Okay so I decided to continue Heated Situation.

This is basically the base line for the plot and has alot of info and stuff in it from differant perspectives of characters that will play a big enough role in the story. Not all of the major characters will be in here though, Thundercracker and Soundwave included. There is a little bit of drama...just not that much!

Oh yeah! I am looking for a Beta Reader! Anyone interested?


First person! ! : I'm sorry but your name won't save at all! Have you put some sort of block on it or something? I'm talking to Jazzylady. Your name just won't stay! Well, I updated! So I am assuming that you like the story and where it's going judging by your reaction! Thanks for the review!

ikickass5656: Thanks! I shall continue and is that you or Soundwave talking? Where you find Soundwave? Tell me!

9aza: Good? Just good?...I guess Soundwave and Ravage did! Now the ending won't be a shocker... or will it? Better read to find out!

meh: OMG I love the name! Totally original! 'Wow' as in good? I shall continue and Have you never read a SWxSS before? There are a few here on FF. They are quite good and I do suggest you check'em out! Thanks for the review! It is much appreciated! And for showing me such a great and creative name!

lokimademedoit: IMMDI! YOU REVIEWED! I am so proud of you! Does your reaction mean that it's good or bad? The "Oooh...umm...well... wow." part?

grimmlock47: HA I UPDATED! Heh! Thanks though...

HighxOnxCrack: I laughed my ass off when I read your review! You really do like the big reviews! I like'em too! I have been intrigued by the whole Seeker heat thing and wanted to try it out with a fic so I did. With he whole extra bit thing..yeah I was trying to get more words in because I thought it was only gonna be a oneshot!...

DancitronCocktailWaitress: First of all... Where'd you get the name? Thanks! I am glad you liked it! More then glad! Absolutely thrilled!

Life was something that had to be lived, and he respected that and so he lived it to the full! Taking stupid risks, or pulling absurd pranks, it was all part of living. He loved the little trials and situations that life threw at him. Whether it be trying to dodge Autobot bullets or trying to get away without getting caught after a prank.

He loved life.

But as with everything else, there are extra things added to the bundle. This was one of those times where he felt that life was just being a pit spawned fragger and was laughing at him. He liked surprises as long as they were good and in his favour, or at other's misfortune, but this was a surprise he was not ready for.

He wasn't a mech who liked change, he liked erratic things, so even if there was something different everyday there was still no change, nothing to compare it to. It was just another differant day, with differant events. It was not change! Change was when the list of erratic events suddenly became plagued with a familiar routine day in, day out.

He had to hand it to him though. The moral among the troops was through the roof. Their tanks were always more then 80% full. There was better materials used in repairs and less repairs to be carried out. They were winning over and over again against the Autobots. As much as it still stung him to say it, it was true.

Starscream was a far better leader then Megatron.

He was happy with his life. He had never felt so... relaxed? Unburdened?... Free? It was almost frightening! Having so much freedom! But it felt wonderful!

Starscream never beat his soldiers, well and occasional smack to the back of the helm if one was being an idiot! Completely understandable! He seemed to do it with a light hearted air too. The smacks were never harsh, they were more fun if anything.

He never charged into battle without a plan. He never had no reason not to attack when he did. He never left anyone behind.

But, that was not what was confusing Rumble. What was confusing the little cassette was that Soundwave respected Starscream more then he did Megatron! The two often held private meetings. They would often talk over some High Grade and they were friendly to each other.

There was something going on. He knew and so did some of the more... observant 'Cons. Starscream was far too placid. Could he have finally done it?

Did Starscream kill Megatron?

Where was his body? Megatron just simply vanished. Starscream was the type to flaunt his victory. But he was doing everything other then waving a flag of long awaited victory in their faces.

Did Starscream somehow trap or imprison Megatron somewhere?

Rumble highly doubted it. Nothing, nothing could keep the mighty gladiator contained for long. But it was a possibility and therefore Megatron would be back. Rumble cringed at the thought of the Warlord's wrath when... if he returned. No doubt Starscream would be the first mech to experience it whether or not he was the reason for the Warlord's disappearance.

When Rumble approached Soundwave with his worries and theories he was told off. Soundwave told him to forget about it, that everything was allright now, that it was going to be allright.

Frenzy had been oblivious to the strange behaviour of their superior officers till Rumble had pointed it out. Now all the cassettes were working together to gather information. They were spying... well, attempting to spy on Soundwave and Starscream. That proved difficult since Starscream had over protective Trine mates when they used to never respect each other. Skywarp and Thundercracker despised Starscream. And yet, now they are never far apart now. There was always one or both glued to his sides. Things were too confusing!

Someone had to know something. And it was Rumble's job to find information about anything and everything. It's just, working against your master was not covered in his training programme.

*O O O*

Reports were a pain.

He had decided that a long time ago. No wonder why Megatron passed them all to him. It was another form of torture!

Before he realised it, the datapad that had been in his servo was smashed against the wall of his new office. He growled and rubbed his face plate in frustration. He was tense on a constant bases and it was starting to take it's toll. He could control himself in front of his men but on his own, he struggled to keep his temper in check.

He had been leader for a month now. The men had adapted well to the change but surprisingly, he hadn't. He was still going to his computer terminal to check the orders from Megatron that didn't exist any more. Or he would often come up with a new plan, take it down on a datapad and then go look for the tyrant only to remember that the silver mech wasn't around. Or he hoped he wasn't around... The base had been scanned repeatedly to revel nothing. Didn't mean he was any less paranoid.

His new office merely consisted of a desk with a computer terminal, an energon dispenser, various digital maps of Earth and her resources and differant charts to monitor supplies. All of Megatron's things had been removed, berth and all. Whereas he had moved his office to Megatron's old quarters/office, he had remained in his own quarters. Now his work place was separate from his recharge area. The reason as to why he didn't move to the bigger room was simply because of his Trine. His and their quarters were situated beside each other and had a conjoining door. He would never leave his Trine.

His vents whirled as he took a long intake, feeling the cold air sweep across his internals. He knew he was stressed, and Soundwave repeatedly informed him of it. It was bad for the Sparkling and he knew it but could do nothing to ease his feelings. It was constantly restless, spinning about in his Spark chamber before it moved down to his reproduction chamber a little over a week ago. It still isn't able to move about but the feeling of his metal and materials suddenly disappearing was somewhat... unnerving. He was visibly thinner, wings flimsy and fragile. The Sparkling was only taking the best, most of the metal coming from his wings and chassis. He was followed around by the constant hum of his repair systems as they tried to keep up with the demanding parasite.

Thundercracker was aware of it too, the stress, often showing up just to rub the tension from his wings in smooth, delicate strokes. The blue Seeker would never take 'no' for an answer no matter how much Starscream protested. Skywarp may have been... lacking in intelligence but he was not blind and had cut down in his amount of pranks, spending more time with his leader. He was rarely ever alone. This was just one of those rare occasions when he was.

He glared at the shattered datapad on the floor before getting up to clean up the mess. That had been Shockwave's report of the conditions on Cybertron. The Cyclops wasn't overly happy when he found out about the change in leadership and so he was marked as 'potential danger' in Starscream's mental list of potentially disloyal mechs who may pose a threat to him. Soundwave had agreed with his choice without hesitation even though he had known Shockwave longer then he had Starscream.

Starscream put the remains of the datapad in the scrap before he settled behind his desk again. Rubbing his forehelm, he took a sip from his energon cube that had sat forgotten beside him till that point. It's bitter-sweet taste stimulating the sensors on his glossia and energon intake. It was then he noticed that he was, in fact, not alone.

The energon dispenser sat opposite him to his left. It's tank full of the purple liquid. At it's base Starscream's keen optics could see the small purple ped jutting out. He held in a growl as he stood to his peds. The twins may have belonged to Soundwave, whom he now respected, but they were not as fortunate to be as worthy of the Seeker's attention as their master.

With a swift and silent gait he closed in on his target. Reaching around the base of the dispenser his digits groped for the little being. Their was a frightened squeak and Starscream removed his servo clutching a squirming Rumble.

" What are you doing in here?" Starscream hissed, voice laced with venom. He was not in a good mood.

The cassette merely pouted in the seeker's grasp, arms indignitly folded across his chassies and face pulled in a childish frown.

" You ruined my prank!"

Starscream narrowed his optics. Rumble never admitted that he was doing a prank which would most likely mean he wasn't.

" What sort of... prank?"

Then Rumble seemed to pause, only for a second but Starscream noticed it. When he was about to reprimand the cassette for such childish behaviour a warning popped up on his hub. He growled as he released Rumble, letting him carelessly fall to the floor as his helm became heavy. His stabilizers and gravity awareness systems began to scream at him that he was currently unbalanced. He was vaguely aware of the loud cry of protest from Rumble as he hit the floor with a small thud.

The seeker felt his unsteady peds stumble backwards a few steps before he felt a pair of arms catch him around the chassies. The room spun before him as a low energy reading began flashing before his optics. How could he have a low energy reading? He just refuelled? He didn't get to dwell on it as his vision cut out completely as he descended into a world of darkness.

*O O O*

He decided that he should roll and have a little fun as he scoured the landscape in search of their next target. So he did. The wind washed over his wings and frame. The rush of flight was everything to him. Well, almost everything. Trine always came first.

In his moment of joy he failed to notice that he had flown in to Autobot airspace. He lazily looped and barrel rolled to his spark's desire, letting the wind play and catch on his frame as he tilted against the oncoming currents. Skywarp enjoyed flying with or with out his Trine but it was always far more entertaining when there was more then one. They would do countless formations and manoeuvres, almost dance like routines.

Course they couldn't do that now... with Starscream so weak. He could fly, he just couldn't put too much pressure of his frame. He could barely break the sound barrier in his condition. It pained Skywarp to see his leader in such a state, so frail and tired. Starscream was able to hide it well from the other 'cons, always coming to the battles, always facing off with the Autobots. Soundwave had forbid him from going near Prime, or the Twins. Jet Judo was something Starscream could not afford right now.

The best thing about all this was that Starscream could finally sleep in the same room with his Trine, when he wasn't with Soundwave that is. He could treat them better now- the way he had always wanted to, like friends, like family, - as he didn't have to protect them from Megatron's wrath.

Skywarp done a sharp loop to express his anger for the Warlord when he noticed the blip on his radar. Autobots. He dived low to the ground, scanning his surroundings and learning his current location. He cursed himself when he found out where he was. Starscream and Thundercracker were always telling him to concentrate!

He cut his engines and glided till he was close enough to the ground and transformed. He landed delicately to protect his thrusters from damage and crouched low. He was on a rocky ledge overlooking a gully. Small plants dotted the scenery with a bit of colour. He paid no attention to them and instead strained his audios.

" Hey, got anythin?"

Skywarp crouched lower when he heard the voice. It sounded familiar. He crawled forward slowly to look over the edge into the gully. Sure enough, there were Autobots. Three of them. Skywarp could recognise Ironhide, the trigger-happy-cannon-loving jerk who often clipped his wings during a battle, and Jazz, the silver Porche who had a good taste for music but who could infiltrate the Nemesis with ease... that was before Starscream became leader. New security systems designed by Starscream himself ensured that Autobot spies were located and tracked while on board the Nemesis. The third mech Skywarp had difficulty identifying. He had seen him on occasion but his name never meant anything to the purple Seeker.

The Autobot was slightly smaller then the others. His red paint job was smooth and well polished. He had some sort of weapon on his shoulder... no... not a weapon...it had a lens on the end of it.

The red Autobot moved towards Jazz with a solemn expression.

" I don't understand it," He began, voice smooth and almost posh. He was either well educated or came from a wealthy part of Cybertron... a once wealthy part anyway. " It's not like him just to disappear like this. He always reports in."

" We'll find'im Percy! We'll find'im!" Ironhide growled in his strange accent that Skywarp loved to impersonate. " If those good for nothin 'cons have takin'im then they better be ready for my cannons!"

" Whoa Hide! Easy pal. We ain't got nothin to suggest the 'cons have him in the first place. Chill, we'll find him." Jazz smiled at his companions as he patted the one named 'Percy' on the back.

Skywarp frowned. It seemed like there was a missing Autobot. But who? Skywarp remained still as the Autobots continued to walk on through the gully, slowly passing him in silence... until Jazz tensed up and froze. The other two didn't notice and continued on. Skywarp watched in wonder as Jazz unsubspaced his weapon. The low whine of the riffle charging got Ironhide's attention and the red Bot turned back to Jazz with a concerned look.

" What's wrowng Jazz?"

Jazz remained silent and made strange movements with his helm. Skywarp frowned. It almost looked like Jazz was trying to point at him with his helm but it was hard to tell from his current angle. Skywarp felt his energon run cold when Ironhide locked onto him with his optics. That was when it dawned on Skywarp that he didn't use his signal dampener. He was broadcasting quite loudly his position to the Autobots.

" Eh... Hi?" He squeaked

" Get down here Decepticown!" Ironhide growled as he aimed his own weapons.

Percy stayed to the back as Jazz and Ironhide both faced Skywarp. There faces set in unamused frowns.

Skywarp smirked down at them. " Sorry, I would love to stay and chat but Screamer wants me back at the base so...ta!" Skywarp waved just before he warped out of Autobot territory, just missing the laser fire that scorched the air where he had just vacated. Quickly getting to his peds he checked himself over before transforming and speeding back to base, sending a cloud of dust to spiral into the air. Starscream would want to know about this!

*O O O*

He was content but he was not happy. He had a full tank, a good nights recharge each night, good decent repairs and he had some time for himself. But he was not happy. Being who he was, a noble, high ranking Seeker he only wanted the best of everything. Of course, being a Decepticon and following a grounder never did meet his demands of perfection. But that was in the past... or so he thought.

He had expected Starscream to understand the superior needs of his fellow Seekers. They should have been ranked high and worshipped by the worthless grounders whose flippancy regarding fliers should not go unpunished! But no... Starscream promoted Soundwave to Second in Command and Scraper to Third in Command. Where was the sense in that? Two grounders could never understand the complexities of Ariel warfare, or ground warfare for that matter... and definitely not the two mixed. It was absurd to think that one as astute as Starscream - a high ranking Seeker like himself - could make such an ambiguous disarray of his ranking system.

It was not right!

Of course, he hadn't failed to notice Starscream's increasingly poor condition. Only another flier would spot the flimsy wings upon the new Decepticon Lord's back, the suddenly thinner chassies. It was strange. Cybertronians could not loose weight or mass, not like a fleshling could. And if they did it was normally because some virus or rust partials were eating the mech alive. But Starscream didn't show any sign of rust and his armour was spotless and polished to perfection as he always had it. Not a speck of erosion on his plating. It was a situation that could easily discombobulate him and did so.

His Trine had noticed it too... the way Starscream had become a mere shadow of his former self. The way Thundercracker or Skywarp never strayed from their Trine leader's side. None of the grounders noticed it. Grounders were stupid and clumsy, lacking the grace a flier possessed, the intelligence, the skill.

They couldn't see that Starscream was weak.

This presented new opportunities. Starscream's condition had begun to deteriorate after he became leader. It was enough to prove that Starscream was not fit to lead, was not strong enough to lead. Seekers only followed the strong, the powerful. That was what had drawn them to Megatron. A mighty presence that demanded obedience. Starscream did not radiate such a presence. Not anymore.

The troops placed their respect and obedience, their very lives in the servos of a mech who was not strong enough to carry them. And that was the thing that prevented him from doing anything. Starscream was weak but he was not vulnerable. He was a good leader. The rest of the Decepticons would not want to let go of such a leader if it meant that they could end up back with rumbling tanks and harbouring painful injuries. The cowards. They did not want to suffer. Suffering is what makes one strong. And he had suffered far more then he cared to remember.

He should lead. He could take the stress of leading an army of grounders! He understood about sacrifices that had to be made. He would put the grounders were they belonged, at his peds and on their knees begging him to spare their miserable ground-bound lives.

He would bide his time though. It was foolish to rush things. Mistakes could not be afforded.

It was time the Decepticons had a real leader! The true leader!


*O O O*

The chorus of drunken voices flooded down through the labyrinth of corridors. It was a party night on the Nemesis. Starscream allowed them one night per human week to party. Like the humans, they chose the end of the week. Friday nights were enjoyed to the full. They done rotary shifts each week for who would be on monitor duty. There was always the threat of the Autobots trying to infiltrate the Nemesis. Each Friday night Starscream would let everyone bar that single small group off. It was a system everyone agreed with. It would that the next day however was boring. With shifts on monitor duty or being on a repair crew fixing the Nemesis or adding new equipment. Then again, no one was fit to do anything else.

High Grade flowed freely. Of course they could afford to drink their afts off. It was not like they were on the verge of famine, not anymore. They would party as long as they wanted... well Starscream had set a curfew and it was obeyed. No body had any desire to disobey Starscream for fear of his punishments. Even though the Seeker never beat his soldier they were well aware of his short temper even if he had calmed down a bit since Megatron's demise. No body wanted to test how creative the ex-scientist could be. And... no one really had any reason to disobey either. Starscream had proven himself. he had undoubtedly killed the Mighty Megatron and he had a higher success rate in this war then Megatron ever did.

How could the Decepticon forces have been so blind? To not see how much of a failure Megatron truly was? Starscream had pointed it out on a number of occasions only to be beaten and humiliated.

"Hey Blitzwing!"

The triple-changer was ripped from his musing when Astrotrain approached him, high grade in servo and swaying dangerously.

" Yeah Astro?"

The other grinned a goofy grin, optics brightening in a suggestive manner. " What ya doing to night? You doing anythin?"

Blitzwing smirked " I could be. Why?"

" Just wondering. Hey, you think... we could get Starscream down here?"

Blitzwing frowned. That was the one thing he never understood. Starscream rarely ever attended the parties, not even when thrown in his honour. In all fairness, Starscream had to be dragged in by Megatron in the old days when there was a party. Megatron had always wanted Starscream there to teach him that the men were throwing this party for him rather then the Seeker. Maybe that's what turned hi off about them.

" I would love to have a piece o'im!"

Or that... When everyone was drunk and logic circuits switched off Starscream as well as the other seekers became a target for the horny. Only Primus knew how many times Starscream had gotten his aft groped during a single night or his wings stroked and oh how he hated it. Many a mech lost an arm for it. That didn't stop them though. Blitzwing could still remember that night when Megatron was really drunk and he had tried to literally force himself on Starscream right there in front of everyone. Starscream had been lucky that he had been stone cold sober and had made a tactical getaway.

Not many had remembered that incident due to being was too over energized. A few did, including himself. It was never brought up though because Starscream had decapitated someone for bringing it up. That had happened back on Cybertron. The mech had been a new cocky rookie who was destined to get killed due to his stupidity. Funny enough, he did die of stupidity. He said something to Starscream that no one ever should.

Blitzwing scoffed at his comrade " You know what will happen Astro. Don't go near him."

Astrotrain pouted before a devilish smirk crept onto his faceplate. Blitzwing knew that look. Chuckling he got up and headed towards his quarters, Astrotrain in tow. Who cares about Starscream when they had other things to attend to.

There you have chapter two! Hope you enjoyed it and are currently cursing me for being so confusing! Look I will make things a little easier by putting a mini "what you should be aware of" summary at the end of each chapter.

1) What will the cassettes do when they find out the truth, will they accept Starscream or refuse him? And why didn't Soundwave tell them in the first place?

2) What is currently wrong with Starscream although you should be able to tell that it is sparkling related...or is it?

3) Who is the missing Autobot? And why is he missing?

4) Who is the mech or femme planning on removing Starscream and who is the 'him' he/she is referring to, as in- is it himself/herself or someone else?

I would love to hear some feedback and if you do review feel free to try and guess who is who and things. I would love to know what people think on this!

I Also put this story up on DA (DeviantArt) if your interested! I would love to hear from you there too!