Just To Feel Alive Again
A Red Dead Redemption Fanfiction
Jack Marston/Amealia MacFarlane(OC)
Author's Note: If You haven't beat the game, there will be spoilers. Just letting you know ahead of time. I'm figuring anyone that actually reads or writes these fictions has finished the game, but you've been warned. Once I beat the game it was just something that popped into my head. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing these type stories. Enjoy. Reviews would be lovely if you could so I know how I'm doing. Also like my other stories, I will be doing song suggestions for people like me who read these with music.
Full Summary: Amealia moves to her Aunt's Ranch after being a burden to her Father. Jack Marston moves from place to place in order to keep busy. The pain of his loss tortures his dreams and keeps him from his home. Can Jack and Amealia be the strength that each of them need? Can their friendship fall into something better? Or will it bring them both down? Jack Marston/OC.
Recommended song: Far Away By Jose Gonzalez
Chapter One:
I stared out the window as the train continued on the way to my Aunt's ranch. My father was never around because of his business and even when he was around, I didn't feel too wanted. My mother died from illness and I had to tend to everything. I didn't mind doing those things, I helped my mother all the time. My father sent me off to live with my Aunt, Bonnie MacFarlane. He didn't want me around anymore and he made that quite clear. Business before family I guess.
The train came to a slow stop as we reached the ranch. I grabbed my bags and made my way off of the train. Bonnie stood just out of the train area waiting for me.
"Hello Aunt Bonnie." I say as I get off the train and into her presence.
"Hello Amealia." She replies with a smile. "How was the trip?"
"It was tiring. One long tiring trip, but it was nice to see all the land." I replied.
"Well let me bring you to the house. We can get you something to eat and then show you to your room." She said with another smile and showed me the way.
After making me some lunch, she showed me to my room to that I could get comfortable and unpack everything.
"I'll be around the ranch if you need anything." Bonnie said and made her way outside.
I sat on my bed after unpacking and changing and looked around at my new surroundings. Maybe this is the way it is suppose to be. Maybe I am meant to be a country girl. Maybe this would be a better life for me.
I headed downstairs and out to the ranch where I saw Bonnie tending to the horses.
"Do you need any help Aunt Bonnie?" I asked and she turned.
"Sure." She smiles. "I was just giving the horses some food and water. Why don't you go fill up this bucket with water."
I did as she asked and brought it back to fill up their water. Each horse, well the ones who could fit in, came and took a drink of their new water.
I looked over and saw a gorgeous tan stallion standing in the middle.
"That is a gorgeous Stallion you have Aunt Bonnie." I looked over at her a look of sadness filled her eyes.
"Yes. Yes he is." She replied quietly.
"Are you okay Bonnie?" I asked and she nods and shakes away the sadness.
"Of course, the horse brings back some old memories is all. Why don't you take him for a ride? He is an awfully good horse." She offered.
"Wow... Really?" I asked with wide eyes. "Sure, why not? You know how to ride right?" She smiles.
"I might be a bit off... My father never let me ride horses much." I replied.
"Come on, lets go saddle up some horses."
I followed her and saddled up the tan stallion and she saddled up her own horse. I got onto the stallion and stroked its neck.
Bonnie and I rode until the sun began to fall. We got the cows together and herded them back to the farm.
"Thanks Aunt Bonnie." I said as we reached back to the farm. "I had a lot of fun today."
"Anytime." She said. "I'll make a rancher out of you yet. You did great back there. I'm can sure use your help around here."
"I'd love to help anyway I can." I replied.
"Lets go bring the horses back. Almost time for supper anyhow."
We walked the horses back to their barn and dismounted. I began untacking the horse when the sound of hooves caught my attention. I looked up and saw a boy of maybe 19 or 20 riding upon a black stallion into the Ranch.
"Aunt Bonnie?" I asked and then continue when I heard a 'hm?' "Who is that boy there?" I asked.
She looks up. "Oh, that is Jack Marston. He stops by now and then for visits and to help out with the ranch. He is just like his father..." She trails off.
"Ms MacFarlane." Jack says as he stops by us and tips his hat at her.
"Hello Jack. How are you?" Bonnie asks.
"I've been better, but I'm doing alright. How about yourself?" He asks.
"I'm doing just fine. This is my niece Amealia MacFarlane. Amealia this is Jack Marston."
"Please to meet you." I respond placing my hand out to shake his.
"It's a pleasure." He says reaching down and taking my hand gently to kiss the top.
I blushed slightly and look away to try to hide it when he releases my hand.
"Do you need any help around here ?"
"We may need someone for a night watch. If you want to stick around? Also I may need another hand tomorrow. Amealia and I are going to bring the cows back out to the pasture. I'm also going to teach her how to break a horse if you'd like to lend a hand."
"Sure thing, Ms. MacFarlane." He replies.
She sighs. "Just like your father. Call me Bonnie, please." She spoke.
Jack laughs a bit at her. "Just acting as my father raised me."
"We will be having supper soon if you'd like to join us." She offered.
"I'll have to decline. I think I will try to get some sleep before the night watch."
"Okay, see you in the morning Jack."
"Yes ma'am." He replies as he turns his stallion and heads to his room.
I can't help but be curious about this Jack Marston. Only time will time...