Author: Hi there, this is my first Bobobo fic so I hope I did alright. This is based around 37 where everyone's been turned into kids. Here's just a little something that could have happened, enjoy!

"Let's go in the tunnels, we'll show him how we kids fight!" beauty just stood baffled watching as Bobobo and others ran towards the tunnel maze with Nightmares chasing after them.

"Bobobo could use some help, you better stay here Beauty I'll go help Mr Bobobo" before Beauty could so a word she watched Gasser chasing after Bobobo in the tunnels.

"Gasser... please be alright" Beauty whispered softly feeling a deep part of her heart tearing away.

"Hey Beauty, want to play a game with me?" following the source of the voice, Beauty was met with a lock of short blonde hair bubbling innocently at her.

"Um, sure, I guess Suzu" Suzu smiled cheerfully as she grabbed Beauty's hand dragging the pinkette away.

"Okay, first you have to hide and then I'll find you okay?" blinking unsurely, Beauty just shrugged her shoulders before nodding her head in agreement. "Okay, I'll count to 20 and you have to hide"

"Hai, but what happens when you find me?"

"I have to catch you and then..." Suzu paused for a moment building the tension in the atmosphere. "Well, better start running, 1,2..." Beauty ran as fast as her legs could take her whilst Suzu just turned around covering her eyes with her hands.

Passing by the happy children, Beauty wondered around through the playground looking side to side for a hiding spot. "Now let's see..." her sapphire gem eyes caught sight of a small arched tunnel grabbing the girl's attention. "Perfect!"

Beauty lied down low along the mulch covered ground smiling playfully as she waited to be found. A few minutes passed by still nothing, Beauty began to feel bored before feeling an eerie presence among her. Her eyes cornered at the sides of her eyes before turning her head to find a pair of magenta coloured eyes staring at her. "Found you"

Springing her legs up, Beauty was about to make a run for it before feeling a heavy weight being dropped against her back plummeting her back towards the ground. "I caught you" Suzu sang happily in Beauty's ear.

"Okay, now I've got to catch you" Suzu shook her head earning a questioning look from Beauty. Suzu retreated off Beauty letting the young girl gather herself together.

"Yes, but first since I caught you..." a sly grin ran thin along Suzu's lips as she took a step towards Beauty. Beauty felt her heart beginning to race as Suzu retreated the girl against the wall of the tunnel bringing her head close to Beauty's. Before Beauty could process her thoughts she was met with a pair of small soft loving lips capturing her own. She felt a warm glowing presence on her cheeks noticing a cherry blush glowing happily.

From what seemed like an eternity to Beauty, Suzu pulled away leaving the pinkette dazzled in amazement. "Okay, now you have to catch me!" Suzu called out as she ran off.


"Beauty, we're leaving!" Bobobo called out as he walked towards the exit. Beauty trailed after with Suzu not too far behind. Beauty stared over her shoulder at the shy blonde following after averting her eyes away from Beauty.

Beauty smiled warmly as she ran back towards Suzu before grasping the blonde's hand in her own. Suzu looked up at Beauty who smiled at her with a warm gentle smile easing the girl's fears. "We should play that game another time, right Suzu?"

Suzu just smiled nodding her head happily. "Sure"


Author: I hope I did alright, okay so the timing of the game doesn't fit into the episode but who cares. Hope you enjoyed this and don't forget to review, I'm open to what you have to say!