Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thanks to all the reviewers of Fate in the Music. This one's gonna be longer and more canon. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Hart Hanson or Fox.


Day 47

I don't know why I started keeping track of this. I went back and read my earlier entries and I can barely understand my own words. So that's why I'm starting over again. I'd like to title this entry Day 1, but then I'd just be lying to myself. This is Day 47, and I'm going to refresh the story.

It started with sex. Just sex. Nothing special about it. There as him, there was me, and there was us. We copulated. For what reason I'm a little fuzzy. It could have been alcohol, could have been lust, or it could have been a combination of the two. I guess I'll never know for sure.

We don't talk about it. We just do it. There's no emotional attachment, just two people who need human contact. He calls it friends with benefits. I call it casual sex. Whatever it is, it's not a relationship. I don't stick around afterwards, and neither does he.

Sex with Booth is different than sex with Sully, or anyone else, was. It's us, but it's not us inside. It's like I'm standing outside my body when we do it. I'm not really there, but I can feel it. Every touch, every kiss I can feel on my skin, but when it comes down to it, I never feel like I'm me. I feel like I'm someone else. Or maybe it is me, and I'm pretending to be someone else the rest of my time.

He doesn't call me Bones when he's inside me. He calls me Temperance. And he's not Booth, he's Seeley. It makes the act less forbidden. If Booth and Bones aren't there, they can't get in trouble with the FBI.

I can't help but think that this is going to turn out horribly, horribly wrong.

Temperance Brennan rubbed her eyes. She'd been at the lab all night, working on a case. The bones were laid out in front of her, piece by piece she had set them together in perfect precision. She'd examined every one carefully, looking for anything she may have missed before. Exhausted, she removed her gloves and descended the platform stairs, heading for her office. She entered it quietly, knowing that Angela was asleep on her couch. She told Angela to go home, but she'd insisted on staying, mentioning something about a bet she'd lost against Cam. Brennan had not been up to arguing at that point.

She removed her lab coat and hung it up before she crossed the room over to the couch. She gently shook Angela's shoulder. "Angela, wake up. You can go home now."

Her friend opened her eyes and sat up slowly. She blinked a few times, probably trying to readjust herself to her surroundings. Brennan moved back over to her desk and sat down, opening her laptop. "Booth called," Angela said groggily. Brennan looked at her.

"What for?"

She shrugged. "I'm not sure. He was wondering where you were or something, like you were supposed to be with him. He didn't say that though. He said you should call him."

Brennan hadn't told him where she was going to be. She had told him she'd go to his place, but work seemed more important. She had found cause of death. He'd forgive her because of that.

It had been going on for a month and a half now. They'd often find themselves together, rolling around in sheets until they were both satisfied. Then someone would leave. And they wouldn't talk about it. That was it. Brennan hadn't told anyone, not even Angela. She was certain Booth hadn't said anything to anyone either. Brennan would make it up to him tonight.

Brennan looked at her phone, contemplating calling him, but decided against it. She needed some rest, and she would surely see him later. Angela said goodbye and left, leaving Brennan to her solitude. She checked her email quickly, making sure there was nothing important in there before she closed her laptop and grabbed her keys. She pulled her jacket on and walked out the door of her office, closing it behind her.


She looked up at Booth, who was standing a few feet in front of her. She said nothing, but pursed her lips instead, not really sure of what to say. He stared right back. She knew what he was thinking, but he asked the question anyway. "Why didn't you call?"

"Because I didn't." It wasn't rude or anything, her response. It was just a matter of fact. She didn't call, and that's why his phone didn't ring. Her eyes scanned the lab, looking for any sign of life. Seeing none, she relaxed a little. "We're not in a relationship, Booth. You don't need to know where I am all the time."

Booth's eyes narrowed at her. He wasn't happy, Brennan could tell that much. She probably should have called. "I was worried."

Brennan scoffed, brushing past him. "I'm sure you were. And I'm sorry I can't offer you services, but I'm exhausted and I need to sleep." He reached out caught her wrist, causing her to spin around and look at him. He had been worried. Brennan could see that now. "I'm sorry," she said. "You're right. I should have called." If they hadn't been sleeping together, and she was supposed to be with him, she would have called. She wasn't sure why she didn't, and now she felt bad about it.

Instead of saying anything, Booth pulled her to him, kissing her softly on the lips. Brennan relaxed into him, but when she remembered where she was, she backed away. "You know better than that."

"I don't care."

She shook her head and turned around, heading out the door of the lab. Booth was hot on her trail. "Booth, just go. I need to go home."

"C'mon, Bones. Don't get mad at me about that." He jumped in front of her, causing her to stop dead in her tracks before she ran into him.

She glared up at him. "I'm not. I just really need to go to sleep." The sun was rising over the trees, and she knew that her coworkers would be arriving soon. She sighed. "Okay. Look, just… Let me go home now. I'll come back in a few hours, finish up here, figure out who killed her. Then we can go make the arrest, then go back to my place."

"That's not what this is about."

Brennan unlocked her car door and got in the driver's seat. She didn't look at him. "I know." She closed the door and started the engine. She looked at Booth through the glass. He looked like he had more to say, but she didn't want to hear it now. She just wanted to sleep and not think about anything.

So yeah. Short, but that's the first chapter. What do you think?