WARNINGS: This IS a SLASH story! If you do not like it, then do not read my story. If you do not like it and still read it, it is your own fault, so do not flame me because you do not like my choice in pairings. Thank you.

Pairings: Puppyshipping (Seto/Joey) Side pairings includes- Puzzleshipping, Bronzeshipping, and Tendershipping.

Rating: T for language

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or the characters. I merely own this fanfic including them.

Author's Note: Hello everyone! It has been quite a while, has it not? Well, here is my new fanfics short-series I am working on. I do hope you all like it.


"Up yours Moneybags!"

"Watch your mouth Mongrel!"

"Like hell I will!" Bakura groaned as he rubbed his hand over his face, irritated by the two shouting teens.

"Seriously, you would think that they would just leave each other alone, but no, they have to go and make everyone suffer with them." Marik stated and he watched Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler continue their daily argument.

"You would think that, but sadly, they're both idiots." Bakura agreed, as he watched Yugi and Yami try to pull the two away from each other, failing miserably. Someone needs to shut those two up. The white-haired yami thought as he winced slightly as Joey took a swing at the CEO once he'd freed himself from Yugi's grip.

Suddenly, Bakura froze, his face growing blank for a second before it twisted into a sinister look, his eyes darkening and a malice smirk crossing his lips. A dark chuckle escaped from his throat, causing a shiver to run down Marik's spine. The blonde-haired yami turned and blinked at Bakura's look.

"What's with the face?" He paused before his own smirk play along his face. "I know that look. You have a plan." Bakura chuckled again and turned to the other.

"That I do." Bakura then pulled Marik away from the others, the sound of Joey and Kaiba yelling at each other fading as they walked away.

A few days later Marik and Bakura were set and ready with their plan. They began to keep a close eye on Joey and Seto, waiting for the right moment to strike. Finally, after waiting for only a short period of time, knowing full well that an argument between the two enemies would only take a matter of patience, their moment came when Joey was walking down the sidewalk towards Yugi's game shop.

The blonde was innocently walking, ignoring everything around him as he stared down at the sidewalk. It had been a truly hectic day for the young teen. As every other day, school was dull and all the blonde wanted to do was bash his head in so he wouldn't have to listen to his teachers ramble on about things that he most likely wouldn't use later on in life.

Then, after school, some stupid punks tried to jump him on his way to the game shop. Joey groaned as he shifted his shoulder a little. One of them had grabbed a hold of him and threw into on the walls of the building they were next to. Five minutes later Joey was walking again, now sporting a bruise on his jaw and a sore shoulder, though he was better off then the others.

So caught up in his thoughts and pain Joey didn't see someone walking towards him until he bumped into them, causing him to stumble, just barely catching himself before he tumbled to the ground. Joey gritted his teeth as his hurt shoulder was jarred painfully.

"Watch where you're going Mutt." Joey's head snapped up at the sound of Kaiba's voice. Instantly his eyes narrowed into slits and grew hard.

"What the fuck Kaiba! You have eyes too! Why don't you use them?" Bakura and Marik smirked as they watched Seto and Joey get in yet another fight.

"Are you ready?" Marik asked as he looked over at the white-haired reincarnation. Bakura grinned maliciously at him and nodded. Suddenly, the Millennium Ring began to glow brightly. The two yami's watched as Seto and Joey suddenly stop in their fighting, Kaiba shutting his eyes tightly as Joey clutched at his head. Not a second later did the two drop to the ground in a dead faint.

"Let's go before someone sees." Bakura nodded and the two raced out from their hiding spot and to the fallen teens. They lifted them up and ran down the street, ignoring any looks from people who happened to spot them.


Ugh, what the hell happened? The thought ran through Joey's head when he first began to regain consciousness as the dull throb in his head began to become more noticeable. Groaning at the pain Joey pushed himself up off the ground and looked around. He grew considerably confused when he found himself back in his apartment.

What the hell? How did I get here? Looking around some more, Joey spotted a brown, short-haired cat sleeping nearby on his couch. Raising his paw to his aching head, Joey scratched his n-

Wait . . .


Eyes snapping to said appendage Joey stared at it with shocked horror as he wiggled it slightly, finding his suspicions true. Yelping, Joey darted to his feet, stumbling at the unfamiliar feeling of being on four legs.

"What the fuck is going on?" Joey cried out, pausing for a second when he heard a strange whining sound coming from the back of his throat. Taking a chance, Joey turned his head and looked at himself. Yelling as he stared at the golden-blonde fur covering him from head to tail -Tail! He had a goddamn tail!- Joey began spinning in a circle, still unable to believe what happened to him and trying to make sense of it all.

"Damnit Mutt, will you shut the hell up! My head is killing me enough without having to hear your voice." Joey lurched to a stop at the familiar voice of Kaiba. Turning around and looking for said CEO, Joey was confused when he didn't see the older brunet.

"Kaiba?" Joey called. His eyes instantly turned to the cat as it pushed itself up and stretched before it stood up and began looking around, not noticing Joey in the lease.

"Who else Mutt? . . . Where the hell am I?" Joey stared speechless at the brown cat standing on his couch as it studied its surroundings. Taking a cautious step towards the other animal Joey studied the cat closely.

"K . . . Kaiba. Is that you?"

"What are you talking about Mongrel, of course it's me." The cat then turned and glared at him, only to stop short and stare at him, much like Joey was. A moment of silence stretched between the two before Joey suddenly keeled over and began laughing, the room filling with high pitched whimpers and pants.

"Ahah! Y-You're a cat!" Joey stated as he continued to laugh as he lay down on the ground, his sides beginning to hurt. Seto stared at the dog lying on the ground in front of him laughing. He turned his head and find that what the other had said was true. He was a fucking CAT! How in the hell did that happen?

Turning his eyes back onto the dog on the floor, Seto glared at him and raised his haunches, his upper lip pulling back in a sneer type hiss.

"What the fuck have you done to me Mutt!" Joey instantly stopped laughing and sat up, glaring back at the cat.

"I didn't do anything Kaiba! If you haven't noticed, I'm in the same shit as you!" Seto narrowed his eyes at Joey, his haunches still raised high. Suddenly they both jumped as they heard two identical laughs. They spun around and stared wide-eyed at Bakura and Marik as the two spirits leaned against each other to hold themselves up.

"D-Did you see them?" Marik asked through his chuckles.

"Their reactions were priceless!" Quickly putting two and two together, Joey jumped to his feet and began growling at the two yami's, his teeth barred and the fur on the back of his neck rising.

"So you two are behind this!" Marik pushed himself off the hallway wall and walked closer to the two teens-turned-animals and grinned down at them.

"Of course we are." He stated proudly. Joey stopped growling and stared up at the blonde with confusion.

"You can . . . understand me?" He asked curiously. Bakura stepped up next to Marik and smirked at the blonde dog.

"Oh, yes we can." Seto growled –hissed- as he glared at the two psychotic spirits.

"Change us back! NOW!" He demanded viciously. Bakura looked down at him, his smirk turning more malice.

"Now, you see, we can't do that." They two yami's watched with rising amusement as the two animal's fur bristled at the spirits words.

"And why the hell not?" Marik leaned forward and tapped Seto on the tip of his nose, quickly pulling his hand back as the CEO-turned-cat snapped at his fingers with his sharp teeth.

"Because, my little creation, we don't want to." Seto stepped out of Marik's reach and began hissing at them.

"I'll kill you both!" He yelled as his tail began to bristle, becoming twice its size. Marik made cooing noises at him as he tried to reach out for Seto again.

"Ah, aren't you just a cute ball of fury." Seto growled as swiped at the blonde's hand, but missed as Marik quickly retracted his hand once again.

"Come on Marik, we have to get going." Joey stared in shock at the two spirits turned away and began walking towards the front door.

"WHAT? You . . . you can't just leave us here like this!" Joey shouted after them. Bakura looked back at him and smirked as he opened the door and let Marik out first.

"Actually, we can. And we will. See you two around. Maybe." With that said Bakura turned and walked out of the apartment, laughing maliciously as he closed the door behind him, leaving the two teens-turned-animals behind in the empty apartment.