Disclaimer- This is so AU! Just using the Characters! Please also note that a Beta here was useful but like always, I do not like to bug him so much. This is all mine. My errors and bad english! But it is just for fun and I do hope my point gets across. Alright boys and girls, on with the show!

Ianto Jones and the Chocolate Factory

This is a story of an ordinary tea boy named Ianto Jones. He was a regular bloke trying to support his family. His family was his sister and her kids who he loved ever so much. His job didn't pay much but no one could make a cup of coffee quiet like this young man. Ianto Jones was the luckiest guy in the entire world; he just didn't know it yet...

Ianto prepared his tray of coffee mugs and tea mugs on his tray. He took his job seriously and took making his beverages as an art. His machine was his instrument, perfectly tuned the way he wanted it. His filters and spoons in their correct space, 7 degrees to the right, 2 inches back.. It was 2:00pm and knew that around this time, everyone was waiting on Ianto's rich brew. Ianto straighten his tie as he made his rounds around the cubical offices. He handed each mug to their owners as some never even looked twice at him. A few of them, a handful really, barely said their thanks. But it did not bother Ianto, he was just glad he got this job.

Times were tough these days. Everyone was looking for a job and almost everyone ended up with a hard laboring job. No one ever liked it but they had to do it, it was a job. Ianto was one of the lucky few. He was able to get in this office building on his skills as an archivist. He was happy working down below where no one bothered him but that was also part of his downfall.

There were a lot of complaints that Ianto made the archives a bit too complicated to locate anything and that Ianto kept it all to himself on purpose. Of course that wasn't ever the case but nonetheless, here he was now- the tea boy. He could have gotten fired but everyone loved his coffee. To which he still thinks saved his job. That and he was also the go-get-me-this guy. Anything anyone wanted or needed, Ianto always found it. He delivered the last set of mugs as he started to walk back to his coffee machine.

Ianto made it across the path as the television set in the break room volume was being raised. Ianto stepped in to hear the news as everyone seemed to be huddled around the set.

"Breaking News- This is reporter Janice Carter reporting to you live from the Harkness factory where minutes ago we received this letter by fax. It reads

- Dear Citizens of the World. I, Jack Harkness, will be having the bestest contest ever. I have hidden 5 Golden Tickets in my candy that was sent across the world! Those who find it will come join me in my factory and will win tons of prizes! One of you will win the biggest prize of them all! The ticket will have further instructions. Happy hunting! -

As you know the Harkness chocolate is one of the most famous chocolate in the world and as you can see, people are rushing into shops to buy almost everything with the Harkness label on it! "

Ianto sighed as he left the room. He could hear the others talking about how many boxes they were going to buy. That maybe they will buy truck loads of it! Ianto went back to his machine as he started to make himself his own cup.

"If I had a golden ticket... " Ianto started to hum as he added the foam to his brew. It would be silly to dream of it now. His father used to work for Harkness when he was just a kid. The stories his father would tell him sounded like made up stories to him but they were wonderful stories to hear.

The chicken that laid chocolate eggs. Or the ice cream that never melted. Or the time... Ianto smile faded. He also remembered the day his father lost his job. When the factory closed. His father wasn't ever the same after that. He sighed again as he took a sip of his coffee as he heard his name being called. He had to stop dreaming, nothing like that will ever happen to him. He was after all just a tea boy.


Ianto held the bag of groceries in his hands like a vice. Many people would throw out their food because it had a small bruise or wasn't as tasty as they would want it to be. Ianto though had to deal with the side of life that his life wasn't full of riches or privileges. This bag of groceries had to last the whole week. Cut off the bruise fruit and eat the rest. It wasn't as tasty, just add sauce to make it spicy.

The last time he brought home a dozen eggs and didn't watch where he was walking as he tripped over an uneven step on the ground and dropped the carton of eggs. The family didn't have eggs for that whole week and it wouldn't matter so much because he hardly ate at all. But Rhiannon and her children had to go without. Ianto shook his head, trying to forget that whole week as he walked up to the steps of his home. Today started out so well but now... This may be the last bag of groceries he would buy...

The door was uneven as he had to lift it up a bit so it could open. It dragged a bit as he stepped in the house as Rhiannon was cooking.

"You're home early." Rhiannon noticed Ianto's tie undone as he set the bag down. Ianto unbutton his vest as he took off his jacket and sat on the table.

"I got fired today." Ianto whispered as Rhiannon stopped stirring the soup she was making. She went to sit down as well.

"What happened?"

"I... " Ianto sighed as he told her about his day.

"Ianto, can you come here for a second?" His boss called over to Ianto who was cleaning his machine. Ianto nodded as he gave the machine one last shine as he walked into his boss's office. "Sit down Ianto." Ianto did as he told as his boss placed his hands on his desk and sighed.

"I'm sorry Ianto. The economy has hit us bad and there had to be cuts made. I understand your situation, believe me I understand but we have to let you go. If there was anything else I could do for you, please let me know. I am very sorry." His boss stood up and extended his hand to shake Ianto's. Ianto just stood up like in a trance and shook his boss's hand. He turned around and left the office and took one last look at his precious coffee machine.

"That's it? You didn't fight for your job?"

"His mind was made up Rhi, I.. " Ianto was about to say when Rhiannon kids came down the steps and into the kitchen.

"Uncle Ianto!" They both hugged Ianto as Ianto shook his head to Rhiannon, he didn't want to upset the kids. They were both young but they weren't dumb, kids understand more these days.

"Have you heard about Harkness chocolate? Everyone is talking about it! 5 golden tickets!" David smiled as Mica nodded. The news of the year it seemed.

"Yea but the contest is only for grownups." Ianto pointed it out as David rolled his eyes.

"Why would grownups want chocolate anyways?" Mica crossed her arms as she didn't understand why adults would want candy.

"Go watch the telly, soups almost done." Rhiannon didn't have time to explain. She had to stir the soup before it sticks to the bottom.

"Soup again?" David moaned as his mom quickly turned around.


"Soup is good. Yay for soup. I like soup." The kids laughed as they went to the living area and turned on the telly. Rhiannon looked at Ianto as she stood up to stir the soup. Ianto sighed as he stood up and hugged his sister.

"I promise I will go look for a job right away. I won't leave you. We have 15 days before the rent is due. That's plenty of time. Maybe we accidently find that golden ticket on the floor."

"Right. The person who is going to find those tickets is going to be very fat and won't want to give up that chance to enter that factory." Rhiannon smiled as Ianto went to join the kids watching telly.

"Sit! They found the first ticket!" Mica jumped on the sofa as she was excited about the contest even if it wasn't open to children. The news reporter held on to her mic as she stood outside Harwood's Haulage with a couple smiling at the cameras. Ianto smiled as his sister was right, well not so right, the man was pretty husky. The woman next to him couldn't stop smiling.

"I am standing out here with the finder of the first golden ticket! Can you state your name please?" The reporter moved the mic over to the man who leaned forward.

"I'm Rhys Alun Williams. This is my Fiancée Gwen." Rhys placed his arm around Gwen as she waved to the camera.

"Hi mum!" Gwen smiled as the mic was back to the reporter.

"So tell me Rhys, how did you do it? To find the first Golden Ticket?"

"Well here at Harwood's we deliver allot of boxes. We also work for Harkness distribution and well, we bought some boxes from them before they went out to the stores. And this was in the 3rd box!" Rhys waved the ticket out to the camera.

"So are you excited that one of you will be going?" Gwen stepped in and nodded.

"Yes, I am very excited I am going. Rhys has to work and he said this is my engagement present!" Gwen smiled as she kissed Rhys. The reporter looked at the camera.

"Well you heard it here first. The first Golden Ticket has been found but where in this world is the finder of the second ticket?"

"Remember Harwood's! At w w w . harwoodshaulage. co ... Oh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?" Mica had changed the channel as the cartoon took over the telly. Both kids started to jump and dance.

"Spongebob Squarepants!" Mica and David yelled as Ianto stood up and headed upstairs. He entered his room as it seemed it was the only place he could call his own. The flat was rented. They had no car, the telly came with the place, and even the cook ware was his sisters. Here in his room was everything he owned.

This small room was his and only his. Ianto sat on the bed as the realization of losing his job sink in. He allowed himself 10 mins to himself. Allowed those 10 mins to release all his emotions because he had to move on. Rhiannon had showed him that small trick. She said she had used it when Johnny left her with the kids. She allowed herself that time to cry about it. But she had to move. And so does he, Ianto now have a family to support. He had to find a job before those 15 days are up. Who had time for a silly contest.

I hope that is as great as it sounds in my head! Thanks for reading! Reviews are welcomed and rewarded with Harkness Chocolate! :)