Alright, it is?

Chapter 1: Blue's Clues

"Kerri, Dad just left." said my older sister Kaitlyn.

"Finally, thought that bastard would never leave."

We left the room and ran into the living room. We always go in when he leaves.

I walked over to the computer and sat in the desk chair. Kaitlyn sat on the couch. I threw my arms up in the air.

"WHAT TIME IS IT?" I yelled enthusiastically.


"No, it's yaoi fanfiction time."


I logged on and went to , went to Anime/Manga, and clicked on Naruto.

"Look for one that looks fun." I said while letting Kaitlyn take over the computer.

"This one does."

"What is it?"

"It's a SasoDei. Called Just Great, by oohIgotYouWasted."



"Sounds good."

"Hell yeah, lemon time."

"Ewwww...okay, whatever." I got up and dragged a stool next to the computer and we read it. "Oh my fucking god that's just gross. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. EW! I forgot how much I hate these things! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" I complained.

"What's your problem? I loved it!" replied Kaitlyn.

"Yeah, well, I want to read a non-lemony one now move it." I waved my hand signaling Kaitlyn to get out of the chair. She got up and sat on the couch. She grabbed the remote and started flipping through channels.

"Boring. Stupid. Ew. Oh my fucking god. Kerri, Blue's Clue's is on RIGHT NOW!"

"O.M.F.G. Wait, Steve or Joe?"


"Okay, in a minute, I have to get dressed. I'm going to Kaylea's later." I walked down to the end of the hall, my room. I looked in the dresser, wondering what shirt to wear with my black mini-skirt. I got tired of deciding, so I just went with my shoulder-cut blouse. I took my T-shirt off, put on the blouse and tied its string.

I was about to leave the room when a picture caught my eye. I bent down to pick it up. I looked at it in my hand, a picture of me and my sister. 'This was taken a month ago.' I thought, 'I've been looking everywhere for this!'

"Kerri, hurry the fuck up, you're gonna miss it!" Kaitlyn yelled.

"I'm coming woman!" I yelled back. I stuffed the picture in my pocket and walked back into the living room. I grabbed my phone and put that in my pocket too.

"Where're you goin'?" I asked Kaitlyn, looking at her purple and black striped dress.

"Later I'm going to the library with Steven, now watch this already!"

"Okay, okay, just let me put my contacts in. " I went down the hall into the bathroom. I got out the contacts and took my glasses off. I put the contacts in my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror. They made my chocolatey brown eyes just pop! I went back down the hallway.

"Kerri look! They're about to do it!"

"Do what?" I looked at the TV and finally understood what she meant now. I stood next to her and did the moves with her. While we sang, "Blue scadooed, we can too!" Kaitlyn got an idea.

"Dude we should totally try that just for fun."

"Cool! I'm so in."

"Okay, then go get that Naruto book you have."

"Alright." I ran down the hallway to my room and grabbed the first Naruto volume I saw, then I dashed out of the room into the living room. I dropped the book onto the ground. Kaitlyn looked up and glared at me. "What?" I questioned.

"It's supposed to be OPEN, you DUMBASS!"

"Heh heh, oh yeah." I opened the book to a random page.

"Okay, okay. "Kaitlyn held her hands up. "Ready, let's do this." said Kaitlyn.

We swung our arms like retards, the way Steve always does and sang, "Blue scadooed, we can too!"

And that's when something fucking incredible happened.

Okay, so this is the first story I've put on here, but not the first I've written. I'll be posting more soon.