Septimus, Marcia, and Thomas stepped out of the portal that had put them out in front of the fire place in Marcia's rooms. Septimus strained his ears for the sound of a human heart beat he heard two one right behind him and one coming down the stairs from the pyramid library. "Whoever else is in here is coming hide or do an UNSEEN"whispered Septimus Thomas did as instructed and flopped on the sofa Septimus stood stock still and Marcia who couldn't speak to do an UNSEEN hid under the sofa.

Marcia disappeared from sight just as Merrin Meredith entered the room. His eyes were wide open and blood shot. He looked around he could have sworn he heard something but apparently it had just been another trick of his imagination. Merrin stumbled to the kitchen and as he opened the door out of corner of his eye on the floor he saw something. It looked like a dog's nose but it couldn't be. Merrin walked over to it and out of curiosity kicked it. Marcia couldn't help it the searing pain that shot through her made her yelp and cover her nose with her paws. Merrin knew what this meant it. Meant they were back and they were going to get him. Merrin made a mad dash back to the library as he got to the stairs leading to it though he heard growling. Merrin turned around and saw a large dog hackles raised and nose bloody not six feet behind him. Merrin was afraid of dogs especially angry looking ones. He ran doubly fast not caring about anything but getting away.

Marcia was mad. That boy was the cause of her problems and she was going to get even so she succumbed to the dog and chased barking as loud as she could. The boy ran up the stairs and Marcia chased him she knew her way around so when he bumped into walls she got closer and closer. The only problem came when he reached the door to the library he shut it right in Marcia's face. To add insult to injury she couldn't open the door without hands she was stuck but also he was trapped. Marcia walked back down to where Septimus and Thomas were. Thomas was looked exhausted and Marcia wondered if he would be able to turn her back to normal anytime soon.

Septimus was pacing the room trying to come up with a plan. His first was to wait for Thomas to feel better and make Marcia human again but that was a long way off so that was not his favorite but it was smartest. His second was to go and face the boy and hope that because of his experience he would win but if that scribe had lots of spells ready he would be in trouble without Marcia. His third was he and Marcia as a dog go in and fight him if he faced one the other could attack divide and conquer pretty much. So Septimus voiced his plan to Marcia and after a few moments off thinking she nodded her head in compliance. They walked up to the library and Septimus whispered "on the count of" Septimus threw the door open and Marcia dashed into the shadows getting ready to tackle the boy to the ground. Septimus had simply walked in and scanned the room looking for his opponent he spotted the scribe on top of a book shelf. Septimus ducked just in time as a THUNDERFLASH shot forward from the scribes hand. Septimus went to where Marcia was thinking of ways to get to the scribe then Marcia stepped out of the shadows and looked up at the boy growling so loud Septimus was afraid. Then Septimus came up with a plan while the scribe was distracted he would knock him off the book shelf if he would most likely lose consciousness and then after Thomas had turned Marcia back into a human he send him to somewhere out side the castle and there problems would be solved. So again Septimus did his UNSEEN walked over to the that the scribe was on and careful not to look down climbed the ladder that the scribe used.

Marcia was having a slightly harder time the scribe kept shooting THUNDERFLASH after THUNDERFLASH at her. His aim was terrible but he had gotten close to hitting her a few times. Marcia jumped and ducked out of the way of yet another curse. she was starting to get a little worn out when the boy suddenly fell head long to the ground and hit the floor with a loud crack. Where the boy had been a second ago Marcia saw to her relief that Septimus standing a little shakily. Marcia watched Septimus climb down and didn't realize the scribe was still awake. He grabbed Marcia and held a hand tightly around her throat as if he was planing on choking her. "Go away and i won't hurt her" the scribe said his voice shaking he was obviously terrified. Septimus knew he didn't have much to be afraid of and said "put her down and i wont hurt you. Just go away and don't do anything this stupid again." Merrin hated being called stupid he had been called endless variations of stupid all his life and he was sick and tired of people saying he was. So he held an extremely irritated Marcia who was wiggling and pawing at him trying to get loose and backed slowly to the door. After two steps though an unforeseen problem arose. Thomas stood behind him holding the leg of a chair Merrin had blone up when he had been trying to hit Marcia with a THUNDERFLASH and proceeded to clobber Merrin in the side of the head with it. A few minutes later Merrin was unconscious about a mile from the port

At the wizard tower Thomas was getting ready to completely make amends for all the trouble he had caused Marcia and Septimus. Septimus was sitting on the sofa trying to stay awake, Marcia was in her bedroom waiting for Thomas's spell to take affect, and Thomas was in the hallway outside Marcia's room finishing his spell and hoping that Marcia would forgive him for being stupid and doing that to her and her apprentice. barley a minute after Thomas finished Marcia walked out of her room and threw her arms around Thomas "thank you for not just leaving us in the forest" she said. If he could face up to the fact that he had done it and then tried to fix his mistake he was still a good friend. After offering Thomas breakfast which he refused saying he had a busy day ahead of him finding a better job and a good home possibly in the ramblings. At this point it was about five in the morning so both Septimus ans Marcia went there rooms and slept late into the day.