"Isabella?" I turned around and saw my mother.

"Yes, mother?" I asked politely.

"Your father and I would like to talk to you." She shut the door and I heard her footsteps fade. I groaned. Being the Princess of Jordan and all that, is irritating. First off, I have to be dressed up for every occasion. Be at every meeting, wake up early. My parents are friends with Denmark, and Luxembourg. Princess Alice and Princess Rosalie are the only real friends I got.

I knocked on the door to my fathers office and I heard a faint 'Enter'. I walked in and saw him talking to security.

"Isabella, there is something we need to tell you." My father stood up and so did my mother.

"Is everything alright?" I asked looking at George the security officer.

"We are going to need you to pack up and get ready to leave Jordan." Leave Jordan?

"Leave? What is happening?" I looked around my fathers office and noticed nothing was different. So why was I leaving?

"Japan, is ready for a war. They want to fight Denmark, and Luxembourg also." Rosalie and Alice were in this too?

"So where are you sending me?" I was terrified. I didn't want to leave my parents here to die and me being half away across the country watching the news and seeing them die.

"You are going to be staying with your grandmother in Forks, Washington." Washington?

"You mean that tiny town?" I was angry, yes, but I was kind of excited to see my grandmother.

"Yes, you are going with Alice, and Rosalie, you are going to be posing as Bella, Alice, and Rose." Bella? That seemed casual and perfect.

"I love that name." I smiled.

"That's nice. Go get packed and take everything with you." My father let me go and I ran back to my room excited. I was leaving for my dream life.

"I can't believe I'm going to be living the life I never had." I whispered into my wardrobe. I was going to miss this place but I was going to love Forks. I went over to my princess crown. I was taking it with me and I was going to be taking it off once we get to the airport. I was going to be a princess for a little while longer and I wanted to remember what is like.

"Princess Isabella?" I looked up from the pile of clothes I still had to pack.

"Yes?" I asked my maid Maria.

"I'm going to finish your packing. Your parents need to see you for a moment." She smiled and took my place of the floor. I walked down stairs and into the den.

"Isabella, I would like you to meet, John, Judith, and Detainee." He motioned to the man and two women.

"Nice to meet you." I shook there hands.

"Detainee is going to be changing your attire. John and Judith are going to be helping how you act and how to be a normal teenager." I nodded at this information.

"We don't bite." Destainee joked. I smiled at her. She seemed nice enough.

"We would love to the finished product. Call us once you're down." My father and mother left me to the sharks.

"Sit down, please, Princess." I listened and closed my eyes wishing it was over with.

"Make sure you cut this." I heard Judith tell Destainee. I gulped. Cut. Oh gosh.

"Isabella, said, god for me." I wasn't going to like this.

"Gos- go-" I gulped. "God." I can't believe I just did that.

"Good, now say, shut up." I would never! I can't believe I even had to leave now.

"Shut up." I choked out. I might as well get this over with.

"John, let her get it out herself." Judith smacked John. I giggled.

"This might hurt a little bit." Destainee was cautious. I felt this pain in my ears for about two seconds and then it went away. Same for the other ear.

"You're beautiful." Destainee twirled me around so I was facing the mirror. I gasped. I was beautiful. I had my hair just past my shoulders and I had my ears peirced. I had red highlights in my hair.

"You are going to make a beautiful normal girl." John was crying and Judith was rubbing his back.

"Thank you." I hugged them.

"Let's get your parents." John called my parents down and I stood behind a curtain.

"King Charlie, Queen Renee, I would love to present, Bella Swan, a normal girl." Judith announced. I walked from behind revealing my parents shocked faces.

"Isabella?" My father ask.

"Bella, actually." I blushed. My mother ran up to me and hugged me with all her strength.

"You look amazing." My mother complimented.

"Thank you, mother." I wiped away a tear that shed.

"One more time." My father walked up to me and put on my crown. I smiled sadly at him.

"I'm going to miss you two terribly." I hugged them both.

"As we will." My father had a tear shed also. I wiped it away. "Bella." He added.

"We should get going." William, out limo driver looked at the time.

"You're are going by yourself, Bella." My mother said.

"I'm going to miss you." I kissed her cheek and kissed my fathers cheek as well.

"Have a good time, with Rosalie and Alice." They both said making me smile before walking to the limo. I looked one last time at the palace of Jordan and got into the limo crying.

"Bye, mom and dad." I said to the window.

"We're here, Bella." William had a small smile on his face. He helped me get my luggages out.

"I'm also going to miss you, William." I hugged him.

"You too, Bella." He hugged me back.

"Jordan to Forks please head to terminal 521." The intercome said.

"I should get going." I let go of him.

"Goodbye." He kissed my cheek and bowed before getting back in the limo. I walked to terminal 521 and gave the women my ticket.

"You look alot like Princess Isabella." The lady smiled at me.

"I get that alot." I smiled back at her. I walked to the plane and sat down in the first class section.

"We are taking off, please buckle your seat belts." The pilot said. I buckled my seat belt and looked out the window.

"Goodbye, Jordan." I let one last tear shed and the plane took off down the runway. This was my new life as Bella Swan. The new girl with a big secret.

How do you like? This was a chapter that I worked pretty hard on. Please review. Picture of Bella and her crown on my profile.