Amber the Cheetah
Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog, I do own Amber the Cheetah, Chief Solo, Kelsey, Star and the place Tribal Plains.
A/N: This story is told from my main character's POV
Prologue: Introduction
My name is Amber the Cheetah. I am a young cheetah and a single daughter to my mother Star and my father Sol. I normally have an amberish necklace around my neck and wear a yellow sleeveless shirt, yellow skirt and yellow shoes I live in the Tribal Plains a plains way different from what humans call Africa where lions, and even leopards killed cheetahs like myself. Tribal Plains was different because all three of us lived together in a tribe with different duties given to each tribe. The lions were responsible for protecting us from invaders, the leopards were given scouting duties due to their elusive nature, and us Cheetahs were given messenger missions. This was a hard duty but the tribe knew that the fastest of the three of us had to help out somehow, so we were given these risky missions.
I can here your thoughts, you are thinking; what are the risks Amber? Well I'll tell you, we border another area known as Mobotropolis which had been conquered by an evil mad scientist. Yes a mad scientist and his name was Dr. Ivo Robotnic. He had conquered all of the lands in Mobotropolis renaming the area Robotropolis. Dr. Robotnic conquered this area and began taking the native people there and forcing them to serve him as robot slaves! Why didn't your tribe help out in preventing this from happening you ask me? Well I'll tell you why, the evil Scientist conquered it in one day! After since the bordering city country was conquered, Tribal Plains was on high alert planning to over throw the evil Scientist to help the locals, but we had to keep ourselves low and destroy as many of the robot men Dr. Robotnic sent into our lands as what he claimed were 'scouts.'
As a cub my mother had told me terrible stories of the evil scientist which nearly made me wet my bed at times. As a cheetah myself I had inherited a messenger position and now as I had came of age to start working as a messenger, I found myself shaking all over as I made my way to our tribal leader. Our Tribal leader was currently a lion. His name was Solo whom was with his wife Kelsey. Seeing me come in the two turned towards me as I bowed.
"Easy there Amber" Solo told me.
"I'm sorry chief" I muttered "I'm just scared that's all."
"As you have every right to be" Kelsey spoke for her husband "Starting today you will be traveling along the world. It is a hard life as a messenger but you cheetahs have the fastest speed and are worthy to be messengers."
"That and you can't take a lot of damage" Solo told me "You're speed would be great on the battle field Amber but you cheetahs take a lot of pride in your speed and trade it in rather than brute strength and speed. We want you all to live but someone has to be a messenger."
"I know that, I'm just scared-what if Robotnic grabs me"
"You're mother has taught you well about him, no wonder your scared" Solo muttered placing his paw over his head but he turned to me "I can assure you Amber that we will not mean to send you with a message to Dr. Robotnic himself...Unless it's to tell him we declare war on his forces which is not going to happen any time soon."
I sighed hearing this "Thank you chief, I really feel much better now."
Solo and Kelsey nodded understanding my words and it was Kelsey that gave me the mission.
"Amber" she began.
"Yes Kelsey?" I asked in a calm voice now.
"Your first mission will take you to the heart of Robotropolis " Kelsey said.
I looked up but Solo placed a comforting paw on my shoulder "Not looking for Eggman no, if we wanted to do that we would've asked a leopard to do this but we have heard of a rebellion happening in the heart of the Robotropolis...Now that's where you'll be delivering the message to."
"This is a risky mission for me, but if that is what you want I will take it."
Kelsey nodded understandingly as she turned to me "The message is to King Acorn's daughter Princess Sally Acorn, the leader of the rebel movement whom calls themselves the Freedom Fighters."
"Alright what's the message?" I asked.
Solo turned to me "Tell her I Chief Solo request an audience with her and wish to speak about an alliance with her. You are to stay there until Sally Acorn gives you her answer, if she says yes you will escort her until she reaches the border line of the Tribal Plains where one Leopard will watch your backs from the trees."
"And if she refuses?" I asked.
"Then you alone come back here and tell me that" Solo said "That way Dr. Robotnic doesn't think you are a part of the Freedom Fighters."
"Alright give Sally Acorn your message requesting an audience with her to speak about an alliance, stay there till she gives me an answer gotcha chief!"
Kelsey grabbed onto my shoulder as Chief Solo burst out laughing at my outburst and eagerness to get out of the room "Hold on there Amber there is a part of your mission you haven't heard of yet."
I stopped as Solo stopped laughing "Just like all Cheetahs Amber can't sit still for a second when you heard your missions, no wonder I really had a liking to cheetahs. But joking aside Amber, Kelsey is right, while Sally Acorn is deciding on the decision, you must NOT join in with their activities shall they ask you to aide them in destroying a power plant or factory. We don't want Dr. Robotnic knowing that we might side with his Rebels."
"Chief" I began "They wouldn't be able to convince me to set foot out that territory searching for him! The only way they'll be able to do that is if they drag me kicking and screaming."
The chief smiled "That would give Dr. Robotnic the message that you are certainly not with them, besides I trust you can take care of a squirrel, and whoever else tries to drag you."
I nodded when it came down to a cheetah's speed no one could beat us. I should be able to kill the squirrel if she forced me to go and fight against Dr. Robotnic."
"I doubt they would even force you to go" Kelsey said "After they here why you can't aide them in their mission."
"Right" I said.
"Good luck Amber" Chief Solo said as I trotted off.
When I got home my mother Star greeted me.
"How did it go?" she asked.
"Alright, I got a mission to prepare for."
"What is the mission for you Amber dear?" my father Sol asked as I began packing my knapsack for the trip.
"I have to go to Robotropolis-"
I heard my mother scream "Why did Chief Solo request my only daughter to go to Dr. Robotnic? Amber as your mother I'm forbidding you to go on this mission, I'll go up to Chief Solo and tell him I decline this mission for you, you are not ready to deliver a message to him!"
Sol sighed as he patted Star's shoulder "Star, you've frightened Amber enough during her child hood, she's not a young child to frighten she's a teenager."
"But I've lived in that area when I was a cub!" Star told him "I know the terror he can cause to you"
I nodded at my mother's worried tone "Mom, don't worry, you hadn't heard my mission threw yet."
"But isn't your mission involving you to take a message to Dr. Robotnic?"
"No mom, it's the opposite" I said "I have to take a messenger to Princess Sally Acorn."
"Oh now that's different" Star sighed "But it's still risky Amber, are you sure you want to go?"
"Yes mother" I sighed "Besides I should be able to out run Dr. Robotnic's robots."
"For a while" I heard my mother sigh but then she nodded "Just be careful dear, I don't want you to be Robotized."
So I finished packing and began my first mission. Slamming the door shut, I heard my mom crying something how she didn't want to lose me.
"You won't lose me" I made a promise to myself "I'll come back safely."
Then I began my journey, I knew that once at the Border of Tribal Plains, I knew I would have to watch my back surely Dr. Robotnic could use a cheetah to robotize and as all teenagers I could be careless. So I knew I had to watch my back as I cleared the border and after that had to fine Sally Acorn fast.
End of Chapter.
So ends the Prologue of Amber the Cheetah. Now that this is over I would like some feed back. Amber the Cheetah only fears Dr. Robotnic but can a certain Hedgehog help her face her fear? Find out in the next Chapter. Chapter 1: Sonic the Hedgehog Oh yeah reviews please, and I would like to here any feedbacks and corrections if you see any errors in the places in Sonic the Hedgehog. This Version of Sonic the Hedgehog is Sonic SATAM so please if you see any errors please tell me. Constructive criticism is allowed but no flames, these will be erased.