"I don't want you to come. You were merely a distraction to me. How could someone like me choose you? You're a pathetic little human, just like another Jessica Stanley."
Flashback Ends
I still remember those words like he told them to me a minute ago. Those words cut me deep, and ripped my heart out. I used to be a weak, pathetic, little human. But now, I'm a cold, merciless, and powerful vampire named Isabella Marie Swan Volturi. That's right; I'm Aro Volturi's daughter. I am also the most powerful vampire in existence. My power is a sponge. I can absorb anyone's power, like a sponge. I can also make powers. For example, if I will for two people to become soul mates, then it will happen. I still remember the day that I ran away from Forks.
It was the day that Ed- he left me. Instead of moping around, I ran home to pack all of my belongings before my dad came home from work. A couple of days before he left me, he told me about the Volturi, a royal and powerful vampire family. Maybe they would change me, my lifelong dream. I left Charlie a note.
Dear Dad,
Edward left me today. I can't imagine life without him, so I'm running away from the place I met him: Forks. Don't come looking for me, because you will never find me. Remember that I will always love you. Tell mom and Phil that I love them too. Goodbye!
With that note as the only reminder of my existence, I took my ancient truck to the airport. I boarded the next plane to Volterra, Italy, the home of the Volturi.
Flashback Ends
I will never regret leaving the dreadful town called Forks. It was a depressing and dreary town. Now, I'm powerful, immortal, and unstoppable. I have a body that will put Rosalie's to shame. My strength exceeds Emmett's by a hundred fold.
"Isabella, time to feed," Aro said.
I teleported to the throne room, the place where we eat. The sight in from of me made me freeze mid-step.