At the End of the Game
by LadyOfTruths

Sometimes games get out of hand. Sometimes the players get lost. And occasionally players cheat. But in the end, there is only one winner. What lies at the end of the most dangerous game, after all of the rules have been broken?

This story is a play on Ridley Scott's suggested alternate ending on the "Hannibal" DVD.
Part One : Somewhere to begin the end

"I've come half way around the world to watch you run, Clarice, let me run now eh?"

The metallic whisper sent jolts of electricity through her nervous system. His mouth was devilishly close to her own, his warm breath caressed her flushed cheek. Clarice Starling felt exhilarated, not an ounce of fear reflected in her eyes as his strong hands pushed her roughly against the refrigerator.

Was that a question, or a statement? Clarice was lost in a cloudy haze, the morphine still heavy in her system; she could hardly manage to keep her head up. Her eyes met his in a powerful lock; she would not let him win this game, it would all end tonight, or so she forced herself to believe.

Whether he took her expression as acceptance, or a pure challenge, he releases his grip on her shoulders and fell back into a stance. Clarice's mind registered her liberation swiftly, she pounced on him, her auburn ponytail dancing like a golden flame. Dr Lecter growled with a mixture of delight and frustration, his strength easily overpowering her and repeated his earlier movement, only this time he trapped her hair inside the fridge door, he then proceeded to break off the handle to prevent any further opportunities for his beautiful opponent.

His eyes devoured the splendid vision she inadvertently offered, her lips small and parted trying to control quickened shallow breaths, the anguished filled azure eyes which sparkled and mirrored his whole, he saw truth in the those pools, a truth which she tried so avidly to suppress, the truth which her morals slashed and buried; the truth telling him that she was his, she wanted to be his.

He chose this moment to test her stamina. A bittersweet smile overcame his features.

"Tell me Clarice, would you ever say to me 'Stop, if you loved you me you'd stop'?"

His words hummed in the thick atmosphere created by their dual presence.
She needed to focus, she knew what he was doing, and it was crushing her resolve with slow second. She would never lie to him, both knew such petty indecisions are timewasters against his perception.

" Not in a thousand years."

It was almost a whisper, yet so piercingly loud. She hoped the near sounding sirens would prevent him from considering the depth of her response. The 'why' which she could hardly bring herself to confront.

Nothing could have pleased and disappointed him collectively, he pressed on further, quickly lunging in on Clarice, baring his menacing teeth like a wild animal on attack. She didn't move, not even flinch at the sight, he looked at her and saw no fear, only challenge. He stopped a mere inch from her face *Hmm, just as well Clarice*

"That's my girl" Innuendo clouded the kitchen

As he approached her again, he considered his actions, he wanted to win this game as much as Clarice, they both new the stakes would be high for losing, but each were too stubborn to quit.

Without fair warning, Lecter's lips lightly grazed Clarice's, both heard her breath hitch in the base of her throat.

Dr Lecter felt his strength dissolve into to passion as he continued the invasion upon his precision Clarice. He was pleased when she didn't struggle or turn her head in rejection, he could see the inner battle taking place within her, the single tear which ran down her cheek was proof enough.

Left with one option, Clarice produced the handcuffs from her dress and bound their wrists together.

Both of their expression shifted in surprise as the mechanical 'click' echoed through the kitchen. Dr Lecter's shock was soon replaced by amusement. How he enjoyed watching her desperation, her silly little attempts to please her so-called integrity. He lifted their joined wrists and spoke matter-of-factly.

" Now this is really interesting Clarice, and I'm really pressed for time. So where's the key?"

Her expression remained stoic, her resolution was final and immovable. Dr Lecter grew annoyed, his patience was being stretched. Each now playing off the others reaction.

"Where's the key" Anger and irritation was evident in his tone. No movement on Clarice's part.
Without another beat of hesitancy, the good doctor grabbed the meat cleaver, used for his earlier meal preparations, and waved it in front of her.

" What do you think, above or below the wrist, Clarice?" One final attempt on his part to unnerve her. Impatient with her lack of response, he touched the cleaver to her freckled wrist and then raised it to his shoulder. He took a moment to plan his next move with precision. As he glanced down, he saw uncertainty and anguish imprinted on Clarice's shapely face. He wanted to ask her so many questions at that moment, but time was dry.

"This is really going to hurt" Would she really believe that he would injure his little Starling? He had to wonder, she was the most predictably unpredictable person he had met.

As her eyes followed the cleaver to her wrist, Clarice felt every drip of morphine in her body. She was in a strange place, a section of time where things looked real, yet felt completely detached from reality. Her final glimpse of the doctor confirmed that he was indeed going to get himself out of here on time, at the expense of carving off her wrist as a memento. She shut her eyelids together tightly and winced at the soon-to-be-felt pain. At that moment of increased heartbeat and reflux of the nervous system, the morphine took over and she felt her body start to fall into the black abyss of unconsciousness. Her lasts thoughts were centrally focused on the man before her as her body shut down. Lecter saw Clarice's body sink limply into a pile at his feet, the cleaver sliced soundly into the cutting board.

******************** End of Part One **************************