You've asked nicely, and I shall deliver! I'm kinda happy that I can continue; I have many ideas to put into this! Hope you like this next chapter!
It's going to be a little short, but it's a plot mover…
For this chapter, I will let Pucca herself do the disclaimer!
Pucca: …
Me: Thank you Pucca!
Chapter Summary: Some people have bad days, and some have Tobe days…
Unlikely Allies
Chapter 2: (Un)Employed
Tobe woke up with a moan.
After yesterday's events, he was too tired and fatigued to get up from his bed. He fell back to sleep for two more hours before his alarm clock finally annoyed him. He picked it up and threw it at one of his ninja, who was already awake.
He crawled out of his stiff bed, stood up and cracked his back.
"…Hey, you…" Tobe grumbled to the ninja he threw the clock at "…what time is it?"
"Uhh… it's around 11:30, sir." The ninja replied
"Okay…" Tobe mumbled as he looked around at his hideout until he noticed something.
"So… why are all my other ninjas GONE?" he suddenly yelled. He immediately held his head and moaned because his yell began to give him a headache.
"Th- they went out, s-sir…" the ninja stuttered, surprised at Tobe's outburst.
"…I know I might regret asking this…" Tobe continued "…but WHERE exactly did they go?"
Tobe's ninja were in a sunny meadow at the time.
"Wow, this is so relaxing…" one of the ninjas said as he picked a flower "Why don't we do this more often?"
The others looked at him for a moment, and one responded "Because Tobe would probably kill us…"
All of them shuddered at the thought of him finding out.
" …but as long as he's asleep, we won't get in any trouble…" another continued, happily frolicking through a patch of flowers.
Tobe was silent with anger for about four seconds. Then he started yelling at his one ninja that didn't leave the hideout.
That frightened little ninja was near tears through the middle of Tobe's ranting. As Tobe continued, the ninja thought to himself, asking why he had suggested someone stay with Tobe to keep an eye on him while he slept. He also asked himself why he also suggested on drawing straws to decide who would stay…he was a terrible artist after all…
Tobe suddenly stopped ranting because his headache came back in full force. His ninja when into the kitchen and brought back a cup of tea.
"Thanks." He grumbled, annoyed at his headache "Why didn't any of you wake me up?"
"Oh! Uh...Well, when you came back late yesterday, you looked very tired, sir. You didn't even yell at any of us, you just fell onto your bed…"
Tobe was taking another sip of tea as he listened to the ninja's answer. His mind suddenly thought back to yesterday's events…The fights…that plan with Pucca…being NICE…could that have all been real? He thought (he was so tired, he figured that yesterdays event were a bad dream). If it was real…then that means…
He immediately checked his pocket (he slept in his clothes) and pulled out the Goh-Rong free noodles coupon. So it did happen after all…he thought when his stomach began growling…just in time too!
"I will be leaving in a couple minutes for lunch." Tobe told the ninja "While I'm gone, find the others and bring them back before I return…"
"Yes sir!" the ninja replied
Tobe had entered Goh-Rong restaurant and sat down at a table. It wasn't uncommon for the people of Sooga village to see Tobe to eat there, although some of the usual customers were slightly surprised that he hadn't made one of his "theatrical entrances" with his other ninjas and that he wasn't wearing his mask either.
As Tobe sat down, Dada, the nervous and clumsy employee of the restaurant, came up to him to take his order.
"Here…" Tobe stated blandly, handing Dada the coupon.
"Hmmm… is this another one of your fake coupons again?" Dada asked suspiciously
"Would you just shut up and take the coupon?" Tobe asked, to which Dada quickly took the coupon from him and left to give the order.
"Hmph...scaredy cat" Tobe muttered watching Dada shake with fear as he ran
After Tobe finished his meal, he quietly began to leave the restaurant, but not before glancing at a sign on one of the walls that said "Help Wanted".
Help wanted? Tobe thought. Why would the owners need any extra help? They have Pucca and… He stopped to notice Dada having trouble with holding a stack of dirty dishes before they fell on top of him. Oh…right… Tobe thought.
…Either way, I don't need a job…He continued thinking. My only profession is defeating Garu! Besides the fact I usually take all the money and food I need, the only reason for me to get a job would be if… I dunno… if my secret hideout was…
Tobe's abrupt shouting didn't faze the repo man at all.
"Yes sir, that's what I told you…" the repo man replied, looking at his clipboard "You were extremely behind on your payments…how were you able to get away with this for so long?"
Tobe laughed nervously until he asked "Where are you taking my NINJAS?"
"They were part of the property…" the repo man said blandly, watching two other repo men carrying a sack full of Tobe's ninja.
"Sir! Help us!" one of the ninjas managed to yelled out
Tobe sighed "I would like to have my ninjas back…"
"I suggest you get a job first" the repo man told him
"That wasn't a question..." Tobe told him, pulling out both of his katana.
Then the repo man pulled out a giant sword and pointed it at Tobe with one hand. Tobe immediately backed off.
"Seriously…" The repo man said "Get a job…" then he walked away.
Tobe stared at the big empty space that used to be his secret hideout.
"Well…they took everything… except for my dignity…and my ninja mask…" he told himself
Then another repo man came back and took his mask off and left. Tobe just stared with a distained face before he felt his eyes starting to water. No he thought, I'm NOT going to cry...but I really want to…
I guess that means that there's only one thing to do now…
Tobe moaned.
"So… are you SERIOUS…" Dumpling asked.
Tobe held his head in slight frustration. He never thought he would have to do a job interview…much less trying to get a job at Goh-Rong. The three owners/chefs, Dumpling, Linguini, and Ho, looked at Tobe suspiciously. They never thought that Tobe would apply for a job here. Or at all. Ever.
Tobe sighed "Yes, I'm secret hideout was… repossessed today and I needed some money… and a place to stay…so here I am."
They all looked at each other and then looked at Tobe again, debating in their minds if they should really give him the job. They knew all too well about his rivalry with Garu and his constant schemes that put the whole village and their niece, Pucca, in danger, so it could have been a trap. Nevertheless, they decided to give Tobe the benefit of the doubt.
"So, Tobe, what can you do to contribute to the restaurant?" Linguini asked
At that time the group heard a sudden crash… which came from Dada dropping another load of plates.
Tobe looked back at the chefs "…fewer broken plates?"
"Maybe we should hire him…" Ho said, still looking at the mess
Just then, another young man had run into the restaurant, as if on some kind of cue.
"Hello sirs! I'm a very motivated youth that excels in any type of work I'm in, and I would like to apply for a job!"
"—but I was here first!" Tobe stated "…..WHERE DID YOU EVEN COME FROM?"
"Tobe does have a point… he did ask first…" Dumpling said
"So which one do we choose?" Ho asked
Around that time, Pucca had already entered Goh-Rong after delivering noodles around the village. She saw her uncles talking to Tobe and went to see what was going on.
"Ah, Pucca, good timing" Dumpling said "We're trying to decide how to pick our new employee, it's either this ambitious young man… or Tobe…"
Tobe looked annoyed for a moment after he said 'or Tobe' I'm going to be sleeping in the forest by the end of this… he thought.
Pucca then came up with an idea, which she whispered to her uncles.
"Yes…yes…that's a great idea!" Dumpling said excitedly "Let's get started right away!"
Tobe and the unnamed ambitious youth were both sitting at one of the tables when the three chefs brought out one bowl of noodles and placed in the middle of both of them. Tobe noticed that this wasn't their ordinary bowl of noodles, (no I'm NOT saying their noodles are ordinary…figure of speech) it looked perfect and smelled heavenly. A small crowd of customers was looking at the ongoing events.
"So…what's going to happen now?" Tobe asked
"Well…" Dumpling started "the noodles will decide who is best suited for the job."
"Wait… what? How are NOODLES going to decide?" the ambitious youngster asked
"Hey, there has been A LOT of weirder stuff that's happened in this village…" Tobe told him
The two sat in the middle of the delicious smelling noodles for what seemed like forever. Suddenly, the bowl started shaking on its own and, to everyone's amazement, the bowl started to slide across the table…
…right in front of Tobe…
"…whoa…" Tobe said
"Hmmm… very interesting, indeed…" Dumpling said to himself
"Congratulations, Tobe, you are now a Goh-Rong employee. You may eat the noodles." Ho said to Tobe, handing him a pair of chopsticks.
"What? It should have picked me!" The youth whined
"THE NOODLES HAVE CHOSEN!" Linguini yelled back
"You're just mad 'cause you weren't picked…" Tobe said while eating the noodles
The ambitious youth then left with a huff. The rest of the crowd was full of surprised looks and gapping jaws.
"Ok Tobe," Dumpling said "Now that you're working here, we need you to clean all of these dishes!"
"What?" Tobe asked "…But-but I—"
Dumpling continued, as if he said nothing "We'll see how you did in the morning. By that time the guest room should be ready for you!"
And with that, the three chefs and their niece left Tobe, surrounded by dishes.
"….HATE this JOB…." Tobe grumbled
Later at night, Pucca went to the kitchen to see if Tobe had finished cleaning. She saw that he had finished all of the dishes and had immediately fallen asleep on the floor. Pucca admitted to herself that she WAS impressed, at how he was picked for the job in the first place, and how clean he got the dishes (and without breaking any either).
She smiled at the sleeping ninja and then put a blanket over him before leaving the kitchen. She figured since he had a long and strange day, he deserved a little kindness and appreciation.
If Pucca would have stayed a bit longer, she would have saw Tobe smiling in his sleep… not his usual maniacal smile, but a…calm smile…
…as if….he was happy to be there…
More on the way!
Next Chapter: Part Time Ninja!
See ya then!