Chapter 1: Eddy's Partner. The Birth of Commandramon

Disclaimer: I don't own Ed, Edd n Eddy.

Winter sucks, plain and simple. First there's the snow. Not only is it a pain to drive in or to walk in, but it also gets really old after a couple of days. For Eddy, looking out his window, that is merely his first problem with winter. His real gripe is that he has to be in school the entire season. Nothing seems to be going on outside of school either, despite the new friendship with Kevin and his old friends Ed and Double D. Then there's how late winter seems to be this year: it's already the middle of March. Someday it's going to be over, but not now.

"Edward McGee!" Eddy was staring out the window when his teacher slapped her ruler on his desk, startling him.


"What is x – 7 = 10?"

Eddy was completely detached from the classroom that day. "What are you talking about?"
The teacher shook her head. "You weren't paying attention, were you? The lesson for today is an introduction to basic algebra. Solve for x."

Eddy just stared at her. True she was a teacher, but she did have a nice figure and the business attire added to that. "Um, I don't know. 37?"

The teacher shook her head. "Honestly Eddy, I have no idea how you passed sixth grade. What is the sign for seven?"

In reality, the reason he passed sixth grade was due to one of his friends passing on his report card to his parents and them attempting to work with him. "Uh, minus?"

"Very good. So, what do you do to make the equation 'x = something?"

"I don't know, subtract seven from ten?"

"Ugh. Since it's got a minus sign, you switch it to the opposite sign, the plus sign and add it to ten. Now, what does x equal?"

Eddy thought for a second. "Seventeen?"

"Good, you got it right. Now class, you all know what the lesson consists of and how to do it from the examples I just gave." The teacher started walking toward the front of the room. "The homework is on the board. Eddy, for not paying attention, I'm going to need to see you after class."
All he could think was Oh brother.

Later on, when he was finally getting his stuff together to leave the classroom he found a small toy device inside his desk that wasn't there before. It was black with a yellow square around its square screen. It also has several yellow buttons on each side of the screen and a docking port of some sort on the top. "Okay, so somebody left some stupid toy in my desk, I wonder who," Eddy muttered to himself.

The teacher wanted him out of the classroom though, since it was her one period where she didn't have a class and she wasn't about ready to let a kid stay in there while she graded papers. "Eddy, you're late for your next class, so can you please go already. I already gave you your late pass, so don't push it."

"Okay, okay, I got it." He walked out of the classroom looking at the toy in his hands. He pressed a button on its side and it turned on, cheesy looking black and white LCD screen and everything. What astounded Eddy though was that the only thing on the screen was an egg. "What the-?" Suddenly the egg hatched, revealing a bomb with pointed cat ears, three eyes and a fuse for a tale. Eddy now looked concerned like the device was gonna blow up or something. Then the thing beeped, an indicator indicating what button to press. "Oh, great, it's one of those stupid Tomagachi things, isn't it?" Eddy pressed the button anyway.

For some reason, Eddy felt like playing around with the thing after that, even during his following class; the teacher didn't seem to notice, then again, he was in the back of the room. All it was was a boring English lesson anyway, something about conjugation or something. Eddy's thoughts were that it's something that they have to take every year so it was pointless for him to be there. Eddy put the device in his pocket and went to lunch at the end of the class. There he met with some of his friends, including Double D, Ed, Kevin and a black guy named Chaun who hung out with them too. He was originally one of Kevin's friends and Eddy didn't really get to know him until Kevin started letting the Eds hang out with him. Chaun was actually the only one at the table not from the cul-de-sac except for this girl that Nazz was talking to.

"So, how do you like Fish Filet Friday?" Chaun asked, about ready to fall asleep. Then again, both he and Kevin were about ready to fall asleep. Kevin was struggling to keep his head from heading face first into the greasy fried fish.

"It's so cool, since it has mashed potatoes and gravy on the side," Ed said, his usual gravy obsessed self.

"Now, in my opinion, it is far too greasy and fattening. Weren't they trying to improve the menu in response to the nationwide obesity epidemic?" Edd inquired.

"Yeah, but due to the economy, the school can't afford it," Kevin responded. His eyes were all bloodshot.

"Kevin, are you alright?"

"Here's the thing, man, me and Kevin just stayed up too late last night playing StarCraft," Chaun said. Surprisingly enough, Kevin didn't chastise him for making him look nerdy.

"Now, honestly, what's so great about this computer game that you'd sacrifice your sleep and grades over it?" Edd asked.

"It's fun," Kevin replied. "Need any other reason?"
Then Eddy's device beeped. "What the-?" Eddy pulled it out but didn't show it to anybody else.

"Eddy! You do realize that if anyone finds that you have a cell phone, it will be confiscated," Edd warned.

"Eddy's got a girlfriend," Ed said, everyone ignoring him.

"This ain't a phone, sockhead!" That was when Eddy had the courage to show the toy he found. "Some sort of Tomagatchi, I think. Found it at the end of math class."

Kevin started to laugh a little bit. "Dude, you mean you actually found something like that lying around. Man, Tomagatchis are so ten years ago!"

"Well, it's not mine."

"If that's the case then, we must return it to its rightful owner," Edd said, "I'm sure they must be looking for it right now."

"Yeah, and get it confiscated in the mean time," Chaun warned. "Can I see it for a sec?"

"Sure, here you go."

Eddy handed the device over to the black kid, who eyed it. "Wow, what do you know? I haven't seen one of these in years, man. This here is a Digimon V-Pet. They were invented in Japan in the late 1990s as a boy's version of Tomagachi that can fight."

"Wow, and here I thought Digimon was just a rip-off of Pokémon that my brother watched."

"Are you kidding me? That show is way different from Pokémon that the only things that resemble it are that there are monsters and that the name's kind of similar. Other than that, well, Digimon's cooler in my opinion."

"Okay, whatever. My bro had the cards too." This caused Kevin and Chaun to look at him.

"You're kidding me," Kevin said.

"Nope, I found them in his dresser."

"Tight! So, can you, like, show us after school?" Chaun inquired.

"Alright. There will be a fee of course."

In Eddy's brother's museum of a bedroom that was practically unchanged since the guy moved out, Eddy was rummaging through the dresser that was in the guy's closet to the right of the door upon walking in. "Man, your brother's room is way trippy! Is it true he once built a car in here?" Chaun asked.

"Uh, yeah. I ran it through the wall last summer when trying to make my grand escape."

"After a scam gone wrong, no doubt."

"So, where are the cards?" Kevin asked, changing the subject.

"Ok, got em!" Eddy pulled out the box full of cards. "The one in the rubber band is my bro's deck, which he would kill me if I gave it away, so don't touch it."

"Man, this is so cool." Then Kevin picked up a card and was disappointed. "What gives! It's in Japanese!"
"Hey, I'm learning Japanese!" Chaun declared.

"I don't care. Some of these are in English, hmm…"
"And their still green backed Digimon cards, awesome," Chaun mused. "I wonder if these are legal. You mind if I take a couple?"
"Sure go right ahead. Just give me 25 cents a card," Eddy said as Chaun grabbed some cards and pulled out some bills. Then he noticed a small device with all the cards. "What the-?"

"Wow, it's an old card reader. I haven't seen one of these in ages either," Chaun stated. Eddy picked it up and looked at it. It turns out that it had a docking port for Eddy's pet. Upon seeing the docking port, Eddy pulled the thing out to see that it had changed form to some sort of triangular missile. Oh, and it needed to be cleaned up after, something that Eddy wasn't amused about.

After his friends left, Eddy just sat on his bed in his yellow boxers and looked at the cards inside the box, looking at each of them. Then he found a card that was unlike any of the others: blue with a D in the center of it that had a dinosaur head sticking out of it. "Hmm… I wonder what would happen if I just connected the card reader with this toy and scan this card?" He did just that, but as he scanned it, the toy and device began to glow, merging into one rectangular black and yellow device. "What the-?" Then the device started to glow so that the entire room turned to white.

Elsewhere, a kid was watching TV. "You got the bathroom cleaned out, right?" his aunt asked from the kitchen.

"Did that yesterday. Also made sure not to make any messes." Can't she just leave me alone? He was bulky, not fat, just big, and he had brown hair. He was wearing a green shirt under a blue jacket and had on the usual blue jeans.

"What about the room you're staying in?"

"That's practically spotless. You know I keep it that way."

"I'm just afraid that…"

"Everything's going to be fine, okay." His aunt was her usual paranoid self, and it didn't help that a year earlier he had come here unexpectedly to live. Of course, knowing the rest of his family, he wasn't surprised that she didn't trust him, despite proving himself time and again. He couldn't find anything to watch on TV like usual due to the lack of cable and so proceeded to go upstairs to the room to read a book. He opened the door, grabbed a book from his suitcase, and flopped on the king sized bed.

So much for just being a temporary move. It didn't help that the room was meant for someone else of the opposite gender. "Hey, Terriermon, how's it hangin?" He asked and the small bunny sized Digimon crawled out from under the bed.

"Oh, great. Nothing unusual."

The guy just nodded, "Good." He pulled his green and blue digivice out of his pocket and flipped it open to view a map of the area. "Huh? There's a new digivice signal from the cul-de-sac. It's black and yellow. Then there seems to be an emergence in an area ten miles south of here."

"You think that someone's gonna fight whatever's down there?" Terriermon asked.

"Well, yeah. This is an adult level Digimon too, so they kind of have to deal with it or else it will wreak havoc on the area."

"Can we go?"

"You know I don't want to get into the affairs of the local tamers. Especially after their leader rejected me after hearing lies."

"Who's down there dealing with it?"

"I don't know. None of the usual signals are ever in that area." He got up and said, "You're right, we have to do something about this. Ready?" Terriermon just nodded as he picked him up, ran down stairs, and told his aunt that he was off.

When the whiteness went away, Eddy was standing on a street corner somewhere else in town that he had never been to. It was obviously in the middle of the night and thick fog was covering the area, including where Eddy was. Then he saw a figure: a brunette girl around his age wearing sunglasses, a green shirt and some blue jeans with a long trenchcoat. She also had a device much like what Eddy had gotten before this weird experience, only where Eddy's device was black and yellow, hers was white and blue. Then Eddy turned the other way and saw a giant green lizard.

"Chameleonmon, Armor Level, Special attacks: tongue whip and heat eye. Ready Renamon?" Eddy heard the girl say as a large yellow fox showed up behind her with purple gloves on each hand engraved with the crest of love.

Eddy felt different there for some reason. All the sudden he realized he was standing there in his yellow boxers. "What gives?" He felt somewhat awkward being in his underwear in public. Then he scratched his head, and realized he had a full head of hair. "Sweet!" Before he thought that he was going to have to use Rogaine or something.

"Okay, Renamon, let's get this over with."

"Understood," the fox replied, moving right through Eddy who took that as a cue to move over to the other side and watch from there.

Then the girl pulled out a card, "Card Slash, Attack Plug-in A!" and Renamon was clearly stronger. Renamon and the Chameleonmon were wrestling now, and then the girl slashed another card: "Speed Plug-in B!" Meanwhile, the gusts from the fight were causing the girl's coat to sway in the wind causing Eddy to admire her figure.

Renamon disappeared from under Chameleonmon, jumped up into the air and yelled "Fox Leaf Arrowheads," causing white shards to materialize in front of her. That's when she looked straight at Eddy, even though he wasn't there. She shot the green reptile below, piercing him and causing him to disintegrate. Renamon then proceeded to load the data, absorbing the particles into her chest.

Eddy was stunned from the sight. Then, as he saw the mist disintegrate and a golden light head toward them, he whited out again, waking up the next morning.

When the brown-haired guy arrived, it was already too late and the girl was gone. "Don't worry, we'll help out next time," Terriermon assured him.

"That's not what I was thinking about. There's another tamer in this area that doesn't want to give himself away, but why?"

"Maybe he's like you."

"Doubt it. I feel so out of the loop now."

"You've been out of the loop ever since you got back from the digital world. You haven't been yourself. Whatever happened to the happy Robert I became partners with?"

"He was left behind in the digital world… along with his best friend. Let's go home already."

"You know you can beat that tamer leader if you just have me…"

"What's the point? I'd rather avoid fighting."
Terriermon paused for a second. "Why are we here then?" Terriermon's question weighed heavily on Robert's mind as he swiped the card needed for them to go home.

Eddy woke up back in bed the following morning. He felt his hair to see if it was thick like in the dream. It was. Then he looked at the device in his hand: there was a cracked egg on the front. He held it up and looked at it, pressing the buttons to change the screen. After the egg, a screen appeared showing an arrow pointing to the left.

Eddy turned off the display, got up, and looked in his mirror. He seemed slightly taller. He didn't know how, other than that the device with him and the funky vision had something to do with it. "Man, this is awesome. Maybe I'll catch up with Double D or Ed."

Now, though, he had to find out what's waiting for him where the digivice was pointing. After breakfast, where his mom commented on his hair being thick again and how he looked just like his grandfather did when he was younger, he went through the door outside from his bedroom to the backyard and climbed over the fence he fell down into the lane face first. When he looked around, he didn't notice anybody else in the lane, which was weird considering it was a Saturday morning. Then he noticed the laughter coming from the playground. He walked in the direction of the arrow and it led him down the lane away from the main street and towards the junkyard and the trailer park. Thinking about the trailer park made Eddy worry for a second about a possible attack from the three girls who live there, but then he realized that he hadn't seen them in months. Not since the incident with his brother…

Not since Mondo-a-go-go…

Eddy kept on walking toward the junkyard, trying not to think about the horrors of the trailer park or the amusement park.

Robert was reading a novel when his digivice beeped. "Two realizations in such a short time? What could possibly be going on?" He asked Terriermon who was also reading, though his book was considerably thinner than Robert's.

"Why do so many Digimon realize here of all places?"

"You don't get it, do you?" Terriermon's partner asked. "Almost all emergences into the real world have been around here. We just haven't gone after any of them." He got up and adjusted himself. "This Digimon is a child-level Digimon, though, which means that the other team probably has their sights set on it. How about we go check it out?"

"And then if you run into that team leader guy, you can settle things."

Robert raised one eyebrow. "I hope it's better than that."

Kevin looked at his red digivice when it alerted him. "Another emergence? What? Only a child level?" Kevin was sitting at his desk working on homework and so decided to use his phone to call Nazz. After a few rings, she picked it up.

"Hey, Nazz. It turns out there's another bioemergence and it's a child level this time. Go get Double D. I want this to be his partner."

"Alright dude! Consider it done." It was the first time in months since a Digimon had appeared that would be a viable candidate to give to a tamer so that he could be on his team. Of all the kids in the cul-de-sac, Kevin figured that Double D would be the next one recruited, followed by Rolf, then Ed, then Eddy. All new tamers on their team would have to swear a vow of secrecy and hide their Digimon from their parents, friends, etc. They would also go on secret missions to stop Digimon from wreaking havoc on the real world, and those Digimon would be sent back to the Digital world from a lab at the nearby university.

DATS eat your heart out. Oh, and this is way more fun than StarCraft.

Kevin smiled.

Edd was working on a project at his house when he heard the doorbell. He ran as quickly as he could and opened the door to find… Nazz? "Hey, dude, what's up?"

"Um, just working on a way to increase the distance of a walkie-talkie, that's all," he said, sweating. Then he noticed the walking plant standing right next to Nazz. "What in Sam Hill is that thing?" he practically yelled.

"Oh, this is my partner Digimon, Palmon. Guess what? There was a Digimon that emerged in the real world and we were thinking of giving it to you as a partner. What do you think?"
"Um," Edd was absolutely stupefied and in disbelief. "So, you're a bona fide talking Digimon?"

"Mmm… hmm…"

"Intriguing. Now if you ask me, this is way different from what I was expecting. I was half expecting Eddy to come to the door, bored and wanting me to entertain him but this…" Edd smiled. "…this is an intriguing scientific discovery! I have to see this."

Nazz giggled, "Okay dude, all you have to do is come with me. Listen, we don't have that much time to tame this thing so you're going to have to hurry up."
"Gladly." Edd said as he started following the girl out of his house.

Eddy finally reached the junkyard after about five minutes and continued following the compass on his digivice. After a while, he spotted a giant dome of mist. He looked at the compass and saw that it was pointing him straight to it. "Oh, man, this is so weird." He continued walking and as he was about to go into the mist, he heard a voice.

"Hey!" Eddy looked to his right and saw a tall, somewhat overweight guy with brown hair and a small animal on his head. "You're not with those tamers from here in town, are you?"
"Huh? No. I have no idea what you're talking about. I know that repeated exposure to tanning beds causes skin cancer but…" The new guy was laughing.

"I said tamer, not tanner." The guy looked around the area and then back at Eddy. "Your name is Edward isn't it?"
"Yeah. Let me guess, you go to Peach Creek Jr. High?"

"Nope, I just happen to know Double D. Run into him at the library a lot. He showed me a few pictures. Robert's the name, by the way." The guy felt the mist. "I bet this thing will only open to the person with the right digivice."

"Like this thing?" Eddy asked, showing his digivice to Robert, who looked at it and smiled.

"Yeah, that." Eddy then held his digivice to the wall of mist and an opening appeared for them. So they entered.

Inside the mist, the two walked toward the center, where there was a lone lizard with blue scales, heavy black armor, and a gun. "Commandramon, Child-level."

"What the-? How'd you know that?" Then Eddy looked at Robert looking at his flipped open digivice. "Oh."

Commandramon head them and walked up to Eddy, sniffed him, and held out his hand. "You're my tamer, huh?"

"Um, yeah. I think so. I got this digivice earlier," Eddy said, holding it up.

"Who's he?" Commandramon asked, looking at Robert who was starting to visibly shake. "An enemy?"

"Nope, I don't even know him. He seems like a nice guy."

"Oh, okay."

"So, Robert, what's your Digimon?"
"Um, his name is Terriermon," he replied. "I met him while in the digital world."

"Hmm…" Eddy grunted, nodding. Robert seemed trustworthy enough. He didn't seem to want to fight Eddy's Digimon or anything to that effect.

Outside, Nazz and Edd finally arrived. "Alright, dude, here we are!" Nazz exclaimed, walking towards the mist. Unfortunately, when she tried entering it, she couldn't: it was like a brick wall. "Dude, what gives? How about you try, Double D?" Edd tried going through as well but couldn't.

"This is odd. It looks like a sort of gas from outside, but it's not."

"Seriously, dude. I don't remember it being this way when I met my Digimon." Then Nazz looked at her pink and red digivice. "Whoa, how is this possible?"


"There are two digivice signals coming from inside. I don't recognize either of them. I was told that green and blue belonged to a rogue tamer though."

"A rogue tamer?"
"Yeah, he like did some horrible things in the digital world or something. I gotta call Kevin!"

"Yeah?" Kevin asked through his walkie-talkie. "We'll be on our way."

"Come quick. I don't know how long we have until the fog dissipates. Not to mention there are two of them."

"Right, see you there in a few. Whatever you do: don't let them evolve. Got it?"

"You bet!" Then Kevin turned off his walkie-talkie.

"Ready to go kick Digimon butt?" Behind him in his dark closet, two glowing red eyes opened.

Next Chapter: Battle in the Junkyard. Mass Evolution.

A/N: If you read the previous version of this, I'm sorry for posting it early. Now, please review. I won't make any threats or anything to take this down if you don't review but it would just be nice.

As you can see, my objective with this fic is not to write a Digimon fic based on any series, despite the obvious similarities with Tamers in the first chapter, but to make something somewhat original with the two universes presented. Strangely enough, all three of the main tamer's Digimon from Tamers show up in this fic and Monodramon shows up as another character's Digimon way later. Other than that, the later story takes more from Adventure 02 and Savers. In what ways I won't reveal to you just yet.

Again, please review.