A/N: It's been a little while since the last time I actually posted anything, but that is about to change. Not only am I {finally} typing and posting this story but I've also got a bunch more ideas crawling around. This one, however, is probably going to be the last in the "Must Be" series; the others will stand alone. I also realize that this is early for Christmas, so I will say right here that the story is set in August. Alright, enough with my author's rant, time for the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom.

…Santa's Workshop, Ghost Zone…

"Al-mooossst," Santa said in anticipation as he finished with the last name on that list early. "Yes!"

Stretching, he finally looked at his watch and jumped when he saw the time.

"Oh man, I'd better hurry or I'm gonna be late!" he yelped rushing to clear up. The man in red grabbed his coat and sprinted to the portal that would take him to the Fenton Ghost Portal. Before going through the mass of swirling green, he transformed into his ghost form and snatched the newly rented suit from the hanger.

…Manson Mansion…

"That boy has one chance, Samantha. You insisted we invite him to this dinner, but if he's late then he can forget about joining us, because we'll leave without him!" Mrs. Manson informed her daughter.

Fuming, Sam yelled, "Danny won't be late! He just had to take care of something at work!"

"Is he still keeping that a secret from you? I mean, Sweetheart, if he's keeping secrets then you really shouldn't –" Mr. Manson inquired, looking for a reason for his only daughter to break up with that Fenton boy.

"Grrr! He's not keeping a secret, he just can't tell the secret!" Sam growled.

"I hate to agree with my son, but that's keeping a secret," Ida, Sam's grandmother, interjected.

"No, there's a difference!" Sam protested, hurt that she'd sided with the enemy.

"Oh really? Care to explain?" Pamela challenged.

"Keeping a secret entails trying to keep me from discovering the truth. He wants me to know, but he can't just tell me or he'll get fired!" the Goth persisted. She was satisfied to see that it irritated her mother that she'd had a ready response and that Ida was smiling in understanding.

"Oh that's so much better," Thurston sarcastically shot back.

"Oh quit your gibbering, the boy's already here," his mother silenced him.

The three younger Mansons looked dumfounded as they saw that the older woman was right. Sam slapped Danny on the back of the head for not letting her know he was there.

He ducked some and apologized for his tardiness.

"What are you apologizing for? You're right on time," his girlfriend asked, smirking as she poked the medallion that he kept tucked beneath his clothes. Of all people, he should know he wasn't late.

He rubbed the back of his neck abashedly.

"What're you all standing around for? We've got a party to go to!" Ida screeched, laughing when they all jumped.

"It's not a party, Mother, it's a formal dinner in honor of Sammy's college graduation," Thurston corrected in exasperation. Ida, Sam, and Danny just rolled their eyes. Sam's parents and grandmother left for the waiting limo, but Danny held Sam back.

"Sam," he began, nervously. He didn't want to mess this up. Before he could go on with his plans, he had to know. So, he took a deep breath, and asked her with his voice so quiet it was almost inaudible, "Do you know who I am?"

Sam blinked, confused by the unexpected inquiry. He looked at her hopefully, probably holding his breath. He was taking a chance, she knew, because he'd asked if she knew "who" he was, not "what" his job was. She looked carefully, wanting nothing more than to give him the answer she knew he wanted, but unable to without a lie. She looked down and away from him when she still couldn't quite get it.

"No," she finally answered, quietly and with deep regret. She had tried. She had been trying for the past ten years, but she couldn't figure out the one secret he wanted so desperately to reveal. He looked down, biting his lip against the lump in his throat.

"But I will never give up trying until I do," she said fiercely, looking into his eyes. He smiled, his hope returning.

"I'm glad to hear that," Danny told her as he reached a hand into his pocket and withdrew a velvet box. Sam's eyes widened as he dropped to one knee, beaming, "Because I have one more question for you. Sam Manson, will you marry me?"

He opened the box as she stared speechless at him to reveal an ornate silver ring with an oval shaped emerald set in the center. It was a beautiful antique. She nodded her head, not trusting that words would be enough, though she did add a nearly-shouted "Yes!" for emphasis. The couple laughed and kissed heartily, but was interrupted when Mrs. Manson stuck her head back in and yelled at them to hurry up. Grinning, the newly-engaged couple followed obediently, with Danny slipping the ring on her finger when her mother's back was turned. Despite his stealth, however, Danny was sure that the elder Mrs. Manson had caught the action, considering that she was grinning from ear to ear.

The dinner was going nicely and Sam's parents were actually acting civilly toward Danny, so the couple silently agreed that they'd wait to announce their engagement until the next day. Near the middle of the meal, however, their plans began to fall apart.

"Oh no," Danny gasped under his breath. His ghost sense had just gone off. "Uh, heh, I'm really sorry about this, but may I be excused?"

Sam looked at her fiancé; she had seen the blue wisp of mist that alerted him to the presence of a ghost. He got up, leaving his future in-laws with stunned expressions, while his remained apologetic.

Only seconds after, Pam threw down her napkin, "That boy has a lot of nerve!"

Sam quickly tried to stop her mother, but to no avail, and she chased her with the prying eyes of the other diners following suit.

"Mom, don't!" Sam called, but Pam didn't seem to hear the command. For someone in three-inch heels, Pamela Manson could walk fast. She reached the window before her daughter was even halfway across the dining room.

"That boy is trouble! I knew it from the start!" Pamela proclaimed as Sam reached her. "He was talking with a strange blue man in hideous overalls! He must be up to something!"

"What makes you think that?" Sam shouted angrily.

"They were using code names for Pete's Sake! Box Ghost and Santa! What lunacy!" she quoted, completely oblivious to her daughter's expression. Sam was stunned speechless. Santa? He's Santa Claus! All this time…That must be why he asked me who he was! I can't believe – no, I can. All the signs were there, I just wasn't looking.

"Mom, Danny isn't up to anything!" she defended him as she got over her initial shock.

"You're in denial, Saman-" the woman began.

"No, Mom, you are! You won't believe that Danny is a good man!" Sam stalked off in her black and purple cocktail dress. She was just in time to see a very alarmed Phantom opening a portal with a very beaten-looking Box Ghost; she ran the last few feet.

"Danny, what's going on? What happened?" she asked, already on full alert. Danny looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't. "I know who you are."

He smiled, but it quickly faded into a look of worry, "My Workshop is under attack!"

A/N: Oh no! Cliffy! I know this is short, but it's only the beginning. What do you think of the proposal? Or of how Sam discovered the truth? Who's attacking? Tell me in a review, and as alwaysALOHA!