Last Chapter, guys. I did it, not exactly in a row, but I finished this in twelve days, (a chapter a day). My b-day's this week, so Yay, I'm happy.
Please read the end notes if you're interested in extra info.
Disclaimer: Don't own it or else Gwendal would have been a yaoi fanboy and he and Anissina would have kissed in that Romeo and Juliet episode.
Berias(or however you spell his name X(...)xSaralegui
Okay, go read now.
Chapter 12 – Ruby
Gunter, Gwendal, and Conrad stood outside with a group of horses awaiting the arrival of their king. They talked amongst themselves about many things when they suddenly heard laughter. Each head turned to see their double black king and the spoilt blonde prince making their way to them. A closer look and their connected hands could be seen, fingers laced together.
Yuuri came and stood before the three of them nodding a good morning to each of them. "Where's Sara?" he asked.
"King Saralegui and Berias have gone ahead of us. I believe they wanted to stop by Shinou's temple before they made their way to the ships," Conrad said.
"They were probably in this together," Yuuri muttered to himself before going to smile at everyone. "Shall we go then? I promised Sara I would see him off, so I can't be late."
"So you keep promises to him, but not me, cheating wimp," Wolfram said from beside him.
"I'm sorry, Wolfram, I know I said we would go to town today, but I forgot that Sara was leaving. Weren't we just laughing about that?" Yuuri said smiling apologetically at his fiancé.
The blonde huffed and took his hand away, crossing his arms. Yuuri sighed and went over to his black horse, climbing up it. He reached a hand down toward Wolfram and smiled brightly like the sun he was blessed upon. "If we ride together, will that make you happy, Wolfram?"
The blonde blushed before taking his king's hand and climbing up behind him muttering, "Stupid, romantic, wimp."
"Gwendal," Yuuri said addressing the eldest brother who was frowning at them. "We won't need his horse."
The earth maryoku user nodded and handed Wolfram's white horse to a soldier to put away before climbing on his own horse frowning still. Why was he getting that same feeling he got when see cute little animals when he looked at his youngest brother and king together?
Gunter climbed upon his own horse, weeping. "Oh, my wonderful king has finally succumbed to the evil clutches of the golden lion. Oh woe is the Great demon kingdom if Little Lord Brat was to become consort."
Yuuri suddenly turned his horse around and looked at Gunter, some of his Maou form coming out as he said, a smile that was more sinister than sunny on his lips, "Lord von Christ, please refrain from referring to my fiancé by such disrespectful names."
The king's tutor just stared at Yuuri for a second before a small smile crossed his face and he bowed slightly. "Of course, your majesty, please forgive my insolence." Was it just him, or did Yuuri become more like a king every day.
Conrad got on his horse as well and they all started for the shore line.
At the shore, Yuuri and Wolfram stood in front of Sara as his ship was boarded, Murata coming up to join the group.
"You know you two ought to really stop meddling in other's personal business," Wolfram said, arms crossed.
"Oh, was our advice not of good merit?" Sara asked looking fake hurt.
Yuuri shook his head. "No, it was good advice, thank you for carrying, Murata as well."
Both bespectacled boys had glints over their glasses as they looked away embarrassed at getting caught.
Yuuri placed a hand on Wolfram's waist and pushed him slightly in front of himself. "You should thank them, too, Wolfram."
Wolfram pouted. "Why should I do that?"
Yuuri sighed.
"Oh, I think just seeing that our work was in vein will be good enough thanks from the both of you," Sara said and Murata made a 'go on' motion with his hands.
Yuuri blushed before turning Wolfram to him. Wolfram was already a bright pink, emerald eyes looking at his king almost shyly. The double black king smiled before his eyes traveled down to those beautiful red lips, the color of rubies, and he leaned down to kiss them. As there kiss got a little more serious, there was suddenly clapping and hooting and they broke apart.
"Aww, how cute. I'm jealous, Great Sage, you'll get to witness this cuteness every day," Sara said, golden eyes sparkling. "Yuuri, you must promise to invite me to your wedding when you have one, alright."
Yuuri blushed hard. Wedding, oh, right, they were engaged to be married. "Yeah, sure. You would have to come to something like that, right?"
Saralegui and Yuuri hugged before they watched the blonde king board his ship, the unicorn flags disappearing into the horizon. Yuuri sighed, and climbed back onto his horse, feeling green eyes burning their way through his back the whole ride back home.
It was late when they got back, and Yuuri and Wolfram went straight of to the king's room. They both readied for bed and climbed in, Wolfram in his pink negligee and Yuuri in his blue pajamas. There was silence between both boys before Yuuri sighed.
"I know you want to, so go ahead and ask, Wolfram," Yuuri said.
There was shuffling from the blonde's end of the bed before a blonde head glared down from above him. "You do intend to marry me, don't you?"
Yuuri closed his eyes before reopening them. "Well, we're already engaged, and I said I loved you, wouldn't that be obvious?"
Yuuri thought for a minute. He hadn't really considered that part. "When I finish high school."
The blonde's eyes widened before he went back to his side and laid still. "Fine, I guess I can wait that long."
Wait? Yuuri looked over to Wolfram, the pink negligee riding up to reveal a creamy pearl thigh. Skin like pearls. Yuuri reached out and ran a finger lightly up it causing the blonde to shiver.
"Yuuri, what are you doing?" Wolfram asked turning to look at Yuuri, face pink, pink like tourmaline stones.
"I love you, Wolfram," Yuuri said looking into those eyes like emeralds.
The blonde gasped before wiggling a bit, his voice small. "What are you doing, wimp."
He was embarrassed, Yuuri could tell, his feelings were clear and rich like diamonds. "I don't want to get married yet, but I don't want to wait either."
"Wait for what?" Wolfram asked.
Yuuri grinned brightly. "To show you how much I love you."
Wolfram's eyes went wide and he turned his head away. Yuuri threaded his fingers into his blonde hair like threads of gold and turned his face back to face him. "Can I, Wolfram?"
The blonde prince looked uncertain for a moment. "I don't want to be disgraced." It was that purple blood of nobility, like amethyst, talking.
Yuuri smiled. "How is it disgraceful to be loved by your king, by me? If you don't want to, I won't make you, Wolf."
There was silence for a few second before Wolfram reached out and wrapped his arms around Yuuri's neck. "I want, to, too, Yuuri. I love you, wimp."
Yuuri grinned before capturing those ruby red lips. Wolfram moaned into the kiss and Yuuri slid his tongue in mapping out the expanse of the prince's mouth. He started to move his kisses from Wolfram's mouth to his cheek and then his neck, nipping.
The blonde moaned and wiggled beneath his king. "Nnh, Yuuri, stop being a wimp."
Yuuri smiled against Wolfram's neck loving how Wolfram's silver voice sounded when he was turned on even when he was insulting Yuuri. Yuuri's lips traveled to his shoulder that wasn't covered by his pink night gown, hand traveling down his slightly smaller body to the end of said pink night gown and lifted it up, hand running up the creamy expanse of his leg. The blonde made a mewling like sound and turned away. The double black king leaned back to see what was revealed from under the pink negligee. Wolfram was wearing the custom underwear, but they were blue, like his uniform. Lapis Lazuli. Yuuri smiled at that and leaned down to kiss the material.
The blonde bucked slightly and pushed himself up so that he could look at Yuuri horrified. "What are you doing?"
Yuuri scratched his head nervously. "I'm not really sure. I…looked stuff up, but I'm not real sure what to do."
Wolfram swallowed before looking away. "Well, what do you expect from me? I only know…what goes…where."
Yuuri blinked at his fiancé feeling a little better knowing Wolfram was just as nervous as he was. "So, what do you want me to do then?"
Wolfram went pink. "J-just do what you want to do, you wimp," he shouted before going quiet. "I-if it's you, then it'll be fine."
Yuuri nodded and pushed Wolfram down slightly, a bit of his Maou side showing. Maybe one day, that side would mix with who Yuuri was now. "Alright, then I'll just do what I want."
Soon, Yuuri had Wolfram naked beneath him and was beginning to remove his own clothes.
"Yuu~riii," Wolfram moaned looking up at Yuuri with half lidded eyes, a glow almost emitting from him, like the glow of a moonstone. Yuuri quickly and messily took off the rest of his clothes and got in between Wolfram's legs. He swallowed before pressing their private parts together in an innocent manner that made sparks shot throughout both their bodies.
"Y-Yuuri," Wolfram moaned pulling Yuuri to him so that the flesh of their whole bodies was pressed together.
Wolfram was so hot it almost stung, like his amber flames, and it would take Yuuri's dark water to relieve him of that heat. Yuuri started kissing him again, rocking against his fiancé. The blonde gasped beneath him.
"Yuuri, more," commanded the blonde. "I-I'll come like this, you idiot."
Yuuri lifted himself off the blonde and looked around. "Right, um, do we have anything, you know, to make it easier?"
"Um, there's some weird stuff in that drawer over there, is that what you're looking for. I think the maids left it," Wolfram said breathless.
Yuuri got up quickly, but reluctantly and made his way over to the drawer pulling out a bottle of something. It looked like it could be used. He wasn't real sure what the words said as he couldn't read the demon language all that well yet, but when he stuck a finger in the bottle, he guessed it wasn't anything bad. Within seconds, he was back in between Wolfram's legs.
"Okay, um, this might hurt a little," Yuuri said.
"Hurt?" Wolfram asked. He knew that, but it still irked him.
"Um, yeah, if you don't like it, we can always change positions I guess," Yuuri offered. He didn't really want to be on bottom, but if it would make Wolfram feel better than he didn't mind.
Wolfram quickly shook his head. "No, if it hurts then a wimp like you definitely couldn't take it."
"Wolfram, I don't want to hurt you—" Yuuri started, but was cut off buy the quiet confession of his fiancé.
"I-I want to feel you…inside me," Wolfram said quietly.
Yuuri shivered feeling himself get more aroused by that statement. "I'll right, I'll be gentle then."
"Aren't you always," Wolfram replied relaxing himself to get ready for what would happen next.
Yuuri thought as he opened the bottle and poured some on his fingers. Since Wolfram was a boy and it was their first time, he was supposed to stretch him. The double black king stuck a finger in his fiancé and heard him gasp before laughing slightly.
"It's cold," Wolfram chuckled seeming relieved.
"Is it?" Yuuri asked as he entered a second finger and started moving them around. The blonde hissed.
"Ah, Yuuri, it feels weird."
"Sorry, sorry, I think it's supposed to feel weird."
"Just, hurry," Wolfram said.
Yuuri added a third quickly before removing his fingers. "Um," he said positioning himself at Wolfram's entrance. "I guess I'll be going in now."
"Uh, Yuuri, don't say it like that."
Yuuri leaned down and kissed Wolfram's lips in apology before pushing himself in. He felt Wolfram's body tighten, and could see the pain on his face. He stopped half way in before feeling Wolfram pull him down to him and kiss him.
"Don't you dare stop half way," he growled and Yuuri nodded continuing.
"Are you alright?"
Wolfram sighed before nodded. "You can, um, move now."
Yuuri sighed before moving himself in and out. Who knew that this could feel so good? He was amaze at how wonderful if felt to be covered by Wolfram and started letting his pleasure take over. Wolfram suddenly let out a mewl and there was a thought in the back of his mind that he must have hit that nerve he read about and tried to continue doing so.
Soon, they were in rhythm with each other ready to let their passion erupt like a volcano and produce precious obsidian rocks.
"Yuuri," Wolfram called feeling close and Yuuri found his fiancé's member grasping it in his hand firmly like he would a base ball bat, but gentle like. He wanted them to come together and moved deeper and faster and almost roughly until he could feel himself release inside the blonde. Wolfram came only a split second later.
It took the two of them a few seconds to regain themselves before Yuuri kissed Wolfram on his mouth. "That was nice."
The blonde glared at Yuuri and a few seconds alter Yuuri found himself sprawled on the floor naked, rubbing his chest where he had been abused by a kick. Wolfram looked over at him from the edge of the bed. "It was defiantly better than nice." Then, with a quick smile, he disappeared under the blanket. Yuuri smiled and made his way to his bed. He looked down at the already asleep blonde and kissed his forehead. He looked just like he did the first time Yuuri had found him in his bed – naked and glowing.
Yuuri snuggled under the covers himself, reaching a hand out to bring his fiancé into a cuddle and soon was asleep. That night, Yuuri found out just what he needed to do to wake up in one piece on his bed. Wolfram didn't seem to be so violent in his sleep when he was thoroughly satisfied.
Okay, so about the stones. There was a meaning to each stone that related to stuff in the chapter, but you can look that up and figure out if you get bored yourself. Mostly it was just because Wolfram's really pretty, so jewels seemed like a good thing to use to describe him. Also, the last chapter is called Ruby because Ruby is July's birthstone and Yuuri was born in July, as was I, and that's the month this is finished. Yay, it's done.
Please Review. ^^ I didn't proof read it, so tell me if there's anything wrong.
- Zee