Full Summary: Have you ever wanted to switch lives with someone? And if you got the chance, would you follow through with it? Judai, Johan, Haou and Yohan are suddenly sucked into different lives when they find romance. Is it worth it? And more importantly, will it survive? It sounds a whole lot better than it sounds, trust me.

Ok, I came up with this idea when I was in the middle of watching Daybreakers. I hope you enjoy it!

In this world, it seems that everyone wants something. It doesn't matter how much they have…they always want more.

Words like, jealously, envious and spitefulness are words that help define everyone, whether they show it or hide it. It lies in them somewhere. You just have to dig deep.

Still don't get it? Of course you don't.

Let's take Haou for instance. He's jealous of his brother, Judai. Why? Because he's human. And he's stuck here in a coffin every fucking day because if he even thinks about stepping into the sun, he could get a deathly sunburn. Literally.

And you know what makes hid really mad? Parents always tell you that you should always be yourself no matter regardless of what everyone else does. But no one ever learns their lesson. No one. It's their number one priority to break that rule and see for themselves.


He was snapped out of my thoughts from Judai. "What?" the vampire barked.

The brunette looked up at the clock as he rubbed his eyes. "Sunrise is in five minutes. What still doing up?"

Haou ran a hand through my hair, feeling a bit aggravated as usual. "Thinking. What are you doing up?"

"I woke up to go to the bathroom and then I heard some noise out here."

"Well, I'm fine. Go back to bed." He got up off the couch and opened up his coffin. He stepped in and before he closed it, he saw the morning sun start to peak up. He had to bite back a growl as he watched Judai close his eyes at the feel of the sun on his face.

Haou closed the coffin before the sun could touch his skin and slept with jealously still coursing through him.

Later when Judai woke up, he looked at the time and saw it was a little after midday. He got out of bed and attempted to make some brunch but as he passed the basement door, he stopped.

He reached his hand out to he handle and hesitated.

Just do it, he thought.

Judai turned it and descended down the stairs. He saw Haou's coffin by the corner and couldn't help but feel guilty.

When he woke up early this morning, he could see the hurt in his golden eyes. He was thinking about being human again.

Judai sighed as he thought back to that day three years ago.


Judai was seventeen and Haou was twenty-two.

The two of them were inside watching some stupid movie on HBO when they heard a noise outside.

"What was that?" Judai asked.

Haou could hear the panic in his voice. Normally he wouldn't made some snide remark about it, but this was different. He had a feeling that something wasn't right.

"Stay there," he had ordered. He stood up and looked out into the dark sky. Then, without warning, something burst through the door and growled.

Haou jumped back in surprise as he looked into the eyes of a little kid.

"Please," the boy said. "Help me. I'm so hungry."

Judai sighed in relief. "Sure, kid, we'll get you something to eat."

"Wait!" Haou yelled. But it was too late. The brunette was already up and heading for the kitchen just as the kid zoomed up and knocked him down with a hiss. His sharp fangs were very noticeable.

Before he could bit his brother, Haou jumped in the way so instead he was the one being bitten.


Haou clenched his teeth as he tried to suppress the cry of pain building up in his chest.

"Haou!" Judai continued to scream incoherent things which only made it even worse for Haou.

Finally the boy pulled away and whispered, "You'll be one of us."

Haou finally allowed one loud groan to escape as he cupped his neck with his hand. "Ju…dai."

Judai snapped out of his thoughts and willed the tears that had built up in his eyes to go away. He would do anything make his brother happy again.

He slowly walked up to the coffin and ran his fingers over the top. Then he crouched down and kissed it. "I'm sorry," he said lightly. Then he walked back upstairs and made himself something to eat.


Judai found himself down in the basement surfing through his old deck of dueling cards when Haou woke up.

The first thing Haou thought when the sun went down was his hunger. He hadn't eaten in days and he was starving. And then the most wonderful scent hit him.

Blood, he thought. He arose from his coffin and noticed the whole cover was filled with the scent. Mmm…so good.

Wait, this was familiar. It was Judai's scent.

"Haou? What are you doing?"

He stopped sniffing his coffin and looked at his brother. It certainly was Judai's smell that was making him so desperate fro blood.

He clenched his teeth and tried to fight the urge to eat.

"What's the matter?" he asked again.

"Go away," Haou muttered.


"Go away!" he said louder and he blinked furiously.

Judai looked at his eyes and saw they were brighter than usual. "How long has it been since you ate?"

"Judai, get out!"

"Haou, will you just go hunt instead of starving yourself?"

"I can't!"

"And why the hell not?"

"It's you," he growled. "I'm starving…for you."

Judai swallowed. He always wanted to be punished by becoming a vampire as well. He deserved it. But he couldn't stop his legs from racing up the steps and out of the room.

Haou screamed as his fangs came out by force. His frenzy began and he ran after Judai.

The brunette was no longer his brother. It was his prey.

Judai had just reached the living room when Haou appeared in front of the door in a second.


The vampire pushed the human to the ground and hissed. He lunged just as someone pulled him back.

A boy with teal hair and armor stood in front of him. His green eyes were dark and angry.

Again, Haou hissed. How dare he stop him from feeding?

The boy didn't smell like a human but hell, if he didn't look like one. He lifted his hand to show a knife and Haou saw a small glimpse of a black mark on his arm.

"Shit, not you again," he growled.

The teal-haired boy ignored his statement and started to bring the knife down.

"No! Don't!" Judai screamed. "He's my brother!"

He looked over and saw a brunette who looked like he was so terrified he would pass out. He looked so desperate he couldn't follow through with the kill even if it was his job-which it was.

Being momentarily distracted, Haou launched himself at the bluenette. But he easily kicked him off. He grabbed his brother and pulled him out the door and into his red car. They zoomed off before he could catch up.

"Shit!" he growled. He huffed and settled for another human to feed off.

When his frenzy ended, he finally realized what he had done. "Oh my god," he moaned. For once, he was glad that one of his predators had come. If he didn't, his brother could be dead.

Meanwhile, Judai sat in the passenger seat of the car as he kept stealing glances at the boy driving. "Wanna tell me what the fuck's going on now?"

"Let me get you somewhere safe first," the bluenette said.

"No! At least tell me a little bit."

He groaned. "Fine. What do you wanna know?"

"A name would be nice."

"My name's Johan. What's yours?"

"Judai." He paused before he asked the next one. "What are you?"

Johan froze. "What do you mean, 'What am I?'"

"Well, you're obviously not human! No other person could take on an immortal like that!"

Crap! I can't tell him, I can't tell him, Johan thought.

"Are you a vampire too?"

"No!" He was slightly offended by this. His job was to kill vampires. Why the hell would he be one? "Of course not."

"Then, what are you?"

"I'll tell you later, alright!"

"Fine, then what can you tell me?"

"I can tell you that you that you were right about your observation. I'm not human. And I can also tell you that since I didn't kill that bloodsucker back there, I got both of us in a bunch of shit."

"What kind of shit?"

He sighed. "Can you just wait for like…two minutes?"

"Ugh, fine."

Soon, they arrived at a house that Judai assumed was Johan's. They walked in and sat down on the couch.

"Explain. Now," Judai ordered.

And I guess you're just gonna have to wait until the next chapter to find out all the secrets. LOL sorry, I just love torturing you guys.

Leave me a review telling me whether the first chapter was good/bad/sad/retarded/creepy whatever, I can take it. Maybe give me some ideas to make it better?