Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Dick Wolf.

Warning for m-rated, explicit content ahead. Non-consensual sexual themes, etc. Reader discretion is advised. NO FLAMES! If you don't like it, don't read it. Simple as that.

They were lying on the couch at Olivia's apartment, watching a movie. Alex's head was resting in her girlfriend's lap and Olivia was stroking her hair, pressing intermittent kisses to the crown of her head.

"Is there any popcorn left?" asked Olivia, not breaking the rhythm she'd created, running her fingers through the ADA's hair.

Alex, leaning into the touch, shook her head. "I ate it all."

Olivia smiled. "That's okay."

She turned back to the television screen. They were watching a romantic comedy that was playing on TV, although neither was exactly sure why they were watching except that it was convenient. The movie was pretty stupid, as demonstrated when the main character proposed to his girlfriend in front of his coworkers, and she said no.

"This is stupid," muttered Alex, and Olivia agreed.

"We can have a good time without the television," she said, raising an eyebrow suggestively and flipping off the television.

Alex laughed. "I'm sure we can, Detective."

Suddenly, they heard a loud bang and both women looked up. Olivia instinctively reached for her gun and pointed it at the door. "Who's there?"

Another bang, and the door came crashing down to reveal two men, dressed all in black, looking like the shady characters the detective and the prosecutor dealt with daily. All four had guns and were pointing them at the women, but neither of them recognized either of the burglars.

"So, Detective Benson," said one of the men in a silky, smooth voice. "Why don't you put your gun down?"

She was about to shoot him, but something stopped her. He had his gun pointed directly at Alex, and she knew her girlfriend would be dead if she took a shot. She didn't know who these men were or why they were doing this, but they clearly knew her. Maybe a perp, a suspect, someone she'd put in jail? "It doesn't have to be like this," said Olivia, trying to disguise the tremor in her voice, still not lowering her weapon. "We could all walk out of here right now –"

"Shut up!" shrieked one of the other men, pointing his gun at Alex too. This time, Olivia recognized the voice; it was of a sadistic serial killer they'd put in jail years ago, but she'd heard on the news a few weeks ago that the monster had escaped from prison. She hadn't been worried. Now she was.

She snuck a glance at Alex, who was clearly trying to be brave, but her Ice Queen façade was slipping, and Alex could barely disguise the shaking of her frail body.

It was breaking Olivia's hear, so she slowly lowered her weapon, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend instead, trying to calm Alex's trembling. She looked up at the men. "What do you want?"

"You," said the first man simply. "Both of you."

Olivia shook her head. "No. You leave her out of this. You want me, you can have me, but don't touch Alex."

"We know all about Miss Cabot here," said the second man, stepping toward them and hauling Alex to her feet. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. He pointed his gun to her head. "So are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

Having no choice, Olivia allowed herself to be shepherded out into the back of the men's truck. They pushed Alex in beside her and locked the car door. Olivia scooted over to she was next to her girlfriend, gently massaging her shoulders, trying to lull her tense muscles into a calmer state.

"I'm okay," whispered Alex, and Olivia wasn't sure if the ADA was trying to convince her or to convince herself.

Olivia pulled Alex closer to her. "We're going to be fine," Olivia assured her, even though she didn't know if this was true. She was terrified, but she had to be strong for Alex. She had to be brave. She'd been in many bad situations as a police officer, but she was the cop, she had the gun, and she had the control. Now she was just another victim and worst of all, they'd dragged Alex into it too. Alex, who she loved more than life itself. Alex, who she would do anything for. Alex, who she knew she had to protect at all costs.

After what seemed like an eternity, the truck stopped. Their captors pushed them out of the vehicle and Olivia looked around. They were in the middle of nowhere, in a secluded rural area, and her heart sank. Here, no one would hear their screams.

"What do you want?" asked Olivia with as much contempt as she could muster, but the slight tremor in her voice betrayed her.

The first man pointed his gun to Alex's head, then gestured to Olivia. "Undress her," he ordered.

Alex stifled a gasp and shook her head. "I can't," she whispered, terrified that they were going to rape her girlfriend and make her watch.

He backhanded her and it took all she had not to cry out. Clasping her hands together so as not to reach back and touch her throbbing head, she repeated in as level a tone as she could muster, "I won't."

This time, the second man smacked her, and Alex bit down hard on her lower lip, willing herself not to cry, not to show any sign of weakness. "You do as we say, bitch, or it won't be pretty." He pointed his pistol menacingly at her and Alex couldn't help the slight quivering of her body.

"Do it, sweetie," whispered Olivia, although she too was afraid. She had to keep Alex safe and if it meant a little pain on her part, then so be it. Olivia loved the ADA and would do anything for her, even this.

Tears glistened in Alex's eyes like tiny diamonds as she started to pull Olivia's shirt over her head. Her hands were shaking too hard to be efficient, and the first man hit her again. "Don't touch her!" cried Olivia, even though she knew she shouldn't. "She's trying, okay? She's trying."

Soon, Olivia was standing naked in front of the two men and her girlfriend. She tried to put on her stony, impassive face, but it was difficult. Not because she knew what was coming, although that was foremost in her mind, but because of the silent tears that were streaking down Alex's cheeks. She knew what was coming too.

Review for chapter two . . . more graphic scenes, though, so read on at your own risk. NO FLAMES!