laughed behind him. "You cannot bring her back to life with that rusted piece of metal. Her soul belongs to me now."
Sesshomaru closed his eyes, setting Tensaiga across Rin's chest, silently asking it to protect Rin's body.
When he opened his, they were red and glaring at Hisao. He drew Bakusaiga from it's sheathe and aimed it's tip at Hisao's heart. This bastard was going to die for killing his Rin. No one kills his Rin and gets away with it. No one!
"Awww, you're mad at me." Hisao said, watching as Sesshomaru growled and his eyes blood red. "What on Earth did I ever do to you?"
"Bastard," Sesshomaru growled, charging towards Hisao. Hisao smirked, pulling out his other two blades out of their sheathes and blocking his attack. He pushed against Sesshomaru but he kept jabbing at him.
"You loved that pathetic human, didn't you, Sesshomaru?" Hisao asked, dodging every strike Sesshomaru made at him. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes.
"Silence." Sesshomaru pushed him against the wall. Hisao grunted, pushing his swords against him and jumping into the air, landing by Rin's body.
"What is it that attracts you to this human? Perhaps you might be falling into the same path your father took, falling in love with a mortal girl and dieing to protect her and their newborn son. What is his name? Oh yes, Inuyasha."
"Silence. I will not take the paths my father took." Sesshomaru argued, facing Hisao.
"Humans are so weak. They let their feeling get the better of them. They have no power to control anything. Humans are greedy filthy creatures that deserve to die! Demons shall rule these lands!" Hisao continued as if he didn't hear Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru growled more, getting tired of this babbling idiot. He needed to get rid of him quickly or else Rin's soul wouldn't return to her body. But he had to be careful. Hisao was still by Rin's body.
Have you someone to protect?
Sesshomaru bared his fangs, bracing himself. He was going to get rid of Hisao once and for all. He had someone to protect. And dammit all, he was willing to do anything to protect her. His Rin.
When you have someone to protect, your powers grow exponentially…
He could feel his power coursing through his veins. Inuyasha had spoke the truth when you had someone to protect. Your power increases rapidly.
"Oh, what's this?" Hisao asked, dumbfounded as Sesshomaru glowed red. He wasn't going to transform, his power was just increasing.
"I protect Rin!" Sesshomaru growled, charging at Hisao.
Hisao gasped as Sesshomaru destroyed his blades before he could put them up and Bakusaiga's tip pierced his heart.
"Die." Sesshomaru whispered, a deadly look in his cold golden eyes. "Bakusaiga."
"No! How can this be?" Hisao screamed as bolts of electricity shot throughout his body and dissolved into nothing.
Sesshomaru panted, shoving Bakusaiga into the ground. He looked at Rin, kneeling next to her and gathering her lifeless cold body in his arms.
"Rin, wake up," Sesshomaru said, gently shaking her. Rin's head lolled to the side. Sesshomaru's eyes widened and gasped. "Wake up, Rin." He shook her more and his heart dropped to his stomach as her body got colder.
"Please." Sesshomaru put his head in her neck, something unfamiliar getting caught in his throat. What is it his breath? No. It was a sob. This scent wasn't Rin's. It didn't smell like raspberries. It still smelled like death.
Sesshomaru silently pleaded her to wake up from death.
Why did he let her stay with Inuyasha? She wouldn't be dead if he just kept her by his side. Kami, why did he agree to let Rin stay with the humans? Oh yeah, that old woman, Keade convinced him to. She said it'll teach Rin how to survive on her own when it came time. Pathetic. She would've learned just fine with him.
Kami, why did he let her go? Didn't she know he needed her? He needed her by his side all the time.
His eyes stung.
All these feeling he had for her, did it mean he…he…lo…loved her? Or just wanted to protect her?
He looked at her lifeless face with a sad expression. He stroked her delicate cheek with his fingers, careful not to cut it with his sharp claws. He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her cold lips.
Yes, he did love her. His heart was nearly torn in two when he left her with Inuyasha. And every time he told himself to only check up on her every once in a while. She needed to learn how to live as humans do. Not demons. But his heart tore every time he had to leave. So, he made the visits quick and brought her gifts she said she didn't need. Hoping to decrease the pain.
Oh, how wrong he was.
It only made the pain worse.
His eyes widened, hearing a small cough. Then, the two most beautiful brown eyes looked at him. Lips moved but no sound came out. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Rin," Sesshomaru said quietly, smiling. He was stroking her cheek again. "You're alive."
She weakly nodded and Sesshomaru wrapped his arms around her. He buried his head in her neck again, smelling her wonderful raspberry scent that was slowly covering the scent of death.
His Rin was alive and he was going to make sure no one ever dared to kidnap her again.
He protected her.
He loved her.
The End!
Well, I thought that was a good place to end. Sesshomaru didn't really confess his feelings to Rin. More like to himself. I hoped you guys liked it. Sorry it wasn't long. Now I'm off to work on my other stories. Oi. This will not be fun.
R&R please.
Drama Kagome