A/N: Hey there readers! Please allow me to introduce myself, Masugushoo da-ze!
This would be my first fanfiction on Hetalia, centering on my OTP Doitsu and Itaria~
Hope it won't turn out so bad ='=...
Now then, I wouldn't want you to be stuck reading this worthless A/N for too long...please enjoy~!
Disclaimer: I would love to own Hetalia, and If I actually do, I would make all the episodes run 25 minutes longer. :p
"Doitsu Doitsu!~" A cheerful italian waved to his german friend.
Germany was frustrated. After a long day of paperworks, and more paperworks, his mind was so much filled with treaties and preperations for the next meeting with the allies.
"Vhat is it Italien." Unfortunately, Ludwig was a native german man. He can't help if his natural german accent would show up once a while, maybe when he's angry, or even frustrated.
Like now.
"Let's get pasta! Pasta! With tomato sauce on top!" Feliciano twirled happily with the mentions of his beloved pasta.
Pasta, Pasta, is that all this guy ever thinks about? Germany sighed.
"pasta would be good italy, but i have some work to do." How he has wished to be ever so carefree like the italian, but things just aren't turning that way for our poor German fellow.
The Italian's face contorted to a little frown, then a pout. "but why doitsu~ today's weather is so cold! Won't it be a perfect time to have a plateful of hot pasta, with tender meatballs in the side! And- and homemade tomato sauce with little cunky bits of parmesan cheese on top~" With that train of thought, Immediately Feliciano started salivating.
How weird. Most people would search for hot boiled soup in a cold weather like this. But this guy, Pasta is the one he'll be ever searching for. He really does only thinks of Pasta doesn't he?
The German smiled at his companion's antics. "Danke. Italy, but I have some work to do. Maybe later, when my work is all done. Then we can go get some pasta. We'll take Kiku too. How does that sound?" The German hoped that the Italian would buy his offer.
The Italian gleefully nodded in agreement "okay doitsu! I'll wait for you! Then we can all have some pasta!"
Ludwig smiled, then grouchfully returned to his paperwork.
After a few minutes of waiting, Feliciano roamed around the room in boredom. After a few HOURS of waiting, Feliciano is now on his knees begging for the German to take him home.
"Doitsu please!"
"Take me home!"
"I need pastaaaaaaaa~"
Italy then slumped back down in defeat. Then perked back up. The German was a little taken back by the italian's previous act.
"I have a great idea doitsu!" The Italian cheerfully chirped
The german was in no mood of playing around with his carefree friend but he listened anyways.
"Why don't I just go home, cook the pasta and bring it back here! That way you can enjoy yhe pasta while you finish your work!"
The german paused with his work. Out of all the stupid ideas The Italian had ever said, This one is actually not that bad.
"That's actually a good idea." The elder of the two bluntly replied.
"isn't it? Isnt it? I knew it!" Feliciano then jumped with joy.
"Then Doitsu! Wait here! I'll go and make you some pasta? Ne?" The Italian then fled off happily leaving a certain german man alone.
"sigh...Italy...all he thinks of are pasta..." Germany shook his head.
One hour...
Two hours...
Three hours had passed.
Germany is now wondering where could the italian could have gone.
The Italian surely won't take THAT long to make his favorite pasta right?
Unless there's something bad-
Germany abruptly stood up. More and more bad thoughts are entering his mind as to the whereabouts of his little bouncy italian friend.
"verdammt! Where is he!" Germany rushed to the door and ran home to find Italy.
When Germany reached home, he was surprised to be greeted with silence, when ussually the italian would happily greet him home, offer him pasta, and went straight to siesta. It's their daily routine, so what has gone wrong?
Germany then heard some clanking noise in the kitchen.
It didn't took him a while to figure out where Feliciano was.
There inside the Kitchen, stood a certain Italian, preparing pasta. Finally Noticing that there was another being behind him, Feliciano then turned around to face Ludwig with his usual cheery smile.
"Doitsu! You're home early! Did you finish your paperwork yet?"
Germany sighed in relieved as he saw the usual Italian being as cheery as ever.
"Not yet. I have at least 25 more pages to check. I-I was worried about you so I had to come home early.." Ludwig's face is now a nice shade of red, facing down as he said so.
Feliciano blinked.
"w-well...its your fault! What pasta need three hours to make anyway!"
Feliciano's face beamed once more
"ah! Yes the pasta! It's a new recipe! It is called Spaghetti bolognese ve!"
Spaghetti bologonese? That's new. Is it an italian word or something? Ludwig pondered in his head.
As if Feliciano can read his thoughts, the cheerful italian smiled and said
"Its pasta cooked with meat sauce ve! Its really good! Though it took a really long time just to make the sauce –ve! But since Doitsu likes meat so I think today's dinner would be accompanied with just that!"
The german sighed in relief. So that's what took him so long.
"nevermind then, verdammt italien. I thought you could have been murdered." Ludwig muttered under his breath, oblivious to the curl-bouncing italian of course.
And so there goes Ludwig, cursing a bunch of german profanities.
"Doitsu! The pasta is ready ve!" a cheerful sound of a certain Italian echoed throughout the room.
Germany whilst still checking on his paperwork, lifted himself up from the chair, and went to the confines of his kitchen.
His now very..very..messy kitchen.
"ITALIEN WHAT DID YOU DO!" the German man shouted as to his perspective of the poor, poor kitchen's condition.
"I made pasta ve." The Italian calmly replied.
Italy crooked his head in confusion "I used it to make pasta ve."
Germany gave up. What matters the most is that the Italian was okay, and is still bouncing from point A to point B of Germany's house.
"come and have a seat ve!" the Italian patted the empty dining chair, motioning for Germany to sit near him.
Germany did nothing but to comply to the italian's request.
Italy then went back to the kitchen to retrieve his boiling hot pasta.
It wasn't long before his curl was seen from the view of the dining table.
"Ve! I'm back with pasta!" The ever so happy Italian carefully lifted the pot of pasta on top of the dining table and carefully placed some of the thick yellow-ish straps , along with reddish meaty sauce on top of each of the nation's plates.
They both started to dig in after having said their native "let's eat's"
Silence passed the room, except for a few munching sounds from both.
That is until a certain german decided to break Mr. Silence.
"Danke Italien, for ..everything." The blond smiled
Italy was stunned. Had the german's eyes ever looked so captivating? Sure he realized that they were blue sometime ago, but that sparkle! It's so beautiful!
"ne...doitsu...have you realized that your eyes are so...piuttosto..."
Ludwig may have been german, but his vocabularies on italian are quite a range, courtesy to the italian male.
"uhh...danke...Italien." The german looked down to his plate in embarassment.
Mr. Silence whooshed throughout the room, that is until, someone else decided to speak up.
"Doitsu...is it always so hot in your dining room?" The italian smiled weakly, beads of sweat already hanging from the corners of his face.
The german was sweating profusely himself, It was supossed to be winter! It was supossed to be cold! And yet what's with the sweat?
"uh...well..no, especially in the cold winter season, nein."
Another set of munching sounds.
The gears in germany's head started working. If it wasn't the weather, then what could possibly- Then it came to a conclusion.
"what did you put in the pasta?"
"ve? Some...cheese...tomato...garlic.."
"keep going"
"onions, minced beef, olive oil, salt, pepper,..."
Oh wonderful, he's going to recite the whole recipe. The german thought in head. Back to the case, all the ingredients seemed normal up till this point.
"keep on going"
"umm...paprika, red wine, honey, chilli.."
"keep go-"
hold that thought.
"wait! Repeat that line once again Italien!"
It was amazing how the german could still think quite logically even when his mind is a cluttered of mess from the heat.
"which line?"
"the last one!"
"onions, minced beef, olive oil, salt, pepper.."
"Nein! The one after that!" The heat is starting to spread through both nation's body.
"paprika...red wine...hon-"
"That's it!"
"red wine?"
"ve? What about it?"
The german mentally slapped his head.
"Italien...don't you know that red wine ussually have side effects...such as...increase of blood flow...in higher heart rate.." The german's sentences are cut short between pants and sighs clearly showing his delusioned state.
"but...I just put a glass in ve! Its exactly what the recipe says!" The Italian is now almost on the verge of crying between arousal heat, and germany's scoldings.
The Italian hastily grabbed the thick book beside the messy kitchen counter and flipped through numerous pages until the title " Spaghetti bolognese" came to view.
Ingredients for the sauce (serves six)
500g beef mince
650g onions
4 400g tins of chopped tomatoes
200g tomato concentrate
8 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt (as people started moaning about the amount of salt used - do me a favour, add up the weight of all ingredients to the sauce and then calculate the salt content per 150g serving ... )
1 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons oregano
two cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon paprika
one glass (125ml) red wine
one splash of worcester sauce
1 teaspoon sambal oelek (hot chilli)
Silence echoed the room once more.
"Italien. You do know that this recipe is for SIX SERVINGS!" The german boomed despite his flushed state.
"I'M SORRY VE! I DIDNT READ THE RECIPE THROUGHLY VE!" The italian started bawling.
The Italian erupted in tears.
"I-i'm sorry...ve...*hic* I wanted to surprise Doitsu for once *hic but I ended up ruining it again ve..."
As we all know, Germany isn't heartless. Sure he may seem though and uncaring but deep down he's just as kind and thoughtful as anyone else.
"It's okay Italien. Since you made it for me, I guess I will have to eat it together with you."
Germany took a deep breath and released it.
"I will eat the pasta with you. For better or for worse!"
The Italian looked up to Germany with amazement.
"Y-YES CAPTAIN!" The Italian straightened back up to the dining table,
both nations eyeing the said "corrupted" spaghetti as if it was a deadly prey.
Both grabbed their forks and spoons off the table in preperation
Both Leaned closer to their plate
I had decided to cut it short here ^^ I love cliffys.
So then, here are he translations:
Piuttosto- pretty (very obvious)
Danke- thanks (very very obvious)
Spaghetti bolognese – (for those who have no idea) is a meat-based sauce for pasta originating in Bologna, Italy
Woo~ okay then! On to the next chapter!
Please dont hestitate to tell me your opinion on the story,
Otherwise I would not continue if there are no supports and critics whatsoever.
And flames are for burning pizza for a melted cheesy mozarella on top.