Sorry that it took so long for me to update! I went away last weekend and couldn't update! And then I had to catch up with school, so sorry! Here's another chapter! Please review and tell me what you think!

"Where's Mason?" I asked, sitting up. I had recently given up on convincing Dimitri that I being in hospital wasn't his fault.

"Last I saw he was going to get something to eat." Dimitri replied looking guiltily at his hands. He hadn't looked me in the eyes yet and that annoyed me. He felt so guilty for something that wasn't his fault.

There was a few more minutes of awkward silence between Dimitri and I, but it was thankfully interrupted by Mason walking into the room. He was carrying two cans of soda- one in each hand- and a packet of chips stuffed under his arm. Without even looking at me he gave one of the sodas to Dimitri and then looked up.

"Oh, you're awake." He said, looking into my eyes. He offered me his soda but I declined.

"So, did you miss me?" I asked him sarcastically. I don't know what made me say something so laid back- it's not like I trusted him or anything- but my personality was winning a battle inside my head.

"Oh, very much." Mason replied plonking down in the seat beside Dimitri. Both of them looked as though they could use a good night's sleep. Each had messed up hair and bags under their eyes from stress. I hated seeing them like this despite hardly knowing them. They looked so...helpless. Dimitri was the worst out of the two. Having seen and having given me the food that caused such a reaction he felt the stress and helplessness more. I could see it in his deep, brown eyes. I could also see a determination, I didn't know what he was determined to do but I could just see it in his eyes.

The silence dragged on forever. It wasn't quite awkward but it wasn't comfortable either. It was somewhere in between. I couldn't work out whether I felt more uncomfortable or not. As I was contemplating this a doctor walked in smiling.

He had black short hair and his brown eyes gleamed happily.

"You're awake." He stated smiling wider.

I nodded my head as if it wasn't obvious enough.

"You got lucky, Rose. You nearly died today." I nodded again; he didn't need to remind me- or Dimitri- of that fact. "We're going to keep you here over night just to be sure, but, you'll be fine." He told me. He checked my charts and left.

I was too worried to look at anyone for fear of seeing sympathy- or guilt in Dimitri's case. I just stared nowhere in particular. I hated hospitals, I frequently visited them but I hated them. They felt so...I don't know. I just couldn't wait for the night to be over.

I sighed and closed my eyes trying to fall asleep, although I knew that if I went to sleep now I would wake up during the night and not be able to go back to sleep.


I was back at my house with my parents lying on the ground in front of me. I kept hearing the gunshot run through my head. I couldn't stop it. The memories of how they died just kept running through my head.

There was a loud bang that shook through the entire hospital.

I sat up immediately, screaming. It was only thunder but it had me shaking. I was terrified. I generally wasn't scared of thunder but, this time, I had tears in my eyes as the thunder continued.

I threw my hands up to my ears trying to block out the sound but it didn't help. There was nothing that I could do that would block out the sound. I looked around the room anxiously and found Mason sitting in the same chair that he had been in the last time I awoke. As my scream sounded around the room he awoke immediately, looking around for any sign of danger.

Upon finding no threat he turned to face me. His eyes were tired. I didn't know where Dimitri was but at that moment I didn't care. I was just happy that someone was here with me.

Our eyes met and Mason sat up straighter his eyes questioning me. As more thunder sounded I jumped and just stopped my scream.

Mason frowned to himself and questioned, "You're afraid of thunder?" His tone was teasing. I must have looked so weak at that moment that he couldn't help but tease me.

Because I didn't answer straight away he asked me, "Why?"

I blinked back more tears trying to decide whether to tell him the truth or just lie. I shrugged deciding on the truth and answered, "Thunder sounds like gunshots."