Disclaimer: How to Train Your Dragon is a Dreamworks Copyright A/N: After months of reading various fanfics and watching movies/reading books, I've decided to write my own fanfic...so this is the very 1st one...thx goes to Amaya who gave me a great tip and this chapter is the new chapter after the advice was followed please read and REVIEW! Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank
Clank Clank Clank. Even though, many things had changed for the better, he was still not used to having a metallic peg instead of a left foot. He kept tripping over the slightest thing and walking down a hill was suicide. As he was walking by, some people would wave to him and others would holler a quick "G'nite Hiccup!"
Finally, he was alone...that is if you leave out the midnight blue dragon that was circling down to meet him.
"Hey Toothless. How's it going buddy?"
The adolescent dragon growled with delight for finally being able to spend time with the one he trusted the most. Ever since the duo killed the Green Death 2 weeks ago, popularity made life hell for both boy and dragon. People would follow the boy everywhere and many kids wanted to ride the Night Fury. Toothless made sure to scare all of the children, so that he wouldn't become the next village plaything. However, Hiccup had a harder time getting away. The only people who helped him get away were Stoick, Astrid, and, occasionally, Gobber. When neither of the 3 where available, people would openly chase either Hiccup or Toothless.
So, they did what comes naturally when being chased: take off in the sky. There may have been dragons, but there was only one Night Fury. Nobody could catch them. The only person who knew where they would eventually land was Astrid. She usually found the pair playing around in the woods where Toothless had made his home. Nobody else knew where Toothless' home was at and Hiccup made sure that Astrid would keep her lips sealed.
Hiccup snapped out of his thoughts as he clipped his metal foot onto Toothless's side harness. The dragon was excited; he hadn't flown in a while. When Hiccup was fully secured, Toothless took off. They went higher and higher and circled the mountaintops once, twice, three times; gliding silently above the earth, but below the moon. Hiccup braced himself as Toothless folded his wings and plunged for a steep dive. The wind was roaring in Hiccup's ears as Toothless whistled through the air. At the last minute, Hiccup adjusted his metallic foot and Toothless pulled up right before crashing into the forest below. As Toothless came up, he spread his wings lazily, so that the pair glided nice and easy. They touched down right behind Hiccup's house.
"Hey." A sudden voice surprised them both, but they recognized that it belonged to Astrid. "I saw y'all in the sky. How was it?"
"Well, you know how Toothless is," said Hiccup.
"Toothless is amazing," she said. And as an after thought, she sarcastically added, "Even if you're not."
"What?," he exclaimed before he realized that she had a grin on her face. Before he could say anything else, she leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss.
She turned around and hopped over the fence and started striding towards her house. She turned around and said,"Oh and by the way, nice speech," and then laughed at the expression frozen on Hiccup's face from when she kissed him.
Then, she turned around and started jogging back to her house. Hiccup and Toothless saw her go.
"Alright bud, I'm gonna get some rest."
The dragon plopped himself right on the table as soon as Hiccup opened the door - thus disturbing a very large and hairy man who was trying to read a letter of some sort.
"Hiccup, can't this, this, THING sleep outside?"
"Sure dad, how about you try to convince him to go outside?" retorted his son.
"Well, you have a point," Stoick replied.
"Anyway...I think I'm gonna hit the hay. Good night dad."
"Sleep well son," said Stoick.
As his son retired upstairs, Stoick stared at the letter with solumn concentration. [This is not good] he thought. As he retired to his bed, he was pondering what decision he should make. As he drifted off to sleep he decided that he would need to have the council and elders called together to know about this news.
So what in the world is this "bad news?" Find out next time. And that's it...nap-rik signing off
Is it really bad or is Stoick just overreacting?