The first day Spencer was forced to go to work without his boyfriend was difficult. Derek didn't seem too bothered about it, ready to kick up his swelling feet and curl up on the couch with some old football games he'd never gotten around to watching. But Spencer couldn't get over the unfairness of it.
"You shouldn't have been suspended."
"I put the whole bureau in danger, Spencer. Hotch was being lenient with me and you know it."
Spencer did know it, but that didn't mean he had to like it. He pouted, his hand on his go bag, not quite ready to leave his boyfriend behind. Derek beamed, white teeth shining in his handsome face. "I don't like having to leave you. I don't like having to leave our baby."
Derek's lips closed, but the smile stretched wider, "You aren't leaving us alone. We've got each other until you get back. And Syrup, of course."
Spencer turned to their puppy. Syrup wagged her tail, large eyes staring up at them, "Are you going to take care of him while I'm gone?" The puppy barked, and Spencer smiled. He leaned in to kiss his boyfriend, one hand pressing against where Morgan's body was carrying their baby.
They'd gone to Dr. Lassiter the day they'd arrived back in Quantico. The gruff old man hadn't been happy with Morgan's activities, but he was glad to hear the man was off of active duty, "It's what you should have been doing from the instant the pregnancy was discovered." He had, however, confirmed all the men's hopes; the pregnancy was still progressing, their baby still healthy. A miracle, he'd said, and Derek and Spencer couldn't help but agree.
Derek spent the first afternoon Reid was out of town alternating between the couch and the bathroom. Nausea was not his friend, though he was more than willing to suffer it for a healthy baby. It wasn't quite as bad on day two; and Morgan spent the day indulging his cravings without being judged and watching the last of the football games he still had to catch up on.
By the third day, Derek was decidedly bored. He played catch with Syrup for a few hours, and then watched the puppy fall into a nap. The little yellow puppy yawned and settled into her bed, refusing to answer Derek's calls to play. Morgan sighed and gave up, retreating into daydreams of his own.
He often wondered what his child would be like. Boy or girl was the first question; Derek had no idea what he'd be getting, and frankly, he didn't care. He'd never really seen himself as the daddy of a boy or girl in particular. He imagined his own skin tone, lightened by Reid's, and thick dark curls. The kid had to be smart, he reasoned, with his or her daddy's brains.
Yep, smart and sweet and shy like Spencer, brave and strong like him. Derek hoped for the baby's sake that it didn't inherit Spencer's social awkwardness or his propensity for jumping into things without thinking of his own safety. Stupidity, his mother called it. She said he'd gotten it from his father. Derek frowned. His baby would never meet his father.
The fourth day with Reid gone, Morgan spent the morning talking to his boyfriend.
"I'm bored out of my mind," Derek said. "All I've been doing is thinking about when you'll be back."
"I'll be back soon," Reid promised, "We're really close to catching this guy; I've got the geographical profile narrowed down to a three mile radius. I would have had it earlier, but all I can think about is you."
"Don't let me distract you," Morgan said. "We need somebody to be the bread winner around here…" He picked at a thread on the blanket covering his lap, "So, I've been thinking about something."
"Well, our kid. I was thinking about what to name him."
"Or her," Morgan said, "I don't feel right calling our child it, you know? But yeah, I started thinking about baby names yesterday."
"Oh, yeah," Reid had put a pen in his mouth; Derek could hear his boyfriend trying to talk around it. He smiled, "I've thought about that, too. I was thinking maybe something with a lot of history, maybe an old saint's name, like Amatus or Nicomedes. And for a girl, maybe something like Eugenia-"
"Yeah, I don't think so," Derek said, rubbing a hand over his stomach.
"Okay," Spencer didn't seem to mind, his voice as chipper as always, "What were you thinking?"
"I don't know. Something nice and classic. I thought about Michael for a boy, after my dad. And for a girl, I thought maybe Angelina or Cassandra. Something kinda frilly, you know?"
"Those are nice," Spencer said absently, "Garcia was telling me about how we needed to call her Penelope. And, of course, Jennifer and Emily."
Morgan laughed, "Did she now? Penelope's cute…."
"But JJ and Prentiss are out of luck?"
"Tell them I'll think about it," Morgan said. Spencer laughed at the other end of the line, filling his boyfriend with the warm feeling he always got from knowing that Spencer was happy. He wracked his brain for more names – pregnancy seemed to be messing with his memory as well as his body. "I kinda like Isabelle."
"That's pretty," Spencer said, "Hey; I have to go, one of the officers has to talk to me about my profile. But I love you, and I'm going to be home soon, okay? Try taking a nap, you need a lot of rest for the baby."
"Yeah, I know. I love you, too."
Morgan took his boyfriend's advice, going to sleep and only waking up when Spencer arrived home that night. Derek woke up to Spencer's lips on his forehead, and his baby boy's soft hands in his. He smiled and leaned into his boyfriend. Domestic life was rather nice in some ways.
But he couldn't wait for this suspension to be over.