Hi! The inspiration for this fanfic is Chapter 50 of Maid Sama... I just love the series! Anyway, I hope you like it!

I don't own maid-sama, and this is not a spoiler either! purely my imagination...

Misaki is busy finishing up student council work when the door opened violently.

"President! Usui is!"

"What is it Yukimura?" she asked although she already has a pretty good idea of what he's gonna say.

"He's transferred to Miyabigaoka!" he exclaimed.


There it is again, the excruciating pain in her chest. She knew that this would happen. Seeing Usui at the Butler's Café that night and acting coldly towards her made her realize that he heard what she said to Igarashi Tora: "I'm not rich like you guys, I'm not sure whether I'll fit in. I'm not ready to cross over to that world." Misaki answered, "What if I cross over to your side instead?" Igarashi insisted, "What kind of stupid person would do such a thing?" Misaki exclaimed unbelievingly, "Then you're saying that rich and poor people can't be together is that it?" Igarashi's last words made her froze.

After that incident she received a letter from Igarashi thanking her for making Usui do what they want him to do. Then, Usui was always in the news either television or newspaper tagged as the "Long Lost Son of the Walker family".

Now, he's gone.

"President?" Yukimura interrupted her thoughts

"We can't do anything about it can we? He's more suited in that place, not here."

"But the president sure is lonely without him here." Yukimura said sadly.

Misaki turned red, stood violently and faced Yukimura, "What are you saying? I'm not! It's much better this way! There's no Usui following me wherever I go, no one teasing me, no one making me ang-!" she stopped when she realized that tears are rolling down her cheeks. Yukimura stared at her, surprised.


"Please leave me for a while Yukimura, and can I ask a favor?" she looked at Yukimura, trying to smile through her tears, "Don't tell anyone about this. And about Usui, don't tell him anything as well, I know that you're gonna try and talk to him because of my state now but I'm telling you, that world is where he belongs, he's finally with his family and that's a good thing."

Yukimura sighed, "I promise, President" then Yukimura went out and closed the door.

No one…

It's my fault that I'm feeling this way though, I should've been able to show him that I cared, but instead I ended up hurting him and saying mean things to him all the time… Why can't I just swallow my pride? She took a deep breath,This pain will be here for a while but he's better off living the way he does right now… I'll bear with this, one day at a time…

She walked away from her desk and looked out the window, "Goodbye Usui. I'm sorry." Tears continued to flow down her cheeks.

Four months later…

"Welcome Back Master!" Misaki greeted happily, "Let me guide you to your chair."

"Hey, manager! Misaki sure is in a good mood today seems like she recovered already." Honoka commented.

"I don't think that she's really happy. I'm sure she's making herself believe that she's happy as well." Satsuki said, looking very worried. "Whenever I see her alone at the back, she's spaced out and I sometimes see her teary-eyed. And she drastically lost weight working and studying so hard just to make herself numb and forget."

"But she wouldn't forget it for long, it will always come back to her. All we can do to help her is motivate her to take care of herself."

"I hope that she can get by just fine."

9:00 p.m.

"I'll be going now!"

"Thanks for your hard work Misa-chan!"

She walked alone at the lighted sidewalk with the cold air blowing and it made her shiver. I forgot to bring my jacket, well, it's not like it's a long way home.

As she walked along the road, memories of her and Usui when he used to walk her home from the café came back.

"I can go home by myself just fine! So stop following me!"

"Dun wanna! I'll walk you home everyday 'cause…" he leaned to her ear, "I want to make sure my little maid gets home safe."

She turned red, "You stupid perverted alien!"

"Hahahaha! Prez is so cute when she blushes!"

Again tears start welling up… "When will this feeling end? Everywhere I go I always see his mocking face. This is all his fault, if he didn't follow me everywhere, I wouldn't be seeing his face everywhere I go." She continued to walk and kept her head held high.

A few days later at Miyabigaoka…

"How are you adjusting here huh Usui?" Igarashi asked in such a mocking tone.

"This place is suffocating me." He replied in an irritated voice.

"Is that so? So you'd rather be in Seika where the one person you trust doesn't even reciprocate your feelings properly? And will not even fight for you?"

"Even so, she never made me feel restrained like the people in this place." He glared at Igarashi.

"It's not like you're not trained to be well-mannered all the time right? Besides, just forget about that silly girl, there are lots of well-bred ladies arou—"

Usui grabbed his collar, "Never insult her ever again. I don't care about the social climbing ladies here." He released him and headed towards the door.

"Are you sure you still have the right to say that? If you really care about her that much you shouldn't have left her, you shouldn't have pushed her away and acted coldly towards her." Igarashi fixed his collar, "But then, she pushed you to your limit and just to end your pain and suffering, you decided to hurt her, to make her feel how you felt or even worse."

Usui's hand that was about to turn the knob stopped in mid-air, to end your pain and suffering, you decided to hurt her, to make her feel how you felt or even worse. He was shocked in that realization.

"You're no different from us Usui." Usui opened the door and left.

Usui looked outside the window, this is why I never initiated for our relationship to be as a 'couple' I knew she will find it complicated too and wouldn't even let us try. It hurts me as much as it does her. He continued to walk down the hall.

What he doesn't know is that things are about to get worse for Misaki, just when she's about to reach her limit.

2 weeks later…

Misaki was patrolling around the school. She passed a group of freshman year girls.

"Misaki-chan looks a little better now don't you think?"

"Yeah. She seem to smile genuinely now not like a few weeks ago."

"And she's calmer now unlike the pass months when her demon side seemed to be amplified ten times."

"Although she tried so hard not to show it and hides it with being strict, she's really lonely when Usui-san transferred right?"

"They were very close. We might see president yelling at him most of the time but she's very comfortable with him. It must be hard not to be able to see someone very close to you, let alone knowing that you're from different worlds."

A rushing Yukimura approached Misaki, "President!"

"Yukimura! You know you can't run in the hallway!"

Yukimura stopped in front of her, hands on his knees catching his breath, "I'm sorry President, but there's a man looking for you outside."

Her heart skipped a beat. A man? Could it be Usui? No, if it were him he wouldn't be looking for me, he'll just sneak up on me.

"Where is he Yukimura?"

"He's at the school gate President." Yukimura answered still catching his breath.

She started to walk going outside the school building. Who is it?

When she got to the school gate she was in for a shock…

The man in front of her is the last person that she wants to see in her life. She felt her heart beat fast, her knuckles tightened, and her teeth gritted as she looked this person straight in the eye, making sure that the anger that she feels will be felt by this person. This person that she wants to erase from her memories but can't. This person she never thought she would ever see again in her life.

Her father…

I know the plot is a bit sad and it will be for maybe the next 2 chapters but I promise that I'll be working on humorous and romantic plots for the upcoming chapters... so please R&R so i can improve! thanks!