Okay this has a very slow start, but it gets better in the next chapter, keep reading(:
I don't own Degrassi as amazing as that would be(:(:(:
First Day Of Many
Savannah stumbled through the crowded hallway, dumbfounded by how many students seemed to be able to fit into this small boxy building, she looked down at her schedule carefully. First period chemistry, she looked around frantically glancing at doors, and room numbers. "How the hell am I supposed to find my way around here…" she mumbled in a frustrated tone underneath her silky breath. She jumped as the warning bell startled her, and was even more taken aback when the crowd of students surrounding her quickly, violently, and rudely bustled past her in an effort not to be late to their first hour class. "At least you people know where it is you're supposed to be going…" Savannah angrily called after the crowd as she still stood clueless in the middle of the hallway.
Now there was only Savannah and one other boy in the hallway. She rolled her eyes and swallowed her female pride as she made her way over to the boy quickly, even though she knew it to be pointless to rush, by this time she would be tardy even if she were this schools track star. "Hi..I'm Savannah, I'm new here….Can you tell me where the chemistry room is?" she smiled as big as she could in an effort to be "friendly". Even though she had absoloutley no desire to be in Canada, her parents had selfishly made she and her sister move her to what they had called "Starting over". No this was not a fresh start, this was torture.
"Well Hi Savannah, I'm Danny..and the chemistry room is right there.." he said with a smirk as he pointed to a room right in front of her. Savannah sighed in frustration, the classroom had literally been right before her eyes. "Thanks.." She sneered as she strutted off to the classroom in a huff.
"Well how nice of you to join us…" the teacher stated in an overly icy tone as Savannah made her way into the room. "Ah..and you must be our new student as well. Class this is Savannah, all the way from Texas if I'm not mistaken?" the teacher asked as he introduced her in front of the 30 curious eyes that were eagerly analyzing her.
She wasn't odd looking or even the slightest bit peculiar. She had long chocklate brown curls that danced down her back, her eyes were a striking green that would catch even the least observant of peoples glance. And was a short 5'3, but had a nice normal figure, not stick thin, nor was she overweight, she held a healthy and beautiful equilibrium between fat and thin that gave her dazzling curves in all the right places. The most distracting and awkward feature about this girl was her pale as snow skin, speckled with a few barely noticeable freckles along her cheekbones and across her small nose.
"Well now that the class knows me, may I sit down?" Savannah asked cynically. The teacher smiled and nodded towards a desk toward the back of the room. She hurried to her desk, desperately trying to avoid noticing the stares and looks she was retrieving from her classmates.
"Hi, I'm Jenna." The girl directly beside Savannah said nonchalantly as she grinned in Savannahs direction. "Hi….I'm Savannah." Savannah answered with a weak grimace.
She wasn't one of the most social of girls, in fact she hated being caught in social situations. She felt awkward and sick most of the time not knowing what to say, or do. Savannah didn't feel like she could much relate to girls her own age, not just here, but at her previous schools as well. She surrounded herself with boys, less drama, less backstabbing, and less crying for sure. Savannah had never taken an apt interest in shopping for clothes, Pep Rallys, or even dating. She read books mostly, eating up the knowledge they gave her and enjoying the stories of foreign places she knew she would never travel to. Not dating and not being caught up in girls two faced friendships had saved Savannah much heartache and many failing grades. The way she saw it, school was for learning, not mingling.
Jenna however seemed to be the opposite, Savannah soon found that Jenna, the blonde haired peppy cheerleader had decided to befriend her and "Take her under her wing". What Savannah very much expected to be a tiring bothersome situation actually turned out to work for her ultimate benefit being that Jenna knew her way around the school, and gave Savannah a tour of where each of her classes were. Luckily though, Savannah was not put in the situation of having to keep conversation with her during class because Jenna had only one class with her. That being first hour chemistry.
Lunch. Hour five. The time of day every new student fears and in most cases loathes, however in meeting "Jenna" Savannah would at least have a place to eat without looking like the lonely new girl. This was an upside to this long day, she would rather make superficial small talk with the over optimal Jenna than have all eyes on her once again, only this time look at her with pity and sympathy.
"Savannah! Over here!" Jenna called from across the cafeteria. She glanced up from the lunchline and sighed, she hated leaving the line when she already had a good spot but despite this she slowly stepped out of line and made her way over to Jenna who was babbling on about her incredible boyfriend.
"We're going to meet him in the library then we can go eat… This girl Clare is tutoring him, its his ex..I mean I guess she and I use to be friends but obviously not anymore…So yeah I guess it should bother me, but I don't know..Whatever." Jenna rang on and on about all the things Savannah would normally avoid. "Oh..is that right." Savannah answered quietly.
"This is KC…" Jenna beamed as she introduced Savannah to him, the girl Clare who Jenna had mentioned before sat silently across the table gathering her books up, when one book impeticular caught her eye. "Pride and Prejudice, a classic." Savannah smiled at Clare who looked up kindly and nodded. "It really is captivating…I wish boys were really like that." She said quietly as she gave Savannah a weak smile. "Can I uh sit with you at lunch?" Savannah asked a little distracted by Kc and Jenna kissing like there was no tomorrow. "Of course" Clare gave a friendly smile
"I'm Alli" The pretty young middle Eastern girl said with an edge to her voice. "Hi I'm Savannah." Savannah said politely. She felt like these girls were more her scene than the peppy cheerleader, besides Savannah knew for a fact she would be nothing but a third wheel sitting with KC and Jenna.
"Yo Sav, whose that sitting with you're sister and that Clare chick over there?" Peter scoffed as he raised his eye brows. Sav glanced up from his tray of food over at the table his sister sat at with her niner friends. "I don't know…." Sav answered as he looked her over. She was gorgeous, Sav thought to himself. "What is a hot chick like that doing sitting with the niners?" Peter gaped as he questioned out loud. "I met her this morning.." Danny gloated to the boys. "What?..No way man, I'm not buying it.." Peter snickered. "No, No I did.." Danny retorted.
"Did what?" Chantay asked curiously as she sat down next to Danny. "Nothing…" Danny lied as he glanced at Sav and Peter who were laughing uncontrollably. "Whipped man…." Peter joked as Chantay rolled her eyes.
Sav trudged down the hallway after lunch, dreading his theatre arts class. Anya had sixth period drama as well, and God knows she knew how to bring the drama to drama class. Every day since their messy break up after prom she had made a point to let Sav know just how upset she was, and he did feel awful for hurting her. But she lied to him, and this was not the first issue that the two had between each other. The way he saw it, breaking things off with her was better for the both of them. She wouldn't feel the need to lie to Sav about birth control, and he wouldn't have to lie to his family any longer.
Sav walked in the drama room sighing as he avoided Anyas pained stare in his direction and made his way to the back of the room where he wouldn't feel her eyes burning a hole in the back of his skull. He slumped down against the wall as their sub handed out a script to overlook and write opinions on, of course nobody would be finishing this assignment.
Sav glanced beside him as he felt somebody sit back against the wall to his near left. Savannah, the new student had sat down quietly and opened up a book and began to read. She was completely engulfed in her reading, scanning the pages as if she were looking for the answer to life. Sav smiled to himself, she was so pretty and by the looks of it she was fairly intelligent to.
"Hi I'm uh Sav" he said as she looked up from her book a bit startled. "Hello I'm Savannah" she answered looking the tall lanky boy over skeptically. He looked familiar for some reason. "Are you in ninth grade? I mean I hope I'm not being rude in asking but I noticed you sitting with the niners today.." Sav stated with a quiet chuckle. "Niners?" Savannah asked as she raised an eye brow. "Ninth graders.. you were sitting with my sister and Clare right?" Savannah nodded as she asked "Alli, she's you're sister?" Savannah looked Sav over once more taking in his features. He was handsome. Sav smirked "Yeah, can't you see the family resemblance?" He smiled.
Class went by faster than Sav wanted it to that day, he had enjoyed his conversation with Savannah, she was cute, smart, and fun to be around. Sav had already developed a crush on this girl, soon as it may be he found her incredibly interesting, and felt the irony of her name being a longer version of his own name a sign of fate. He laughed to himself at this thought.
"Hey Clare!" Alli called after Savannah and Clare who were walking home together. "Where are you guys going?..." Alli yelled as she fought to catch up with them. "Home its after school…Not sticking around any longer than necessary to watch Jenna and KC make out…." Clare snapped as she kept walking. "Then lets go to the dot and get some brownies or something…Yum Choclate.." Alli insisted. "Sav can drive you guys home afterwards, please…" Alli pleaded with them.
Savannah stopped, thinking about her drama class, and her discussion with Sav. "Uhm, I'll go..if you want that is." Savannah offered. Alli squealed. "Okay, time to go boy shopping.." Savannah rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Okay..I'll see you two tomorrow at school." Clare smiled as she turned and walked home.
"Well that was lame" Alli complained as the two girls waited on Sav to come pick them up from the dot. "Not even one remotely attractive boy…" Savannah smiled to herself. "So uhm Sav, he's you're older brother…he seems nice enough.." She said shyly. "Oh my god.. Don't tell me you're into my brother.." Alli made a gagging noise, emphasizing how grossed out she was by the thought. "What, stop….No…I mean..I don't even know him. We've only like even talked once…besides I'm not much of a dater…" Savannah said trying to do major damage control. "Oh Well that's a relief…that you don't like Sav…He comes with baggage." Alli said nonchalantly as a car pulled up to the curb next to them.
"Hey Alli hurry up, I'm missing the football game and.." Sav started to say when he saw Savannah standing next to Alli. "You're giving her a ride home.." Alli demanded as she climbed in the front seat leaving Savannah to get in the back. Savannah got in and gave him quick directions before they pulled away from the curb gently.
"Lonely back there?" Sav asked nervously as he glanced at Savannah in the rear view mirror. Savannah giggled. "Yeah Sav she is, I bet you wouldn't mind keeping her company back there now would you Sav?" Alli joked as she turned and winked at Savannah who kicked the back of her seat as she bowed her head, she was more than a little grateful that it was dark and neither Sav nor Alli could see how red her face was.
"Well here we are.." Sav smiled as he pulled in front of her home. "Thanks for the ride. Uhm see you tomorrow Alli." Savannah said as she got out of the car. "Yeah see ya." Alli smiled. "Bye Savannah, I'll see you in drama tomorrow." Sav said kindly. "You sure will." She smiled as she walked up her front steps.