Descendant of God

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto but I do own any oc's that I come up with.

Early Merry Christmas everyone since there is probably no way I'll be able to get an update by the time Christmas is actually here. Now, on with the story.

On the wall of the Hyubasa Clan Village.

"Man, guarding these walls suck, we never find anything exciting." one of the wall guards said. "Oh, just quit your complaining and be quiet. This is the easiest job there is." The guards were dressed in a light samurai style armor and carried a spear each. The symbol of the Hyubasa Clan was on the back of their armor.

"This might be easy but, it sure is boring as hell. I wish something exciting would happen." Just then they heard a large poof sound. They looked in the direction they heard the sound come from and were rewarded with a giant cloud of smoke which cleared up to reveal some large creature. It gave a roar and raised one of its arms sending it crashing into the segment of wall the two guards were on, killing them and crushing the wall.

Well folks you know what they say, be careful of what you wish for, cause it just might come true.

Deidara's Komodo Dragon bomb began to crush everything that was around it, destroying buildings and killing many people who were still in bed. As it continued going forward in its reign of doom Deidara watched from his perch on his clay dragon. He then brought the scope on his left eye into focus and looked at the large pile of rubble that used to be a segment of wall. Zooming in Deidara saw Itachi and Sasori sneak in while his giant bomb distracted everyone. Deciding to provide more of a distraction Deidara had his dragon suck in a segment of its tail. Its mouth bulged like it had bitten off a large chunk of meat. However instead of swallowing it the dragon opened its mouth slightly, revealing a bunch of spherical bombs that looked like small creatures.

Deidara then had the dragon fully open its mouth releasing all of the bombs. With a cry of "Katsu" the bombs when they started hitting the ground, exploded destroying good amounts of whatever area they landed in and, causing fires which spread quickly.

The Komodo Dragon sculpture was wreaking havoc on the village. Its limbs enhanced with Miracle Steel crushed anything that was in its path. Its snake tail swung itself around crashing into tons of buildings and destroying or badly damaging them. Suddenly the snake tail stopped moving, its mouth began to bulge as it got noticeably smaller. It lowered its head to the ground and opened its mouth releasing hundreds of small but long snakes which began slithering away to find a suitable target to blow up.

Guardsmen were currently rushing towards Deidara's massive creation to try and destroy it. So focused were they on this task that not one of them ever noticed the two extra ninja that had sneaked in. Civilians were now in a panic as many of them rushed out of their homes trying to escape the destruction and fires, many dressed up in only nightgowns or pajamas. Confusion was sowed into the ranks as most had absolutely no idea what was going on. So all of them were obviously surprised when small but long clay snakes started to appear everywhere. They were scared shitless when said snakes started to wrap around people and other objects and explode more often than not killing 3 to 4 others or starting new fires. Bits of people killed by the exploding snakes started to spray around as those who weren't killed whether they be guard or civilian were panicking.

Deidara watch these things happen atop his dragon. While he wasn't happy about killing them it had happened and there was no going back. He then pulled out four small clay birds. He threw them into the air and activated them, enveloping them in a cloud of smoke. The now activated bombs flew out of the smoke, they were now much larger then they had previously been. Deidara had them fly down and crash into the barrack district. Since most of the guards were asleep when the attack began, most of them were still inside of the barracks district when the clay birds came and crashed. Once they crashed Deidara said "Katsu" causing them to envelop themselves and the surrounding areas around them in large balls of fire completely destroying the place and killing people that were unfortunate to still be in the area.

The fires left over from the explosions started to spread from roof top to roof top thanks to the fact that some of the roofs were made of wood that had been slathered in oil for whatever reason. Several more clay bombs were sent in by Deidara, destroying even more of the barrack district, and killing many of the now fleeing guards.

Smirking Deidara watched as the barracks district went up in flames, killing a majority of the villages guards. There were still plenty of guards left, but now there numbers were significantly reduced.

Itachi and Sasori ran in after the Komodo bomb had smashed down the wall segment. They followed the path of destruction that the Komodo left behind. They ignored the screams of those who were either dying, terrified, or both. As they kept running they ran into a platoon of guards who were going to try and attack the Komodo from behind. Both groups just stared at each other for a few seconds before Itachi and Sasori took action. Itachi brought out his nodachi and ran straight towards the platoon before they had time to react.

Once he got to them he swung his nodachi, slicing off the heads of a few men before jumping back as a hailstorm of senbon needles descended upon the rest of the guards. Sasori smirked as he had his puppet close its mouth. The puppet he had out currently was Hiruko(1). Opening up the back of the puppet, Sasori jumped in and closed it up. Once inside Sasori had Hiruko's tail swing up and around smashing into those who were either still alive or those who were lucky enough to not have been hit by the senbon.

The remaining guards were thrown into a pile of rubble. Several cracks were heard signifying that bones were broken. A few of them got up from the attack but it was obvious they were in no condition to fight. Itachi put them out of their misery with several quick flicks of his wrist. Kunai were launched with precision aim right into each one of the poor, poor, guards. Each one hit their mark, killing the remaining guards.

Sasori's voice came out from his puppet gruffer than usual (thanks to the puppet) "Well, that was easy." "Well of course it was, they weren't ninja, just civilians armed with armor, a spear, and a week's worth of training compared to us." Itachi responded. Sasori nodded in agreement. "Well, we should probably split up now. After all we both have our tasks." Itachi merely nodded in agreement before running off in a different direction while Sasori simply headed straight for the tower.

As Sasori headed off for the tower he looked around surveying the damage done so far by Deidara. He had to admit, Deidara was good when it came to destroying things. Deidara certainly could make it as a demolitions expert if he wanted to. There was rubble and fire almost everywhere. Sasori could hear screams going throughout the village. He did feel guilty about killing so many innocent civilians, however this mission had to be done, and they were in the way.

He kept running forward, the puppet he was in making an occasional clanking noise, but staying quiet mostly. He heard the Komodo wreaking havoc upon the city from his location. It wasn't hard to miss either. Slowly Sasori began to near the second wall. However he saw that giant crossbows were being mounted on the walls. He looked at where they were being aimed and saw that they were aimed at Deidara and his dragon. 'Uh oh, Deidara, I hope you came prepared for this' Sasori thought to himself. Sasori picked up his pace in heading for the second wall.

As Itachi sliced the heads of several more guards he thought to himself 'too easy'. he smirked and dodged the jabs of several guards. He jumped onto one of the still extended spears surprising the man who held it. Itachi said "mind if I borrow this" right before disappearing along with the spear. He soon reappeared with the same spear now embedded in the back of its former owner. Itachi then took out several shuriken and threw them into the air. He also did a handsign, activating his genjutsu Utakata. The shuriken then turned into a hailstorm of crows right before the remaining guards eyes. Confused and unsure of what to do next they were easy pickings for Itachi. Having his crows fly towards the doomed guards he released the illusion showing them to have just been the shuriken he threw. It was too late for the guards to dodge them though, and so with wet squelches the shuriken each hit their mark killing the rest of the guards surrounding Itachi.

Itachi sighed and said to himself "Well, better go and look for more cannon fod- I mean guards" Itachi shook his head trying to correct himself. Itachi calmly walked around seeing no need to hurry. After all, even if he didn't kill the guards, then something else would. He was heading in the direction of the Komodo, calmly watching as it destroyed whatever it could. He heard several explosions and looked up to see Deidara and his clay dragon dropping bombs to help serve as a distraction from Sasori. Itachi picked up his pace and raced over to the Komodo.

He eventually reached a clearing that the Komodo made, however he saw that twenty guards had surrounded the Komodo in a large circle. Itachi could tell that there was something different about these guards. For starters their chakra levels were much higher than any of the normal cannon fod- I mean guards that he had killed so far. Itachi hid behind some rubble before any of them could notice him. He was interested in seeing what they were planning on doing to the Komodo.

He heard what he assumed to be the current leader amongst the men talking "Alright men, on my signal we give this thing hell. In three, two, one, NOW!" he yelled just as the Komodo was about to take a swipe at one of them. All of the guards did the same sets of handseals from what Itachi was able to see with his Sharringan on. The leader then shouted out "Ration: Mass Electric Field!" With a Smirk the guards watched as the Komodo was surrounded in a field of devastating electricity. he Komodo cried out, but whether from pain or not, no one knew. Itachi smirked and thought to himself 'normally lightning would cancel out Deidara's bombs, but this bomb is infused with Miracle Steel. So it'll just protect the bomb from all the lightning, and it will still work just fine."'

Once the jutsu was finished the guards though the bomb was deactivated and as such were completely unprepared when the Komodo swung its snake tail around killing off a good amount of them. "WHAT THE HELL? It shouldn't be working, our jutsu hit it head on. What's going on?" Sadly for him that question would never be answered as Itachi decided that those who hadn't been killed by the Komodo had been alive for too long and went to rectify that.

Deidara watched from the air as Itachi killed those fools for attacking his bomb. He shook his head sadly for the poor, poor, fools, while he wondered if there was anyone strong enough in this village to challenge them. Deidara soon began to hear whooshing sounds that were coming from several different directions. They were faint at first but they soon began to get louder as time went on. Focusing his scope in the direction he heard them from, Deidara was surprised to see giant arrows coming straight for him. It was a good thing that the people who fired them had horrible aim, as while the arrows did come in Deidara's direction they only came in the general area that he was in. They never actually hit him.

Sighing in relief Deidara then started to focus his scope trying to find out where the hell those arrows came from. He eventually came to look at the second wall. He saw that many of the guards there had set up giant crossbows all over the wall and on some of the buildings behind it. Smirking Deidara said "Well, can't have that now can we." He brought his hands up to form a hand seal. This caused his Komodo to start heading towards a heavily fortified gate on the second wall. This gate was the northern gate. It was one of 4 main gates that allowed entry into the inner part of the village.

The Komodo was getting hit by a large amount of arrows as it headed over to the gate. However it was a futile attempt that was being made by the guards as most if not all of their arrows just bounced of harmlessly, doing no real damage to the bomb. Eventually the guards began to get smarter as it wasn't long before they started to fire arrows filled with paper bombs.

As those same arrows began to go towards Deidara as well he sighed and remarked "well, at least they're being creative if nothing else, yeah." He then formed his hand seal causing his dragon to suck in several segments of its tail. The dragons mouth opened up again to spit out several miniature dragons which at once sped down and onto the defenses mounted at the northern gate. With a cry of "Katsu!" the dragons exploded as soon as they crashed onto the defenses.

The Komodo was almost upon the northern gate and was about to crush it and all of the defenders on it when something unexpected happened. Just as the Komodo raised its hand to smash down the next segment of wall it paused in its action. The guards who were cowering in fear did so for several seconds before they were wondering why they hadn't been crushed yet. Deidara looked on with confusion as he was wondering what was wrong with his wonderful piece of art.

It soon became apparent what was wrong when a large and long gash started to appear on the neck of the Komodo. It traveled all the way through the Komodo's neck until it reached the other side. The head then fell off its body and crashed into the ground causing looks of surprise to be shared with anyone who saw this happen. Soon the rest of the body simply collapsed onto the ground, as this happened Deidara stared on with utter shock written all over his face.

Deidara then looked down and as shadows began to cover his eyes he spoke in a slowly ascending tone "Whoever did that to my beautiful work of art IS GONNA DIE SUCH A HORRIBLE DEATH THAT IT"LL MAKE DROWNING IN A POOL OF ELECTRIFIED HYDROCHLORIC ACID LOOK GOOD IN COMPARISON, YEAH!"

No one noticed the glowing seal that had appeared on the Komodo. It disappeared however before anyone was able to see it.

A man dressed in samurai armor stood atop the roof of a tower inside the second wall. He had red hair that spiked up to the right side of his head and he had purple eyes that were on a slightly angular face. He held his sword out in front of him in an after slashing position, the body of the Komodo right in front of him. As he slowly began to put his sword away he began to hear a faint shouting noise in the air; it sounded like someone was yelling about some sort of acid or whatnot. He looked in the direction he heard the noise come from and saw in the night sky the shadowed form of a dragon and an outline of a man riding it.

'Deidara the Demolisher(2)' our mysterious ninja said to himself. He recognized the way the Komodo was made, when he had severed its head off its body he had felt a hard outer covering but after he had gotten past it he began to realize it was clay he was cutting into. He knew of only one shinobi that used clay in their ninjutsu, and that was Deidara the Demolisher.

The mysterious ninja looked up again at the position he had last seen Deidara and was surprised to find that the shadowed form had now grown bigger and seemed to only get bigger as time went on, quickly realizing that he had been discovered he began to move over to a different location.

As Deidara and his enhanced clay dragon came closer to the second wall and for Deidara the one who had destroyed his beautiful piece of art; the guards manning the crossbows had begun to fire at Deidara again. This time however their aim was a lot better not that he was closer to them and it was starting to show as his dragon kept getting hit by giant exploding arrows. However Deidara didn't infuse this clay dragon with Miracle Steel for nothing and it showed, as the enhanced clay dragon wasn't too badly damaged by the exploding arrows.

Deidara then decided if he was ever going to avenge his precious work of art (he had spent weeks making the darned thing) then he was going to have to abandon his dragon. Now how to do that while making it a bang? He then got struck with an idea. Grinning evilly he rubbed his hands together and began cackling like the maniac he was.

He had his dragon make a sharp turn left and was now on a direct collision course with the northern gate. With his sudden change in direction it took a few seconds for the guards to realize that Deidara wasn't anywhere in their current aim. Taking a few more second to correct their aim the guards now were firing desperately in order to try and stop Deidara and his dragon from crashing into the gate. Normally they wouldn't have been so worried about a bunch of clay hitting the gate but they knew that Deidara's clay caused big explosions and add to the fact that there arrows hadn't done much to either of his creations, and there was no way in hell that they were willing to allow that clay dragon to crash into the gate.

Sadly for them they didn't have much of a choice in the matter as Deidara's reckless charge neared its end. However right before the dragon crashed into the gate Deidara jumped off of it and onto the wall, while calling out "Katsu!". With a loud crash the dragon slammed itself into the gate and went up in a large explosion. It completely enveloped the entire gate and a few segments of the surrounding wall and left a large crater where the gate use to be.

Deidara looked on for a few seconds in admiration of what his art could do. He wasn't given much time to look though as his danger senses warned him to move his head. Good thing he listened to them, otherwise his head would have just been skewered by a spear. Looking for the source of the attack Deidara saw that he was faced with a lot of the wall defenders. All of them were glaring at him and were brandishing their weapons while the once which had tried to kill him made another jab for his head.

Deidara grabbed the spear as it was thrust forward, stopping it from hitting him, and then he pushed his palm onto the guard's stomach and said a word that terrified the poor guard, "Boom". Deidara then did several back flips in order to get away from the guard. The guard looked at his stomach and saw a clay spider on it. Deidara then brought his hands together and whispered "Katsu" thus causing the spider to explode and kill the guard.

After that Deidara pulled out of his pockets 2 clay birds that he had made before hand. He threw them up into the air and had them fly towards the other guards who were preparing to charge him. With a cry of "Katsu!" the birds crashed down and enveloped them in an explosion. Sighing at all of these pathetic attempts that were made to stop him Deidara jumped over the 2 new craters he had made simply began running along until he had found a good rooftop to jump onto.

Doing said action he afterwards began looking around to see if there were any enemies around, and his caution proved to serve him well as an enemy ninja shunshined right behind him. Deidara turned around surprised at first, before he recognized this ninja to be the one who had stopped his Komodo (It really helps that he had his scope on). He gained a grin on his face and started to speak "Well, well, well, it seems like I'll be able to get my revenge after all, yeah."

The mystery ninja from before glared at Deidara and said "So you're the bastard who's been helping to destroy my village. Well, it won't matter as you'll be dead soon enough." With that the ninja drew out his sword and spoke "Before we fight though I think that I should introduce myself to you, seeing as how I'll be the last name you ever hear again."

"My name is Kyogou Hyubasa (3), now you may die knowing the name of your superior Deidara."

"Arrogance huh, well can't say it doesn't fit you. Now why don't we get started, yeah." Deidara said.

Sasori sighed to himself as he looked at his enemies. He had climbed up and down the second wall with no trouble. It was only when he reached the ground again that his trouble started. He had been surrounded by no less than 40 members of the Hyubasa Advanced Guard. These guys wore a heavy samurai armor and carried very dangerous looking battle axes. They also had air filters/masks on their faces that processed their voices.

"Come quietly Akasuna no Sasori and we may make your death a little less painful." one of the guards said.

"Oh, well when ya put it that way, then NO!" With that Sasori swung Hiruko's large tail sweeping away seven of the Advanced Guard that weren't quick enough to get out of the way.

They ended up getting thrown into a wall which was destroyed by the force of their crash. Giving up their brethren for dead, the rest of the Advanced Guards rushed at Sasori and tried to kill him with their axes. They failed to do so as Sasori blocked them all with Hiruko's tail. Jumping backwards, Sasori fired several missiles from Hiruko's left arm. As the missiles were heading toward their targets, they opened up in midair to reveal hundreds of senbon needles laced with Sasori's deadly poison.

As Sasori landed, he watched with a satisfied smirk as his senbon his their mark. There were simply too many senbon for any of the Advanced Guard to dodge. Now, normally senbon; even in massive numbers, wouldn't do much to a person wearing heavy armor. However, if we remember that Sasori laces all of his weapons with his extremely agonizing and deadly poison for which there is no cure; then all that really needs to happen is for a few senbon to pierce the vulnerable joints of the heavy armor.

And that's exactly what happened. Sasori heard the satisfying sound of senbon piercing flesh amidst the more numerous sound of metal hitting metal. Once the barrage had ended Sasori was about to leave when he saw several bodies move. They fell to the ground to reveal seven guys who hadn't a single senbon on them. Figuring out how the escaped injury Sasori narrowed his eyes and said "So you used your own comrades as meat shield, didn't you?"

One of the surviving men spoke, his voice showing no remorse "Oh please, as if your any better Sasori. Last time I checked you betrayed your own village, and now you're an S-ranked nuke-nin. So don't talk to any of us about betrayal."

"Even so, I would never purposefully put one of my own comrades in danger like that. That's just a new type low." Sasori responded.

"How dare you insult us!" one of the Advanced Guard said. He rushed at Sasori, his axe flowing with chakra to increase its power and swung it at him in an attempt to kill Sasori. His attack failed as Hiruko opened up its mouth at point-blank range and fired a barrage of senbon into the guard. The guard managed to bring up his axe at the last moment to block the incoming barrage. That combined with his heavy armor protected him from all of the senbon Sasori sent at him. Thinking he was safe the man let his guard down and ended up getting smashed by the giant scorpion tail right into another wall.

Hearing a sickening crunch, the now six remaining Advanced Guard members all decided to rush Sasori at the same time. They each swung their axes from different directions in the hopes of landing a hit. Their efforts proved futile as Sasori used Hiruko's tail to block all of their attacks. The only thing they seemed to do was make him annoyed.

Sending the tail upward, Sasori then brought it back down extremely fast on the head of one of the men; crushing it and getting a mixture of blood and brains on the weapon. Grimacing in disgust Sasori flicked the tail in order to get rid of the filth and ended up hitting another one of the guards. Knocking that one out, Sasori was now down to four nervous looking enemies.

They tried to reassure themselves that they could take Sasori down, but after seeing all of their comrades get slaughtered with relative ease; their confidence had understandably taken a nosedive.

Sasori, having gotten tired of this fired another one of Hiruko's missiles and watch satisfied as it exploded in midair and unleashed a quick spreading fire onto the four remaining Advanced Guards.

Sasori then left them to burn as he hurried over to the giant tower that was in the center of the village. He managed to do a good job of sneaking around even though he was inside the bulky frame of Hiruko.

Eventually, Sasori reached the tower after over half an hour of sneaking around. He entered it by going through a lesser used entrance (in other words, he broke a hole through the wall). Sasori walked through his makeshift entrance and was faced with a room filled with giant crossbows that were loaded with large arrows aimed at him. Sasori and somehow Hriuko's eyes widened at the sight of all the deadly weapons pointing at him.

"Shit" was all Sasori said before the crossbows started firing at him. With all of the deadly projectiles coming at him and them being too big to block with Hiruko's tail, Sasori instead leapt into the air and landed on one of the arrows. Hiruko's body was surprisingly moving quite well considering how bulky it was; although that could have just been due to the fact that Sasori was such an excellent puppeteer. Continuing on with jumping onto the arrows in order to get higher, Sasori ended up reaching one of the crossbows that was firing at him.

Appearing in midair right in front of the startled men, Sasori raised Hiruko's tail and brought it smashing down onto the crossbow; destroying it. Using his tail as a spring, Sasori then launched himself away from the area an ended up appearing in front of another crossbow. After destroying that one and using his tail as a spring again, Sasori ended up in a sort of repeating pattern with the only difference being that he got closer and closer to the ceiling.

Eventually Sasori got close enough to the ceiling that he was able to use his tail to attach himself to it. Climbing up his tail while still having to be wary of the arrows that were being fired at him from the crossbows that he didn't destroy was no easy, or fun task. In fact there were several times where he thought the tail might come out of the ceiling.

It held true, and soon enough Sasori climbed up to the point where he was too far from the arrow's reach. Once he reached the point where he could touch the ceiling, Sasori punched a hole through it and climbed through it. Once he was through and on solid ground again, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He may not get tired, but climbing a precariously hanging tail while he was being shot at with large arrows was not something he did for fun. Once he had calmed down enough, Sasori pulled out a map of the inside of the Tower. Looking at it, he was able to see that he was on the 23rd floor of the tower. Sasori wondered just how big the room below him must really have been.

Sasori then began looking around trying to find the way leading to the library. Once he found a door on the map that seemed to head there he put it away and began running trying to find the door. Once he had found it he opened it and instead of the hallway leading to the library he was greeted with the sight of a hot girl just coming out of the shower.

The girl saw him and screamed "PERVERT!" while Sasori began apologizing profusely. Righteous feminine fury taking her over, the girl ripped a sink out of its hinges and threw it a poor Sasori who hadn't the time to dodge it. It was a good thing he was made out of wood otherwise that would have hurt. It was also good that he was still inside Hiruko which took most of the blow of the sink for him.

Sasori heard the door slam shut as he lay on the ground trying to get the sink off of him. Once he succeeded he pulled out his map again and looked at the spot where he should have gone to get to the library. The spot was a hallway which branched out into three separate paths. The correct hallway that should have led to the library had an image of a samurai hanging next to the correct path.

Once Sasori had retraced his steps he saw that all the hallways had a picture of the same samurai. "What the hell! Talk about bad taste in decor. I mean really, that picture is awful. It sooooo does not go with the color of the wall. The background is totally wrong. Wait a minute, WHY THE HELL DO I EVEN CARE ABOUT THIS CRAP?"

After questioning his sanity for a few seconds, Sasori pulled out his map again and this time carefully followed it. Once he was positive he had the right door he opened it carefully. When he saw no naked women he knew it was safe and walked into the room.

The room was quite big even though it was painted a plain grey color. There were various lights at the top of the room in order to keep it lit. The only noticeable thing in the room was the large set of straight going stairs with no railing. From what Sasori knew, those stairs lead to the library.

However, right as he was about to go up those stairs, the doors at the top of them opened up and a man walked out of them. The man was dressed up in a leather armor with metal plating on the shoulders, elbows, hands, waist, and knees. The man had long black hair and grey eyes and looked to be about 21 years old.

The man narrowed his eyes at the sight of Sasori and said "I don't know who you are (4), but the fact that you are in a place where only the great Hyubasa Clan members are allowed is more than enough reason for me to kill you."

"Awwww, you hurt my feelings." Sasori responded with obvious sarcasm in his voice.

"You will regret those words, although I believe that before I kill you, a proper introduction is in order. My name is Jisonshin Hyubasa(5)." the now identified Jisonchin said.

He raised an eyebrow when he didn't hear a response from Sasori. Seeing his face, Sasori said "What, just because you revealed your name to me I'm suppose to do the same to you. It would have been better if you had just kept your mouth shut cause now I know whose grave to dance over after the funeral." Sasori hoped that saying this would get his opponent riled.

He was not disappointed.

"You will pay for that you worthless bastard!" Jisonshin said enraged.

"Bring it on, we'll see if you can backup all that anger." Sasori smirked.

Itachi watched as Deidara's clay dragon smashed into the gates before going up in an explosion and taking out the entire gate. 'Well, guess that makes my job easier. '

Itachi snuck into the giant opening created by Deidara and went about his task of killing any guards that he came across. He let the civilians he saw go unharmed except for the occasional arrogant snob who he gladly killed. Hey, he was doing the world a favor, it's not like we actually need them anyways. He had grown up in a clan where arrogant snobs never seemed to stop popping out of the ground, so he was easily able to recognize a snob when he saw one.

But, back to the story.

As Itachi ran around the inner city he noticed how the buildings here looked to be much more expensive than the buildings outside the second wall. The architecture was far more elaborate and beautiful than the outer city where the buildings were plain and simple. The buildings were also far bigger than the outer cities by 5 stories at least.

The inner city was obviously where the rich people lived if any of those facts were indicators.

As he looked around for more people to kill he sensed that a large group of armed people were approaching him. Itachi allowed them to approach him, as it was his job to kill them.

Once the group reached him, Itachi saw that they were dressed only in black leather armor. They had black masks on their faces that only showed their eyes. Each of them carried a wakizashi that was sheathed behind their lower backs. They were scattered all over the tops of buildings; having shushined to him. They were then followed by a big muscled man who had a heavy tan. His hair was gut back to military style and the clothing he wore consisted of a yellow sleeveless shirt with a whit scarf along with camouflage pants and black combat boots.

He carried with him a large hammer that looked like it would take a lot of effort to weild. Although the man looked like he had no trouble wielding it whatsoever. The man spoke in a deep voice "Clan killer Uchiha Itachi, I would recognize your treacherous face anywhere. Now, just stay still and I promise that I Gardoma Hyubasa will try to have the Hyubasa Assassination Force make your dead as painless as possible, even though you're a filthy traitor."

Itachi felt the sting of those comments on the inside, but on the outside he showed no visible reaction whatsoever save for one thing. He raised his right hand in the form of a fist, and then lifted up his middle finger right there for everyone to see.

The Assassination Force members gulped at seeing this out of fear for what Gardoma would do. Gardoma was a somewhat good guy, but he was quick to anger.

Seething with rage at Itachi's insult, Gardoma let out a battle cry and charged Itachi. He swung his hammer above his head and once he reached Itachi, he sung it through him.

No, it literally went right through him. Gardoma was shocked as his hammer went through a now transparent Itachi. "Wha?" was all Gardoma was able to say, not being able to comprehend what just happened.

As Itachi turned normal again he said "Jigoku Genkaku (6)."

The environment suddenly began to convulse and warp into a goopy substance that began to rise up and cover everyone save Itachi.

Naruto felt a slight tingle on his arm and looked only to see that a seal was glowing. Sasori had put a seal on Naruto that would alert him as to when the Komodo had been defeated. Naruto then left his hiding spot amongst the trees and raced towards the village. It wasn't really hard to know what direction he was suppose to go in. All he really had to do was follow the direction where giant clouds of smoke and fire filled the night sky.

It took a few minutes for Naruto to get to the Southern Outer Gate. Once he arrived he was greeted to the sight of two massive doors that had iron on the outlines and stone that was reinforced with chakra. The doors also had the symbol of the Hyubasa Clan on them.

Naruto then stopped in front of them and waited. He didn't have to wait long as the gate doors opened inward allowing him entrance into the village. As Naruto walked in he looked up at the wall part of the gate where the guards were suppose to be. He saw that they were all dead, massacred by Sasori's spy of which Naruto had been informed of.

All of a sudden Naruto sensed someone coming from the wall. Immediately putting himself on guard he was greeted with the sight of Kabuto Yakushi, the spy that Sasori had sent in.

"Well Naruto-kun, it's good to see that you made it on time. I'm glad that my work wasn't for nothing." Kabuto said sheepishly.

Naruto just narrowed his eyes and said "Your obviously stronger than you let on. what's the point of hidding yourself from me? I'm not your enemy." Indeed it was true; currently Kabuto looked pretty harmless with his glasses and friendly expression on his face.

"Well, you never know what could happen, better safe than sorry after all." Kabuto said still keeping his sheepish expression.

Naruto sighed and was about to go when he thought of something "How did you kill all those guards anyways?"

"Oh, well let's just say that I'm a medic nin." Kabuto replied.

That was more than enough info for Naruto who had been taught by his niisans about the dangers of medic nins. With that, Naruto went off into the village; heading towards the second wall.

"Well folks, it looks like things are getting intense. We all have our own enemies to face off. Who will win, well we won't tell you so you'll have to tune in next time on Descendant of God, yeah!"

"Oh please, it's obvious that I'll win against my opponent Deidara."

"Damnit, shut up Itachi, no one likes you, yeah."

"Oh I think you'll find that to be quite the contrary." Hands Deidara fan results "Oh my god, I don't even think there are that many people on the planet, yeah."

"Well, Ja ne everybody, yeah" Deidara goes over to a corner to sulk while Itachi smirks victoriously.

(1): Yes, the same Hiruko from Shippuden.

(2): Deidara's nickname

(3): Kyogou means arrogance.

(4): The reason why Jisonshin doesn't know who Sasori is, is due the fact that 1: Sasori is inside Hiruko, and 2: Jisonshin has been in the library the who time and so was never informed of events going on outside and also never saw Sasori go into Hiruko.

(5): Jisonshin means pride.

(6): Hell Illusion

Well hope you enjoyed this chapter. And please review.