A/N: Well this is it for this story. I didn't think it'd be appropriate to go into a new day since, to me, aftermath is usually right after whatever happened. I do have a sequel to this story in mind, but I'm kind of on the fence about actually writing it or just leaving the ending as is, so I'm gonna leave up to you guys. Review and let me know what you think.

Also, I do not own the Suite Life or any of its characters.

Cody and Bailey couldn't believe their luck, or lack thereof. For the past hour, they had been forced to stay in London and Bailey's room while listening to London talk about herself and ask them questions about her. Both of them were still trying to figure out what exactly 'the rappy' was, but if their current situation was any indication, neither of them wanted to ever be subjected to it again, not that their current moods were helping either of them remain calm. They were quickly reaching their breaking points and both decided that something needed to be done, although Cody was the first to speak up. "London, how exactly is this supposed to help Bailey and me?" he asked, making sure to put extra stress when he said Bailey and me while trying to remain calm.

"Huh?" London asked in confusion, her eyebrows wrinkling to show she didn't understand what Cody was talking about. "This isn't 'the rappy' silly; I didn't even put on the smarticle makeup yet…" London answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "We were just talking about me! Yay me!" London exclaimed with an excited smile, hopping up and down as she clapped her hands together in typical London style.

Bailey could only grit her teeth at London's revelation, the past two days had played with her emotions, putting her in a bad mood and this stunt by London was only making things worse. "Is the ship scraping against something?" London asked worriedly after hearing the scraping sound but not realizing it was coming from Bailey.

Bailey was about to speak up until Cody interrupted, worried about what would happen and what Bailey might say to London. "Uh, yeah. You better get to the life boats London! Bailey and I will get your clothes!" Cody said, thinking fast and watching as London ran out of the room as fast as she could while screaming.

"Bailey, I'm sorry. I didn't know she was going to pull something like this. I guess I'll just leave…." Cody said softly, his voice showing that he really was sorry and didn't have anything to do with London's scheme. Cody began to rise off the bed to leave but stopped when he felt a hand grabbing onto his long sleeve t-shirt.

"Wait, Cody. Maybe London's right. Maybe we should really just talk about this and get it out of our systems…" Bailey said softly as she turned her head to look up at Cody. "Can we, just start from the beginning and your fake date with London….?"

"Sure." Cody said, returning to his seat beside Bailey while smiling warmly at her. "Ok, well, I asked London to help me see how our actual anniversary would go. She agreed, after some bribing, and we went through everything I had planned. She really didn't like anything, except for the part where I was going to sweep you off your feet, Bails. Too bad that's the only part of the real date you got to see, though I think it would've been a whole lot better if I was doing it to you…" Cody began to explain truthfully, not realizing what he said until he felt Bailey pull gently on his arm to get him to stop and look at her.

"Do you mean that?" Bailey asked curiously, looking deep into Cody's eyes while continuing. "Do you still think it would've been a whole lot better with me instead of London?"

"Of course. London's pretty and everything, but I hav….. I had the most beautiful girl as my girlfriend. Why would I ever do anything to hurt her?" Cody asked sincerely, quickly correcting himself when he made the mistake of beginning to say Bailey was still his girlfriend.

"Cody…. I think I was jealous when I saw you with London and I let that get the better of me and make me really angry. But then London said you loved me and I got really happy and then really angry again…. I should've just talked to you when I saw you with London instead of avoiding you. That just made things worse and made me more sensitive than I should have been…" Bailey explained softly while continuing to look into Cody's eyes. "It's just; I'm in the same situation as you. I've never had a boyfriend like you and I really didn't want to lose you. But that just made everything even worse…." Bailey continued softly, her gaze falling to look at her lap instead of at Cody.

"It's scary, Bailey. I fell for you the first time I saw you as a girl and I tried so hard to win you over. I think, part of me thought I'd never actually be able to do it. I mean, just look at me. I'm not that strong, I'm not athletic, I'm not very manly, I'm just, I don't even know what…." Cody began, using the opportunity Bailey had given him to begin to explain what happened on top of the Eiffel Tower. "When I met Moose, I really began to think I'd never have a chance with you, well more than I already thought. But, for some strange reason, I managed to win you over, and when you kissed me after I got those Hannah Montana tickets, I was really happy. I honestly think that was the happiest I ever was and part of me decided to do everything I could to give you everything you deserve. That's why I did what I did in Paris. I wanted you to have the best, most romantic anniversary ever and I just had to make sure you got that. That just made everything go wrong though….. Maybe I am just a screw up…." Cody continued softly, growing quieter as he got close to finishing and shifting his gaze to look down at the floor sadly.

"You're not a screw up, Cody…." Bailey answered firmly. "Just looking back on what you did, it's actually really sweet to think that you'd be willing to go through all that trouble for me. And, I still remember that look on your face when I asked if you wanted to breakup. You looked so confused and hurt…. I'm sorry I put you through that, but I need to know if London was right. Did you love me?" Bailey asked curiously, her gaze slowly rising to look at Cody.

"I still do, Bails. I got mad after seeing you in someone else's arms, but that wouldn't change how I feel about you. You're so much more than I could ever ask for…" Cody answered truthfully as his gaze rose to match Bailey's.

"Cody…." Bailey said softly, her word being laced with affection as the hand closest to Cody gently reached over and gripped his hand. "I feel the same way but…. I don't think we should get back together, at least not right now…." Bailey continued softly, gently squeezing Cody's hand in reassurance once she was finished. "I think, for right now, I need to try and stop being jealous every time you're with a girl or a girl hits on you. I don't want this to happen again, if we get back together, and I hope you understand…."

"Bailey…. I'll wait as long as I need to." Cody began truthfully. "And I promise that I'll try to stop over thinking everything so we won't ever end up like this again, ok?" Cody finished with a smile, his hand continuing to hold Bailey's.

Bailey could only smile at Cody before leaning in and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "Ok, but promise you won't be a stranger."

"Never." Cody replied firmly as he stood up, pulling Bailey up with him and into a hug. "Goodnight, and I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" Cody asked, his head near Bailey's ear as he whispered his question into it.

"Yeah." Bailey answered softly as Cody began to step away and head towards the door, until it was suddenly thrown open by London, who walked in and glared at Cody.

"Liar. We didn't scrape against anything. Now, let's get 'the rappy' started. I'm even wearing the smarticle makeup now!" London exclaimed happily, a large smile on her face as she looked at Cody and Bailey.

"London, what is 'the rappy'?" Bailey and Cody asked simultaneously.

"Boy, you two really are dumb. It's when you talk to someone, and they tell you what's wrong and how to fix it!" London answer excitedly, like it was obvious and they should know what it is.

"You mean therapy…?" Cody asked hesitantly, almost afraid of London's reply.

"Therapy, what's that?" London asked curiously while looking at Cody and Bailey.

"London, we're already done talking. We're better now…." Bailey replied calmly while looking at the heiress.

"Wow, I'm better than I thought. Yay me!" London answered excitedly as Cody left the room, giving Bailey one last wave before leaving and returning to his own room. "Now, here's my bill." London stated bluntly as she pushed a piece of paper into Bailey's hands and went to her own bed. Bailey thought she was joking at first, until she actually opened up the paper and saw how detailed the bill was, her eyes bugging out when she saw how much London had charged for her 'services'.

"Uh, London…." Bailey began until she saw that London was already changed and fast asleep in her bed. "Ok…. Good night…." Bailey said softly as she placed the bill on her nightstand and lay down, sleep slowly overtaking her.