Here is another 1shot i made. i will like to thank Toothless-the-nightfury for the idea and Designed To Kill for helping. hope you guys like this.


It was another beautiful day in Berk.

Hiccup, like always, wanted to go flying with his best friend, Toothless, who was a Night Fury. He walked out of his house, and made his way over to the cliff where the mighty Night Fury was waiting for him.

"Hey bud. Isn't this weather wonderful?" he asked Toothless once he was with in hearing distance. Toothless was staring out over the horizon, lost in his own thoughts. Hiccup tried again to get his friend's attention. "Hey, Toothless, isn't this weather wonderful?" he said, only a bit louder.

Once Toothless heard him, he sprinted towards Hiccup.

"Slow down! You're going to hurt-" the boy was pushed to the ground before he could finish the sentence. Followed by countless licks and purrs of happiness from his dragon.

"It-it's goo-good to see you too," Hiccup managed to say in between the licks. A few more seconds went by before Toothless had stopped.

Hiccup wiggled out of his grasp, wiped the dragon saliva from his face, then said "How about we go flying?"

Toothle nodded

Hiccup jumped onto the dragons back and strapped both his prosthetic leg and his good leg into place. He then patted Toothless on the head to let him that he was now ready.

Toothless leapt over the side of the cliff. As if Hiccup could read Toothless' thoughts, he maneuvered the tail fin so that they leveled out. They soared into the sky.

It was mid day, and the two were both enjoying the majestic scenery. The clouds looked as if someone had painted them across the sky, and they
reflected down onto the ocean, which looked glassy in the sunlight. A flock of birds were far out across the horizon, moving south for the winter that was slowly approaching.

It took their breath away.

As the afternoon made way for nightfall, the duo knew they had to start making their way back home. "I think it's time to head home now. It's getting dark, and I don't want to miss dinner."

Toothless groaned in agreement, and the two made their way home. Hiccup maneuvered Toothless to land on the beach next to the docks. They landed and Hiccup undid the straps in order to climb off of Toothless. He turned to face the dragon, but Toothless was already looking at him.

"Well, let's go eat," Hiccup said.

Toothless nodded his head and turned to walk toward Hiccup's house. Hiccup ran to catch up to his best friend. It was quite difficult for him, thanks to having only one good leg. But Toothless slowed down for him, and they were soon walking shoulder to shoulder as they made their way to dinner