She really should be use to it by now she reasons but it still gives her a start every time she comes home and finds a certain Police box parked 'stealthy' in her backyard.
Sarah Jane shakes her head wondering briefly what the Doctor is up to this time that he needs her help and hopes that it's not another alien invasion on earth.
She expects to find a tall man in a pinstripe suit leaning against her counters nonchalantly as if he wasn't waiting for her. What she finds on the other hand is a young man in a pair of Luke's pants and a too small dress shirt of Luke's sitting at the kitchen table poking at what appears to be the remains of her toaster with a pair of tweezers.
"Can I help you?" Sarah Jane asked cautiously setting her purse down on the counter.
"Sarah Jane!" the man bounced up and hugged her before stepping back grinning manically as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, "I was starting to wonder if I was in the right house or not."
"Doctor? What are you doing here? And why is my toaster in pieces?"
"Ah you see there was an incident, not a big incident. Just a little one. Well, a big one technically. But not that big of a deal. No invasions, well not really an invasion more of a one bug take over. Just a small incident-" the Doctor rambled on as he went back to messing with a piece of the toasters circuitry.
"Small incident? You call me nearly getting digested a 'Small incident'!"
Sarah Jane looked around in surprise at the new voice and found a red haired girl in the doorway drying her hair with a towel in what appeared to be an older pair of jeans and shirt of hers.
"Well you weren't digested were you?" He countered.
"Still doesn't make it any more pleasant OR any less disgusting!" the girl growled.
"Who are you?" Sarah Jane asked her mind whirling trying to keep up with the new people in her house.
"Amy Pond," Amy held out her hand in greeting, "Sorry about stealing the clothes, but there was no choice as mine were dissolving." she ended the sentence with a glare towards the Doctor.
"Sarah Jane Smith."
"Oh whine whine whine," the Doctor mimicked her, "I saved you didn't I? Saved the village, rid ourselves of the alien and got us somewhere safe before the TARDIS kicked us out didn't I?"
"The TARDIS kicked you out?" Sarah Jane asked in disbelief.
"From what I understand she didn't appreciate us dripping digestive juices all over her." the Doctor said sheepishly avoiding her gaze as he started putting the toaster back together.
"So the TARDIS has kicked you out after you almost got your friend digested by an alien invasion and you decided my kitchen was the best place to hide out?"
"That pretty much sums it up." Amy agreed.
"So just a normal Monday for you then?"
They'd ended up camped out in Sarah Jane's home for just over an hour before the TARDIS stopped her temper tantrum and let them back in.
"We'll get the clothes back to you eventually!" The Doctor called over his shoulder as he dashed off.
Sarah Jane watched them leave and smiled, at least he had someone new to keep him reigned in to some extent.
Her happiness at his antics disappeared when the next morning instead of making toast her toaster started singing an aria from what she suspected was Carmen...loudly.