"We all know the story of how Ian broke Amy's heart but we don't know the story of

how he fixed it."

It all started when the Kabras were in an airplane en route to Lake Tash . Ian was surprised when he realized that he wasn't thinking of the next clue… Instead he was thinking about a girl, a girl with copper hair, Jade green eyes and pale Pink lips and…. His train of thought was broken when he heard a high pitched scream. Natalie he thought "what is it now, Natalie?" he said, annoyed by his sister. "Well,first of all, it's going to be an overnight trip and I didn't get to bring my P.J.'s…. and second, Lake Tash doesn't exist!" snapped Natalie. He started worrying …. he left Amy in a cave for an imaginary lake? He needed to put up with his sister overnight and she was right, they usually go shopping for clothes when they go to their destination to avoid being outcasts. They still needed to go back and they haven't any lead what will happen to them when mummy and father found out. They will surely punish them! and Amy! he was sure that she would never forgive him. He stood up and slipped a little sleeping powder in his sister's cup of imported cocoa (imported from Italy) when her back was turned and went back to his seat a moment later you could hear her steady breathing and Ian went to her seat and pulled back the back rest.

Amy was with Dan. She was thinking about the recent events and telling herself mentally over and over again "stupid,stupid,stupid how could I even trust him? he is a backstabbing, heartbreaking, handsome, flawless….ggaaaaaaaahhhh what am I thinking?" she didn't know it but she was shaking her head and her eyes were closed tightly and she was…she was crying?. Dan saw this and was shouting Amy's name over and over in her ear and finally he held her head so it would stop shaking and that finally got her attention. "what?" said Amy when she saw that Nellie, Dan and Alistair were all looking at her. It was Dan who broke the silence "why are you crying?" he asked and Amy seemed shocked, then she touched her cheek and her finger felt wet and she just bowed her head and said "nothing" and tried to go to sleep.