Ok. I'm writing again! YAY! So, this is the prologue to a band camp fic. It's gonna be LONG. YES, VERY LONG. why? Because I have a lot planned for it. :D So, I'll be typing up the first chapter soon and post it ASAP. Feel free to take this sucky prologue as you will.

The deafening roar of jumbled, misguided instruments rang throughout the small, un-air-conditioned band room. Today was the last day of school for the St. Hetalia Academy and the beginning of an awesome-filled summer for the students attending. To start it off, the school's famed annual band camp was scheduled to start the day after tomorrow, as it's 4th year running (it was student ran and so everyone was skeptic as to how long it would last). 3 years of old students along with the noobs would pack up into the bright school bus heading for who knows where.

Finally the ruckus died down as a student, also known as Roderich head of the band and overall music committee took to the stage. He was a junior but earned the respect of most seniors because of his musical abilities. He preferred to play piano but he could play just about every instrument in the room at least adequately. He was easily angered and very strict, which added to his teacher-like aura (and his inability to land a girlfriend and keep her).

"Quiet! Quiet!" He called as Alfred banged on the snare drum a couple times to annoy a red-faced Arthur in front of him. The saxophone player reluctantly stopped before he could shoot back with the highest, squeakiest note he could manage, going up 2 octives. Unfortunately he had to settle for glaring at the American with sharp emerald eyes before turning his attention back to the conductor.

"Now, this will be the last meeting at St. Hetalia Academy for our seniors and those who will not join us next year. In honor of those students, I have given you all and opportunity to play as a group, band, orchestra, and guitar as a whole class. Now, I am taking requests as to what we play, but seniors get first pick." The Austrian concluded formally, tapping his music stand absently. Hands shot up from all over the room and Rodrich politely called on Arthur.

"American Idiot."

"Hey! I don't like that song, it's /racist/!" Alfred complained, banging on the cymbals repeatedly to further show his annoyance.

"It's not racist you bloody numbskull..." Arthur rolled his eyes, his British accent laced with contempt. Stupid freshman, thinking he can get in the way of a senior's decision!

Gilbert sighed, "If you don't want to play the freaking song then just get Matt to play it instead, duh!" The albino offered over the roar, using the bow to his violin to point at the Canadian in the far back corner of the percussion section. Said Canadian stood up looking frazzled and off-guard as he made his way to the drums.

"Eh, I guess I could..."

"Who?" His little polar bear asked, he wasn't supposed to be at school but nobody cared (or noticed). A chorus of "Who?"'s followed the bear's as everyone tried to figure out who this "Matt" that Gilbert was talking about was.

Alfred shrugged, "Sure, why not?" and handed his identical twin the drumsticks. Gilbert smirked with satisfaction, turning back to his sheet music and one-sided conversation with his younger brother Ludwig who kept spacing out and staring at the flute section.

"Ok, now that that's settled. A 1, a 1, a 1, 2, 3, 4!" Rodrich tapped along with the numbers and the room was engulfed in music once again.

The rest of the school day went by in a blur and before the students knew it, they were boarding the bright yellow school buses headed towards the most memorable Summer of their lives.

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