Note : This is the first chapter! I hope that you will enjoy it! I got a little inspiration from something... :)

Summary : Three troublesome, good-looking (unknown to themselves) and penniless (meant to be) college students despise the rich, who spend money without a thought or worry. But a little misunderstanding gets them into a rich party and then it all starts...

Okay! Enjoy! :D

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"Hey! Get back here!" The policeman yelled as we jumped a fence and ran for it.

"That old man will NEVER be able to jump that!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I think we all know that!" I agreed.

Gaara laughed and then we stopped by our car... Our old and crap looking car, that is.

We all got in and Naruto drove us to our houses.

"Seeya Sasuke!" Naruto yelled.

Gaara gave a small wave.

I waved back and then walked inside my home.

"Where have you been?" My mum asked me.

I looked up, as usual, she was laying in her bed. She was weak, but at times, she could walk around for a bit.

"With friends. Gaara and Naruto." I replied as I took out a rice ball from the fridge.

"What were you doing?" She then questioned.

I looked to her, "Nothing really..."

"Sasuke..." She warned weakly.

"We were fishing. Down at that restricted area." I admitted.

She sighed, "Sasuke. What's Itachi going to think...?"

I turned around and washed my hands, "Nothing. He's not going to know."

"You know that he works hard for this family..." Mum then said.

I sighed, "I know."

"And he's your older brother." Mum added.

"Okay, I'll tell him. Just get some sleep." I gave in.

I hated arguing with my mum.

After a few minutes, I went to sleep as well.

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"Hey. Get up." My brother woke me.

"I don't want to...!" I groaned.

"You're 20. Don't act like a kid." Itachi poured the cup of water on my bedside table on me.

"Hey! I was sleeping!" I yelled after him as he walked to the door.

"Your friends are here." He stated.

"What ever."

I got up, changed and then went out to greet my friends.

"Morning Sasuke!" Naruto greeted loudly.

"Morning, you're finally up." Gaara smirked.

"Yeah, well... Shut up." I replied and then laughed.

"Stop being so happy. It's annoying." Itachi stated as he left for work.

"Your brother seems grumpy... As usual." Gaara stated.

"It's Itachi. What else can he be besides grumpy?" I asked him sarcastically.

They laughed.

"Well then we better go hit the streets!" Naruto grinned.

"Why? We only drive at night with our piece of crap." I stated.

"I scored one. A sweet ride." Gaara smirked proudly.

"Really? Let's go!" I exclaimed as I followed them out.

And there, in front of my very own eyes, was this awesomely awesome car!

"Gaara... You are a legend!" I exclaimed.

Gaara hopped in the front, I was in the passenger seat and Naruto was in the back.

"Why am I in the back?" Naruto complained.

"Cause we're in the front." Gaara replied to him.

Naruto huffed jokingly but then stayed quiet as he looked to the passing stores.

We stopped at a traffic light.

"Ugh. Rich snobs." I grunted as I looked to the girls in the car next to ours.

They saw me staring and waved while being all girly.

As the traffic light turned green, I put my finger up at them and Gaara sped up.

We all hated the rich people.

Everything was nothing to them. They could buy anything they wanted. Life was like a game to them.

We stopped at a restaurant. We worked here. It was better pay then a mechanic or something.

The boss was an old friend of Itachi's so he let us work here.

"Sasuke, Gaara, Naruto. You're cooking today." The boss told us. I nodded to him and he nodded back.

As he was gone I sighed, "I hate cooking."

"You're not the only one." Gaara agreed.

But on the other hand, Naruto loved cooking.

Well, it's understandable. His cooking is the best out of us all.

"Cheer up guys! Cooking is really fun!" Naruto grinned.

After a few hours, we had finished our job.

"Hey can we stop by the school?" Naruto asked Gaara.

"Need to pick up your sister?" I then questioned.

He nodded happily.

We reached the school and Naruto ran out to his sister and her friends.

Her friends looked like they were flirting with him and him being the kind one stopped them nicely.

Naruto then brought her into the car.

"Naruto-nii, where'd you get the car?" Yuko questioned.

"Gaara got it!" He replied back happily.

"Really? It's so cool!" She smiled and started talking with Naruto about her day.

"Oh hey, we need to pick up some fish from the rich kid school." I stated.

"Again? I hate that place." Gaara stated.

Naruto sighed, "I'll drop Yuko home first."

After we dropped her home, we drove to the rich kid school, though it was a college.

"Park the car in the front!" Naruto stated.

I turned to him, "What?"

"We are no longer ashamed with our awesome ride!" He grinned and Gaara complied.

I smirked, "But shit. Their cars are way cooler."

"Oh well." Gaara smirked as he got out.

Naruto and I followed.

Everyone was staring at us as we made our way.

"Please wait a minute." A girl said to us.

"What is it?" Gaara asked, getting ready to bitch back.

"Something wrong?" Naruto asked with all seriousness.

I stayed quiet and ignored her which seemed to really annoy her.

"Our college party. It would be delightful if you could make it." She handed us a piece of paper and then began handing them to other people.

"This looks like crap!" Gaara said loud enough for her to hear.

She turned around, looking shocked.

Everyone else looked to us in shock.

"He just said 'crap'." They all whispered.

"Hey. Don't just hand out paper whenever you feel like it. You rich kid loser." I called out to the girl who handed the paper.

She ran off looking teary-eyed.

"What's up with that? I don't even know her, yet she runs off and cries when I say something mean, but true." I stated.

"Hey, you're new here, right? Don't go and tell people off here." A guy then came up to us.

"I'm not going to be told what to do by a rich kid." Gaara glared at him.

"Hey, what is this party anyway? If it's good, I'll acknowledge you guys. If it isn't, then you guys are a bunch of losers." Naruto then said.

The guy glared at him, "Don't you know? New year party." He replied.

"Heh, we'll be there." Naruto then said.

And with that, we walked off to get some fish.

"Naruto... You idiot...!" I groaned.

He gave me a look of confusion, "What's wrong?"

"We now have to go to a rich kid party!" Gaara then exclaimed, "Do you realize what you've done?"

"Hey, don't worry. We can have our own little game and see how they like it." Naruto smirked.

"Game...?" Gaara questioned.

"Pick and Ditch. Get the girls number and then throw it." Naruto grinned.

"Hmm, sounds good. We'll have a competition." I added.

Gaara nodded in agreement.

We got the fish then went home.

The party was tomorrow.

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