Chapter 10: Answers and Future
Fanny's POV
It was extremely cold. It was so cold I could actually see my breath. As I wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to keep myself warm, I kept thinking of the events that took place just today. My red, waved hair moved as the wind came in through the metal bars of the cell. Yes. I was trapped, nowhere to run...or hide. I let out a few breaths and began to cry. Many tears dripped down my rosy cheeks.
Why would I, Numbuh 86-the toughest girl in the Kids Next Door- be crying? I was stronger than that, but not today. For my heart was broken.
I, carefully, placed my hand around the bars of the jail. I was weak and defenseless. I could barely move.
I cried even more, "Let me out!"
No one could hear my cries. I fell backward on the ground as the thunder roared, the winds howled, and the rain poured, I heard foot steps come near me.
"What did you do with him? !" I screamed, with my eyes all red and puffed.
The shadow didn't answer. I began to lift myself up slowly.
"What did you do with him? !" I shouted harder.
No answer. Eventually, the shadow disappeared from my sight. I cried even harder and cradled myself. I was alone.
So that story is what lead me here…to now. I had finally found the one person that I truly liked… just to have him taken away from me.
I could only wonder what they were doing to Patton. It made my heart ache to picture them doing something to him but, at the same time, it just made me angry.
"I have to get out of here," I spoke in a low whisper.
I tried crawling over to the metal bars once again. After I almost died in a ditch, slammed into a concrete wall, and been picturing Patton killed…I was very weak.
I tried with all my might to open the cell but it was no use, I would need a key I do not have.
Who the crud is doing all of this? They better not touch one hair on Patton's head or-
The shadow appeared once again.
"You…what did you do with him? Tell me!" I demanded.
The figure slowly opened the cell and came closer to me.
"Come with me," it whispered.
I could not tell who he or she was but I needed to find out where Patton was so I did my best to obey…at least until the point where I could escape.
I pushed myself upward with a grunt, wiping the dried tears from my eyes as I did so.
The person took me by the hand and led me out of the prison and up the concreted stairway.
"Follow," The person instructed as it went up the stairs.
I followed slowly, raising a brow at the person.
What was going on here?
I frowned to myself as we made our way through a door. My eyes grew wide as I witnessed many figures in hoods, cloaks, and other disguises.
"What's going on here?" I asked aloud, "Why are yah all wearing that crud!"
"We like to keep our identity secret."
"Who are you?" I looked at the figure that had gotten me out of the cell with a scowl.
"I'm a teenager."
"Teenager! ? I should have guessed you stupid teens were behind all of this!"
"Here's the deal Fanny Fulbright. You can join us teens, since we know you are turning thirteen soon, or…you can get decommissioned."
Many of the people pulled a cloth from over the decommissioning chamber.
"Where did you teens get one of those? !"
"We have our ways," They answered, "So what's it gonna be?"
I snuck a glance from the teens to the machine.
I could be a trader to the Kids Next Door and become a teen or…I'll get decommissioned before it even is my birthday…
I pondered on this then gave a frown, "No! I will never become one of you! Now where's Patton? !"
The teen smirked.
I shot my head at Patton as he walked towards me with a small smile.
The teen removed her hood to reveal…Numbuh 362.
More of the teens took off their hoods to reveal more Kids Next Door operatives.
"Wha…? What the crud is going one here? !" I screamed in confusion.
"Don't you get it?" Patton looked at me as I cocked my brow, "It's a test."
"What test?"
"We wanted to be sure you would go down with the honor that you had promised and…you did. You did not give into the teens," Rachel explained.
"Wait, this was all not real? What about the adult with the address?"
"It was Numbuhs 2 and 5 in disguise."
"What about the one who tried to push me in that ditch?"
"That was Numbuh 4."
"The one's who took Patton?"
"Numbuh 35 and Numbuh's 44," Rachel continued to answer.
"Who was the one who slammed me into the wall?" I hissed.
"Heh…that person shall go nameless," Rachel smiled sheepishly, "…but it was not me."
"Were you in on this?" I scowled as I snapped at Patton.
Patton gave a cheesy smile, "Well…"
"You had me believe that you saved me by pushing Numbuh 4 and then all those ideas when they weren't even yours'! On that day you were trying to take me to the building, where were you going, stupid! ?"
"I was trying to give them more time by taking you the long way to the back of the building."
I steamed with rage, "I can't believe you!"
Numbuh 4 sniggered as he watched me yelling at him.
"It wasn't like it was my idea!"
"Why me? You've never done it with anyone else before."
"We have but it's been very secret up until now. We only allow certain operatives to come and do this."
"Yeah, that's why Numbuh 3 isn't here. Even though Numbuh 4 can't keep a secret very well either," Abby rolled her eyes.
"Hey! I can so!" Wally defended.
"So wait, does this mean that you were watching us in that cell?"
Rachel looked at me then at her watch, "Look at the time, we all have a candy break right now. I'd better go get some," Rachel walked off quickly.
I crossed my arms as most everyone left the room.
Patton smirked as he looked at me, "Now you still have time before your birthday."
I turned to him with a scowl, "Did you plan us getting together too?"
Patton looked at me, "What? No way! I was expecting this mission to be a total nightmare, which it was…until we kissed."
I softened my gaze as I stared at him, "You're still stupid though."
Patton shrugged, "…And you're still a jerk. Sadly, we can't change who we are…or the fact that everyone saw us in that cell."
I frowned, "So now what?"
"I guess enjoy the time you have left before…" Patton glanced downward some.
"I guess but yah know how I'm gonna spend that time?"
Patton glanced at me quizzically.
"Giving the KND everything I've got…and spending time with the stupid boy I unfortunately like."
Patton gave me a small smile, "I like that idea," He spoke as he took my hand and his'.
I smiled slightly at him as we started to stalk down the hallway.
For the time I had left, I spent it the way I had wanted to.
The day before decommissioning was rough but after spending my last hours with Patton in an abandoned house we found a week earlier. Things seemed a lot better.
The day of my decommissioning, I kept my head held high as I took my final walk to the chamber, which I had decommissioned many others.
It wasn't until I sat in that chair, gazing over at the face of the boy I once hated and now loved…did I realize, that he was the boy in my dreams. The dreams I despised so much…then actually started to enjoy. The dreams went away after the day of the "test", but I never understood why they decided to leave me then.
There was one last dream that I had after I had gotten knocked out in the cell, a dream that stuck in my mind and remembered so well…
I awoke in a small room, on a medical bed. I gazed all around and saw some chairs, a few pictures of me and my family, a connected bathroom-which I couldn't see into-, and a young boy, fast asleep on a chair nearby me, clutching my hand with a huge grip.
I felt the tenderness of his hand holding onto mine. Yet it felt so soft, but it had some rough parts. It was warm and comforting.
As much as I was enjoying the black haired boy's company, my head was aching like there was a parade going on through my mind, my body was in throbbing pain, my throat was all scratchy inside, and the smell of the room smelt like…Peppermint?
My narrowed eyes set a gaze at the boy and I felt peace again.
As I struggled to lift my weak and tired hand, I could hear much commotion going through the halls.
"Doctor! We need a doctor stat!"
Was I in a hospital?
I couldn't remember a single thing. My mind was in utter confusion.
I placed my fragile, yet strong hand on the young boy's head and began to run through his hair with my fingers.
All of a sudden, his head flipped back.
"Fanny? Hey," he yawned, "How are you?"
"I've been better."
"Heh, so how are you feeling?"
"Achy and in throbbing pain"
"Glad to hear your feeling better."
I gave him a playful glare and he smirked.
"Fanny, are you okay?" asked another boy with blonde hair and blue eyes from our school.
That's when two other guys came rushing in, in concern.
"I-I'm okay."
The guys let out some air and smiled, "That was a close one."
I could see that the young black haired boy, who was still holding my hand, was glaring at the boys.
I smirked, "Would you guys like to stay?"
He looked up at me, wide eyed and angry.
"Sure!" the boys exclaimed.
"You guys better not," he let go of my hand and stood to his feet, "Fanny pants over here," he pointed his finger at me, "Isn't feeling so good at all."
"Define 'at all'?" questioned a boy.
"She's a bit contagious-" the boys flashed out in a second.
He shot back to look at me.
I gave a surprised gaze and had my arms crossed.
He chuckled.
"What was that for?" I demanded.
"I laugh when I am happy."
"Not that stupid, what you said!"
"Oh, I just felt like it."
"You made those guys who liked me leave!"
"You'll get over it," he ruffled my hair with his hand, making it a complete mess.
"Thanks," I sneered.
He gave a toothy grin at me and I shook it off.
"So…What did happen?"
"You tripped over a log."
"Oh…How stupid, I am so clumsy sometimes," I laughed at myself.
"Oh please, I am clumsier than you!"
"NO you're not, I am way clumsier!"
Everything was always a competition, even the stupid stuff.
"One time a boy tripped me in the cafeteria and my lunch got all over the cheerleading squad!" he had a determined face on.
"Well…At least you have never fallen into the pool!"
"I-one time, my pants fell down and I tripped over them in front of the whole school."
I was defeated.
"Fine, you-" I hated saying this, "Win."
"Congrats! You are WAY clumsier!"
"YES, ALRIGHT-wait, I don't want to win at that!"
"Too late stupid, you win!" I smirked.
"No, I was umm…Joking!"
"I was there remember?"
"Crud!" he cried.
We both laughed.
"So where have you been lately? I haven't seen you since I turned thirteen."
"I've just been home. Trying to stay clear because of being in the-," He lowered his voice, "Teens Next Door."
"Well, I've just been in the same lame Gallagher," I informed him.
"Well, it seemed like those guys really liked you."
"I have that affect on people," I joked.
I gave a small smirk then spoke, "So…is it safe?"
"Is it safe to start dating again…if we can?"
"Yeah, I doubt adults or teens are still watching us. They'd probably just figure that we ran into each other or something."
I kissed him quickly, "It seems like it's been such a long time…"
He kissed me back as he grabbed my hand, "I know and I've missed it."
I smiled some as he copied the expression.
At that moment, I realized that life could not be any better.
"I love you, Fanny pants."
"I love you too, stupid."